Aug. 30, 2005: v4.5 released * License changed to GNU LGPL. * The Make/ directory removed; configurations are now in ../UFconfig. * requires AMD v1.2 or later * added UMFPACK_MAIN_VERSION and UMFPACK_SUB_VERSION, defined as 4 and 5, respectively, for version 4.5. These macros will be updated for all future versions. See Source/umfpack.h for details. * function pointers used for malloc, free, calloc, realloc, printf, hypot, and complex divide. Defined in AMD/Source/amd_global.c, AMD/Source/amd_internal.h, UMFPACK/Source/umfpack_global.c, and UMFPACK/Include/umfpack_global.h. Compile-time dependence on The MathWorks "util.h", ut* routines and ut* macros removed. Jan. 28, 2005: v4.4 released * bug fix: when Qinit is provided to umfpack_*_qsymbolic, only the symmetric and unsymmetric strategies are now permitted. The auto and 2-by-2 strategies are not allowed. In v4.3 and earlier, providing Qinit and requesting the symmetric strategy did not always work (you got the unsymmetric strategy instead). This does not affect umfpack_*_symbolic, which computes its own ordering and can use all 4 strategies (auto, symmetric, unsymmetric, and 2-by-2). * umfpack_get_determinant added. * packed complex case added for all routines (previously only used in umfpack_report_vector). This allows arrays of ANSI C/C++ complex type to be passed directly to UMFPACK. * added umf_multicomple.c to assist in the compilation of UMFPACK in Microsoft Visual Studio, which does not have the required flexibility of the Unix "make" command. * local variable declarations reordered to encourage double-word alignment of double's and Entry's, for better performance. * note that with the exception of the behavior when a user-provided ordering is passed to umfpack_*_qsymbolic, versions 4.1 through 4.4 have comparable performance (ordering quality, memory usage, and run time). v4.1 is much better than v4.0 in performance. Jan. 11, 2005: v4.3.1 released * bug fix in umf_solve. This bug is only the 4th one found in the C versions of UMFPACK to date (Version 3.0 to 4.3.1, from March 2001 to Jan. 2005, excluding workarounds for quirky compilers). No bugs have been reported in the last Fortran version of UMFPACK (MA38, or UMFPACK V2.2.1) since its release in Jan. 1998. In Version 4.3, a bug in umf_solve caused iterative refinement to be disabled when solving A'x=b or A.'x=b after factorizing A. Modified the umfpack mexFunction to factorize A and then solve A'x=b when performing the operation x=b/A (as "umfpack(b,'/',A). Note that this has no effect on the use of UMFPACK in MATLAB itself, since MATLAB does not use the umfpack mexFunction for x=b/A. When computing x=b/A, MATLAB factorizes A' and computes x=(A'\b')' instead. The following source code files changed: UMFPACK/MATLAB/umfpackmex.c (see above) UMFPACK/Source/umf_solve.c (see source code: 2 lines changed) UMFPACK/Include/umfpack.h (version and date changed) UMFPACK/MATLAB/umfpack_test.m (new file) Jan. 16, 2004: v4.3 released. * user interface of v4.3 is upwardly-compatible with v4.2 and v4.1. No bugs found in v4.1 (except for one workaround for an old compiler). These changes add features only. * Note that v4.0 has a bug in umf_scale_column.c. The bug was patched in that version on Jan. 12, 2004. The bug does not appear in v4.1 and later. The bug is thus present in MATLAB 6.5, but it occurs very rarely, fortunately. It can occur when dividing a nonzero entry in the pivot column by the pivot value results in an underflow. * <float.h> added to umfpackmex.c, for DBL_EPSILON. Some non-standard compilers (Microsoft Visual C++) require this. * #pragma added to umf_analyze.c, as a workaround around a bug in an old Intel compiler. * mexFunction interface to MATLAB modified. Call to mexCallMATLAB removed, which can be slow. In V4.1 it was used only to get MATLAB's spparms ('spumoni') value. * The AMD mexFunction was also modified in the same way (v1.1), with the call to mexCallMATLAB removed. Note that UMFPACK v4.1 through v4.3 can use either AMD v1.0 or AMD v1.1. * -DNO_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO option added. If this non-default option is enabled at compile time, and if the pivot value is zero, then no division occurs (zeros on the diagonal of U are treated as if they were equal to one). By default, the division by zero does occur. * -DNO_TIMER option added. If this non-default option is enabled at compile time, then no timers (times ( ), clock ( ), getrusage ( )) are used. V4.2: A special release for COMSOL, Inc., only (FEMLAB) * drop tolerance added. A few new parameters in the Control array are used, and a few new Info entries. May 6, 2003: V4.1 released. * No bugs were found in the prior version, Version 4.0. New features added only. Major changes throughout the code. User interface nearly unchanged, however. * Version 4.1 is upward-compatible with Version 4.0. The calling sequence of some user-callable routines in Version 4.0 have changed in this version. The routines umfpack_*_symbolic, umfpack_*_qsymbolic, umfpack_*_get_symbolic, and umfpack_*_get_numeric have new arguments added to them. The new arguments are optional. If you want to use a calling sequence similar to v4.0, simply pass NULL pointers in place of the new arguments. There are two new timing routines, umfpack_tic and umfpack_toc. A new user-callable routine, umfpack_*_scale, has been added. * "auto", "unsymmetric", "symmetric", and "2-by-2" strategies added. The symmetric strategy uses AMD on A+A' as the column preordering, followed by a postorder of the assembly tree of A+A'. Column ordering refinement is turned off, and diagonal entries are prefered as pivots. V4.0 only had the unsymmetric strategy. The 2-by-2 strategy does row permutations and attempts to find a zero-free diagonal while at the same time maintaining structural symmetry, and then uses the symmetric strategy on the permuted matrix. * row-scaling added. The default is to divide each row by the sum of the absolute values of each row. Other options are no scaling, and to divide each row by the max abs value in each row. * Matrices with upper bound memory usage greater than the maximum integer (2GB for 32-bit int's) can now be factorized (assuming the actual memory usage is still less than the maximum integer). With this change, the UMFPACK_ERROR_problem_too_large error code is no longer returned. * The current frontal matrix (Work->Fx) is no longer allocated as a static size, via malloc. It can grow and shrink, and is allocated from Numeric->Memory. * The AMD (Version 1.0) package is now required. It is available separately. To compile UMFPACK, it must appear as ../AMD if you are in the main UMFPACK directory. * The UMFPACK mexFunction now uses the internal utMalloc, utRealloc, and utFree routines, by default (except on Windows). * Three control parameters for modifying relaxed amalgamation removed. These values are now fixed at compile-time. * Many new statistics added to Info, and new control parameters added. * The umfpack mexFunction now returns permutation matrices for P and Q, not permutation vectors. It also returns the scale factors as a diagonal matrix. The factorization is now L*U = P*(R\A)*Q. * Option added for controlling the initial allocation of the workspace for the current frontal matrix. * pivot tolerance of zero treated differently. symmetric pivot tolerance added. * Makefile and GNUmakefile changed. umf_* routines with no double or complex values are now compiled just twice (int and long versions) rather than 4 times. * New routines added to save and load the Numeric and Symbolic objects to/from binary files. * Simple Fortran interface added. Apr 11, 2002: * Version 4.0 released. * bug fix: the Microsoft compiler doesn't handle NaN's properly. utIsNaN, and other ut* routines, added for MathWorks version to handle this properly. Apr 1, 2002: * bug fix: if a column was all NaN's, then UMFPACK would fail to find a pivot row. umf_row_search.c and umf_internal.h modified to fix this problem. Mar 9, 2002: V4.0beta released * Map argument added to umfpack_*_triplet_to_col. New files (umf_triplet.[ch]) added. * minor changes made so that UMFPACK can be compiled with g++ * additional error checking added to umfpack_*_numeric, for detecting more changes in pattern (Ap, Ai) since last call to umfpack_*_symbolic Feb 21, 2002: * User Guide explains the Makefile vs. GNUmakefile * umf_config.h modified, so that the complex SCSL C-BLAS uses (void *) arguments instead of (scsl_zomplex *). gcc generates some spurious warnings (cc doesn't complain). Affects the SGI IRIX only. * ported to Compaq Alpha Feb 20, 2002: V4.0 (alpha) released. * V4.0 not yet ported to the Compaq Alpha (V3.2 was ported). Feb 6 to Feb 19, 2002: * Relaxed restrictions on sizes of arrays for umfpack_*_transpose and umfpack_*_triplet_to_col. Size of "max(n,nz)" now just size nz. * workspace for umfpack_*_wsolve increased in size. * two user arrays for umfpack_*_get_symbolic increased in size, by 1 (Chain_maxrows, Chain_maxcols). * lu_normest.m added. Jan 18 to Feb 5, 2002: * The matrix A can be complex, singular, and/or rectangular. The solve step that uses the LU factors can only handle matrices that are complex or real, singuluar or non-singular, and *** square ***, however. * Estimate of the condition number computed: (min (abs (diag (U))) / (max (abs (diag (U))))) * Forward/backsolves can solve with A.' as well as A'. * char * arguments removed from user-callable routines to make it easier for Fortran to call UMFPACK. No Fortran interface is (yet) provided, however. The solve codes for umfpack_*_*solve changed to #define'd integers: UMFPACK_A Ax=b UMFPACK_At A'x=b UMFPACK_Aat A.'x=b UMFPACK_Pt_L P'Lx=b UMFPACK_L Lx=b UMFPACK_Lt_P L'Px=b UMFPACK_Lat_P L.'Px=b UMFPACK_Lt L'x=b UMFPACK_U_Qt UQ'x=b UMFPACK_U Ux=b UMFPACK_Q_Ut QU'x=b UMFPACK_Q_Uat QU.'x=b UMFPACK_Ut U'x=b UMFPACK_Uat U.'x=b All arguments are now either int, long scalars (pass by value), or int, long, double arrays (pass by reference), or void * pointers (pass by value or reference). A void * pointer is of size 32 or 64 bits on most machines. There is no need for the caller (C or Fortran) to dereference the void * pointers, so these can be treated as integer*4 or integer*8 in Fortran. A Fortran interface would have to have all arguments passed by reference. * All user-callable routine names changed. The four sets are now: umfpack_di_* real (double precision), int's as integers umfpack_dl_* real (double precision), longs's as integers umfpack_zi_* real (double precision), int's as integers umfpack_zl_* real (double precision), longs's as integers * Ptree (row preordering) and info on pivotal rows for each front added to Symbolic object (extracted by umfpack_*_get_symbolic). Ptree added as output argument to "umfpack (A, 'symbolic')" mexFunction. * umfpack_*_transpose can do A' or A.' * umfpack_wsolve.c file removed (now generated from umfpack_solve.c). * Can now extract just the diagonal of U with umfpack_*_get_numeric, without having to extract the entire matrix U. * UMFPACK_ERROR_singular_matrix (-2) removed. * UMFPACK_WARNING_singular_matrix (1) added. * Control [UMFPACK_PIVOT_OPTION] removed. No longer any symmetric pivot option (conflicts with the handling of singular and rectangular matrices). * Iterative refinement can do Ax=b, A'x=b, or A.'x=b. * Most floating-point operations done in macros, to support the complex versions. * Info [UMFPACK_N] is now Info [UMFPACK_NROW] * Info [UMFPACK_NCOL], Info [UMFPACK_UDIAG_NZ], Info [UMFPACK_UDIAG_NZ] added. * umfpack_* routines with "n" as input now use two arguments, n_row and n_col. * umfpack mexFunction now explicitly transposes A for b/A. It computes it using the array transpose as (A.'\b.').' January 1, 2002: UMFPACK Version 3.2 released. Submitted to ACM Trans. on Mathematical Software. * The umfpack mexFunction now returns the Info array when the matrix is singular. Returned an empty array prior to this change. * Renamed variable that conflicted with system library routines (system and j1). * Added a #ifdef MATHWORKS definition, so the built-in UMFPACK routine (in a future release of MATLAB) can use the internal ut* memory allocation routines, ut* assertion routine, and utPrintf. * MAX and MIN are not defined if they are already defined. * A bug fix in umf_kernel_init (a variable was not properly initialized). * Removed unused variables. October 8, 2001: UMFPACK Version 3.1 released. August-October, 2001: * added umfpack_btf M-file. * modified the BLAS update in the frontal matrix. If there are only a few pivots in remaining in the current front, then the BLAS3 update is delayed to include pivots in the next front. * Removed the special-case handling of dense columns from the numerical factorization (kept it in the colamd preordering). This improves the performance of UMFPACK on dense matrices by a factor of 5 or so, and simplifies the code. * Added a symmetric-preference pivoting option. The option slightly (but uniformly) improves the ordering when factorizing matrices with symmetric nonzero pattern. That class of matrix is better handled by the symmetric-pattern multifrontal method (MA41 in the Harwell Subroutine Library), however. * Fixed the detection of integer overflow. The 32-bit version cannot make use of more than 2GB of main memory (use the 64-bit version in that case, instead). The 32-bit version did not correctly detect when it was trying to factorize too large of a matrix. May 4, 2001: * SGI port extended. It can now call the SCSL Scientific Library, with 64-bit BLAS. Make.sgi and umf_config.h modified. April 30, 2001: UMFPACK Version 3.0 released. Changes since 3.0Beta release: * Long integer version added (umfpack_l_* user-callable routines). * Peak memory usage in the numerical factorization reduced by a total of 12n integers (8n temporary workspace used during numerical factorization, and 4n for the permanent LU factors which was allocated at the beginning of factorization). * Ported to the IBM RS 6000 and Compaq Alpha, with help from Anshul Gupta and Friedrich Grund, respectively. * 64-bit version added. Uses dgemm_64, dgemv_64, and dger_64 in the Sun Performance Library. 64-bit versions with the BLAS might not work on any other platform, because they take int's as their integer input arguments instead of long's. Unfortunately, the proposed ANSI definition of the C-BLAS also uses int's as input integer arguments. It ought to use long's, or include a version that uses long's, just like the Sun Performance Library BLAS. * Additional statistics returned in Info: Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_INT] sizeof (int) Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_LONG] sizeof (long) Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_POINTER] sizeof (void *) Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_ENTRY] (was Info [UMFPACK_WORD]) Info [UMFPACK_MAX_FRONT_SIZE_ESTIMATE] est. front matrix size Info [UMFPACK_MAX_FRONT_SIZE] actual max frontal matrix size. Contents of Info rearranged. * UMFPACK_ERROR_bad_configurution error code replaced with UMFPACK_ERROR_problem_too_large error code. The "bad configuration" error occured when sizeof (int) < sizeof (size_t). Now, the int version of UMFPACK can use 32-bit int's and 64-bit pointers, and the long version can use 64-bit long's and 64-bit pointers. Both versions check to see if the array sizes allocated are larger than what can be accessed by an integer index variable (int or long, depending on the version), and returns UMFPACK_ERROR_problem_too_large if they become too large. March 15, 2001: UMFPACK Version 3.0Beta released.