Changes from Version 2.3 to 2.4 (Aug 30, 2005)

	* Makefile now relies on ../UFconfig/

	* changed the dense row/col detection.  The meaning of the knobs
	    has thus changed.

	* added an option to turn off aggressive absorption.  It was
	    always on in versions 2.3 and earlier.

	* added a #define'd version number

	* added a function pointer (colamd_printf) for COLAMD's printing.

	* added a -DNPRINT option, to turn off printing at compile-time.

	* added a check for integer overflow in colamd_recommended

	* minor changes to allow for more simpler 100% test coverage

	* bug fix.  If symamd v2.3 fails to allocate its copy of the input
	    matrix, then it erroneously frees a calloc'd workspace twice.
	    This bug has no effect on the MATLAB symamd mexFunction, since
	    mxCalloc terminates the mexFunction if it fails to allocate
	    memory.  Similarly, UMFPACK is not affected because it does not
	    use symamd.  The bug has no affect on the colamd ordering
	    routine in v2.3.

    Changes from Version 2.2 to 2.3 (Sept. 8, 2003)

	* removed the call to the MATLAB spparms ('spumoni') function.
	    This can take a lot of time if you are ordering many small
	    matrices.  Only affects the MATLAB interface (colamdmex.c,
	    symamdmex.c, colamdtestmex.c, and symamdtestmex.c).  The
	    usage of the optional 2nd argument to the colamd and symamd
	    mexFunctions was changed accordingly.

    Changes from Version 2.1 to 2.2 (Sept. 23, 2002)

	* extensive testing routines added (colamd_test.m, colamdtestmex.c,
	    and symamdtestmex.c), and the Makefile modified accordingly.

	* a few typos in the comments corrected 

	* use of the MATLAB "flops" command removed from colamd_demo, and an
	    m-file routine luflops.m added.

	* an explicit typecast from unsigned to int added, for COLAMD_C and
	    COLAMD_R in colamd.h.

	* #include <stdio.h> added to colamd_example.c

    Changes from Version 2.0 to 2.1 (May 4, 2001)

	* TRUE and FALSE are predefined on some systems, so they are defined
		here only if not already defined.
	* web site changed

	* UNIX Makefile modified, to handle the case if "." is not in your path.

    Changes from Version 1.0 to 2.0 (January 31, 2000)

	No bugs were found in version 1.1.  These changes merely add new

	* added the COLAMD_RECOMMENDED (nnz, n_row, n_col) macro.

	* moved the output statistics, from A, to a separate output argument.
		The arguments changed for the C-callable routines.

	* added colamd_report and symamd_report.

	* added a C-callable symamd routine.  Formerly, symamd was only
		available as a mexFunction from MATLAB.

	* added error-checking to symamd.  Formerly, it assumed its input
		was error-free.

	* added the optional stats and knobs arguments to the symamd mexFunction

	* deleted colamd_help.  A help message is still available from
		"help colamd" and "help symamd" in MATLAB.

	* deleted colamdtree.m and symamdtree.m.  Now, colamd.m and symamd.m
		also do the elimination tree post-ordering.  The Version 1.1
		colamd and symamd mexFunctions, which do not do the post-
		ordering, are now visible as colamdmex and symamdmex from
		MATLAB.  Essentialy, the post-ordering is now the default
		behavior of colamd.m and symamd.m, to match the behavior of
		colmmd and symmmd.  The post-ordering is only available in the
		MATLAB interface, not the C-callable interface.

	* made a slight change to the dense row/column detection in symamd,
		to match the stated specifications.