### Simple fallback methods for all dense matrices ### These are "cheap" to program, but potentially far from efficient; ### Methods for specific subclasses will overwrite these: ## dense to sparse: as() will take the ``closest'' match setAs("denseMatrix", "dsparseMatrix", function(from) as(as(from, "dgeMatrix"), "dsparseMatrix")) ## setAs("denseMatrix", "dgCMatrix", ## function(from) as(as(from, "dgeMatrix"), "dgCMatrix")) ## setAs("denseMatrix", "dgTMatrix", ## function(from) as(as(from, "dgeMatrix"), "dgTMatrix")) setMethod("show", signature(object = "denseMatrix"), function(object) prMatrix(object)) ##- ## FIXME: The following is only for the "dMatrix" objects that are not ##- ## "dense" nor "sparse" -- i.e. "packed" ones : ##- ## But these could be printed better -- "." for structural zeros. ##- setMethod("show", signature(object = "dMatrix"), prMatrix) ##- ## and improve this as well: ##- setMethod("show", signature(object = "pMatrix"), prMatrix) ##- ## this should now be superfluous [keep for safety for the moment]: ## Using "index" for indices should allow ## integer (numeric), logical, or character (names!) indices : setMethod("[", signature(x = "denseMatrix", i = "index", j = "missing", drop = "logical"), function (x, i, drop) { r <- as(x, "matrix")[i, , drop=drop] if(is.null(dim(r))) r else as(r, class(x)) }) setMethod("[", signature(x = "denseMatrix", i = "missing", j = "index", drop = "logical"), function (x, j, drop) { r <- as(x, "matrix")[, j, drop=drop] if(is.null(dim(r))) r else as(r, class(x)) }) setMethod("[", signature(x = "denseMatrix", i = "index", j = "index", drop = "logical"), function (x, i, j, drop) { r <- callGeneric(x = as(x, "matrix"), i=i, j=j, drop=drop) if(is.null(dim(r))) r else as(r, class(x)) }) ## Now the "[<-" ones --- see also those in ./Matrix.R ## It's recommended to use setReplaceMethod() rather than setMethod("[<-",.) ## even though the former is currently just a wrapper for the latter ## FIXME: 1) These are far from efficient ## ----- 2) value = "numeric" is only ok for "ddense*" ## 3) as(, class(x)) can be very wrong for symmetric, triangular.. setReplaceMethod("[", signature(x = "denseMatrix", i = "index", j = "missing", value = "numeric"), function (x, i, value) { r <- as(x, "matrix") r[i, ] <- value as(r, class(x)) }) setReplaceMethod("[", signature(x = "denseMatrix", i = "missing", j = "index", value = "numeric"), function (x, j, value) { r <- as(x, "matrix") r[, j] <- value as(r, class(x)) }) setReplaceMethod("[", signature(x = "denseMatrix", i = "index", j = "index", value = "numeric"), function (x, i, j, value) { r <- as(x, "matrix") r[i, j] <- value as(r, class(x)) }) ## not exported: setMethod("isSymmetric", signature(object = "denseMatrix"), function(object, tol = 100*.Machine$double.eps) { ## pretest: is it square? d <- dim(object) if(d[1] != d[2]) return(FALSE) ## else slower test if (is(object,"dMatrix")) isTRUE(all.equal(as(object, "dgeMatrix"), as(t(object), "dgeMatrix"), tol = tol)) else if (is(object, "lMatrix"))# not possible currently ## test for exact equality; FIXME(?): identical() too strict? identical(as(object, "lgeMatrix"), as(t(object), "lgeMatrix")) else stop("not yet implemented") }) setAs("denseMatrix", "CsparseMatrix", function(from) .Call("dense_to_Csparse", from, PACKAGE = "Matrix"))