####--------- Test interfaces to other non-standard Packages --------------- library(Matrix) pkgRversion <- function(pkgname) substring(packageDescription(pkgname)[["Built"]], 3,5) MatrixRversion <- pkgRversion("Matrix") ###-- 1) 'graph' (from Bioconductor) --------------------------- ###-- == ======= --------------------------- if(isTRUE(try(require(graph)))) { # may be there and fail (with R-devel) if(packageDescription("graph")$Version <= "1.10.2") { ## graph 1.10.x for x <= 2 had too many problems as(, "matrix") cat("Version of 'graph' is too old --- no tests done here!\n") } else if(pkgRversion("graph") != MatrixRversion) { cat(sprintf("The R version (%s) of 'graph' installation differs from the Matrix one (%s)\n", pkgRversion("graph"), MatrixRversion)) } else { ## do things ## 1) undirected V <- LETTERS[1:4] edL <- vector("list", length=4) names(edL) <- V ## 1a) unweighted for(i in 1:4) edL[[i]] <- list(edges = 5-i) gR <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=edL) str(edges(gR)) sm.g <- as(gR, "sparseMatrix") str(sm.g) ## dgC: TODO: want 'ds.' (symmetric) validObject(sm.g) sm.g ## TODO: should also show the colnames ## 1b) weighted set.seed(123) for(i in 1:4) edL[[i]] <- list(edges = 5-i, weights=runif(1)) gRw <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=edL) str(edgeWeights(gRw)) sm.gw <- as(gRw, "sparseMatrix") str(sm.gw) ## *numeric* dgCMatrix validObject(sm.gw) sm.gw ## U[0,1] numbers in anti-diagonal ## 2) directed gU <- gR; edgemode(gU) <- "directed" sgU <- as(gU, "sparseMatrix") str(sgU) ## 'dgC' validObject(sgU) sgU ## Reverse : sparseMatrix -> graph sm.g[1,2] <- 1 gmg <- as(sm.g, "graph") validObject(gmg2 <- as(sm.g, "graphNEL")) gmgw <- as(sm.gw, "graph") validObject(gmgw2 <- as(sm.gw, "graphNEL")) gmgU <- as(sgU, "graph") validObject(gmgU2 <- as(sgU, "graphNEL")) stopifnot(identical(gmg, gmg2), identical(gmgw, gmgw2), identical(gmgU, gmgU2)) detach("package:graph") } } ## end{graph} ###-- 2) 'SparseM' --------------------------------------------- ###-- == ======== --------------------------------------------- if(require(SparseM)) { if(pkgRversion("SparseM") != MatrixRversion) { cat(sprintf("The R version (%s) of 'SparseM' installation differs from the Matrix one (%s)\n", pkgRversion("SparseM"), MatrixRversion)) } else { ## do things set.seed(1) a <- round(rnorm(5*4), 2) a[abs(a) < 0.7] <- 0 A <- matrix(a,5,4) print(M <- Matrix(A)) stopifnot( validObject(A.csr <- as.matrix.csr(A)), validObject(At.csr <- as.matrix.csr(t(A))), identical(At.csr, t(A.csr)), identical(A, as.matrix(A.csr)), identical(M, as(A.csr, "dgCMatrix")), identical(t(M), as(At.csr, "dgCMatrix")) ) ## TODO: More tests; in particular for triplets ! if(FALSE) # detaching the package gives an error (.GenericTable ...) detach("package:SparseM") } }## end{SparseM}