#### For both 'Extract' ("[") and 'Replace' ("[<-") Method testing library(Matrix) source(system.file("test-tools.R", package = "Matrix"))# identical3() etc ### Dense Matrices m <- Matrix(1:28, nrow = 7) validObject(m) ; m@x <- as.double(m@x) ; validObject(m) stopifnot(identical(m, m[]), identical(m[2, 3], 16), # simple number identical(m[2, 3:4], c(16,23))) # simple numeric of length 2 m[2, 3:4, drop=FALSE] # sub matrix of class 'dgeMatrix' m[-(4:7), 3:4] # dito; the upper right corner of 'm' ## rows or columns only: m[1,] # first row, as simple numeric vector m[,2] # 2nd column m[,1:2] # sub matrix of first two columns m[-(1:6),, drop=FALSE] # not the first 6 rows, i.e. only the 7th m[integer(0),] #-> 0 x 4 Matrix m[2:4, numeric(0)] #-> 3 x 0 Matrix ## logical indexing stopifnot(identical(m[2,3], m[(1:nrow(m)) == 2, (1:ncol(m)) == 3]), identical(m[2,], m[(1:nrow(m)) == 2, ]), identical(m[,3:4], m[, (1:4) >= 3])) ## dimnames indexing: mn <- m dimnames(mn) <- list(paste("r",letters[1:nrow(mn)],sep=""), LETTERS[1:ncol(mn)]) mn["rd", "D"] stopifnot(identical(mn["rc", "D"], mn[3,4]), mn[3,4] == 24, identical(mn[, "A"], mn[,1]), mn[,1] == 1:7, identical(mn[c("re", "rb"), "B"], mn[c(5,2), 2]) ) mo <- m m[2,3] <- 100 m[1:2, 4] <- 200 m[, 1] <- -1 m[1:3,] g10 <- m [ m > 10 ] stopifnot(18 == length(g10)) ## needs R >= 2.3.0 [Buglet in R(<= 2.2.1)'s possibleExtends()]: stopifnot(10 == length(m[ m <= 10 ])) ### Sparse Matrices -------------------------------------- m <- 1:800 set.seed(101) ; m[sample(800, 600)] <- 0 m <- Matrix(m, nrow = 40) mm <- as(m, "matrix") dimnames(mm) <- NULL ## << workaround: as(, "matrix") has NULL dimnames str(mC <- as(m, "dgCMatrix")) str(mT <- as(m, "dgTMatrix")) stopifnot(identical(mT, as(mC, "dgTMatrix")), identical(mC, as(mT, "dgCMatrix"))) mC[,1] mC[1:2,] mC[7, drop = FALSE] assert.EQ.mat(mC[1:2,], mm[1:2,]) stopifnot(all.equal(mC[,3], mm[,3])) assert.EQ.mat(mC[7, , drop=FALSE], mm[7, , drop=FALSE]) stopifnot(dim(mC[numeric(0), ]) == c(0,20), # used to give warnings dim(mC[, integer(0)]) == c(40,0), identical(mC[, integer(0)], mC[, FALSE]), identical(mC[7, drop = FALSE], mC[7,, drop = FALSE])) validObject(print(mT[,c(2,4)])) stopifnot(all.equal(mT[2,], mm[2,]), ## row or column indexing in combination with t() : identical(mT[2,], t(mT)[,2]), identical(mT[-2,], t(t(mT)[,-2])), identical(mT[c(2,5),], t(t(mT)[,c(2,5)])) ) assert.EQ.mat(mT[4,, drop = FALSE], mm[4,, drop = FALSE]) stopifnot(identical3(mm[,1], mC[,1], mT[,1]), identical3(mm[3,], mC[3,], mT[3,]), identical3(mT[2,3], mC[2,3], 0), identical(mT[], mT), ## TODO: identical4() with m[c(3,7), 2:4] - fail because of 'dimnames' ## TODO: identical3() with as(mC[c(3,7), 2:4],"matrix"), ## fails because of 'dimnames' identical(mm[c(3,7), 2:4], as(mT[c(3,7), 2:4],"matrix")) ) x.x <- crossprod(mC) stopifnot(class(x.x) == "dsCMatrix", class(x.x. <- round(x.x / 10000)) == "dsCMatrix") head(x.x.) # Note the *non*-structural 0's printed as "0" ## FIXME (once we require 2.4.x or higher): ## tail(x.x., -2) # the last two lines lx.x <- as(x.x, "lsCMatrix") # FALSE only for "structural" 0 if(FALSE) { ## FIXME: needs coercion "lsCMatrix" to "lgTMatrix" lx.x[1:10, 1:10] lx.x[1:3, ] } ## --- negative indices ---------- mc <- mC[1:5, 1:7] mt <- mT[1:5, 1:7] ## sub matrix assert.EQ.mat(mC[1:2, 0:3], mm[1:2, 0:3]) # test 0-index stopifnot(identical(mc[-(3:5), 0:2], mC[1:2, 0:2]), identical(mt[-(3:5), 0:2], mT[1:2, 0:2]), identical(mC[2:3, 4], mm[2:3, 4])) assert.EQ.mat(mC[1:2,], mm[1:2,]) ## sub vector stopifnot(identical4(mc[-(1:4), ], mC[5, 1:7], mt[-(1:4), ], mT[5, 1:7])) stopifnot(identical4(mc[-(1:4), -(2:4)], mC[5, c(1,5:7)], mt[-(1:4), -(2:4)], mT[5, c(1,5:7)])) ## mixing of negative and positive must give error assertError(mT[-1:1,]) ## Sub *Assignment* ---- now works (partially): mt0 <- mt mt[1, 4] <- -99 mt[2:3, 1:6] <- 0 mt m2 <- mt+mt m2[1,4] <- -200 m2[c(1,3), c(5:6,2)] <- 1:6 stopifnot(m2[1,4] == -200, as.vector(m2[c(1,3), c(5:6,2)]) == 1:6) mt[,3] <- 30 mt[2:3,] <- 250 mt[1:5 %% 2 == 1, 3] <- 0 mt[3:1, 1:7 > 5] <- 0 mt tt <- as(mt,"matrix") ii <- c(0,2,5) jj <- c(2:3,5) tt[ii, jj] <- 1:6 # 0 is just "dropped" mt[ii, jj] <- 1:6 assert.EQ.mat(mt, tt) mt[1:5, 2:6] as((mt0 - mt)[1:5,], "dsparseMatrix")# [1,5] and lines 2:3 mt[c(2,4), ] <- 0; stopifnot(as(mt[c(2,4), ],"matrix") == 0) mt[2:3, 4:7] <- 33 validObject(mt) mt mc[1,4] <- -99 ; stopifnot(mc[1,4] == -99) mc[1,4] <- 00 ; stopifnot(mc[1,4] == 00) mc[1,4] <- -99 ; stopifnot(mc[1,4] == -99) mc[1:2,4:3] <- 4:1; stopifnot(as.matrix(mc[1:2,4:3]) == 4:1) mc[-1, 3] <- -2:1 # 0 should not be entered; 'value' recycled mt[-1, 3] <- -2:1 stopifnot(mc@x != 0, mt@x != 0, mc[-1,3] == -2:1, mt[-1,3] == -2:1) ##--> BUG -- fixed ev <- 1:5 %% 2 == 0 mc[ev, 3] <- 0:1 if(FALSE)## FIXME stopifnot(mc[ev, 3] == 0:1) ##-> BUG {very peculiar; the 2nd time it works ...} validObject(mc) mc # now shows a non-structural zeros mc[ii, jj] <- 1:6 mc[c(2,5), c(3,5)] <- 3.2 validObject(mc) (m. <- mc) if(FALSE)## FIXME: mc[4,] <- 0 # -> error -- another Bug H <- Hilbert(9) Hc <- as(round(H, 3), "dsCMatrix")# a sparse matrix with no 0 ... (trH <- tril(Hc[1:5, 1:5])) stopifnot(is(trH, "triangularMatrix"), trH@uplo == "L") i <- c(1:2, 4, 6:7); j <- c(2:4,6) H[i,j] <- 0 (H. <- round(as(H, "sparseMatrix"), 3)[ , 2:7]) Hc. <- Hc Hc.[i,j] <- 0 ## now "works", but setting "non-structural" 0s stopifnot(as.matrix(Hc.[i,j]) == 0) Hc.[, 1:6] cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons''