#### Testing cbind() & rbind() library(Matrix) source(system.file("test-tools.R", package = "Matrix"))# identical3() etc ### --- Dense Matrices --- m1 <- m2 <- m <- Matrix(1:12, 3,4) dimnames(m2) <- list(LETTERS[1:3], letters[1:4]) dimnames(m1) <- list(NULL,letters[1:4]) stopifnot(identical(cbind ( m, 10*m) -> R, cbind2( m, 10*m))); R stopifnot(identical(cbind (m1,100+m1) -> R, cbind2(m1,100+m1))); R stopifnot(identical(cbind (m1, 10*m2) -> R, cbind2(m1, 10*m2))); R stopifnot(identical(cbind (m2, m1+m2) -> R, cbind2(m2, m1+m2))); R cbind(m2, 10*m2[nrow(m2):1 ,])# keeps the rownames from the first (im <- cbind(I = 100, m)) str(im) (mi <- cbind(m2, I = 1000)) str(mi) (m1m <- cbind(m,I=100,m2)) ### --- Sparse Matrices --- m <- Matrix(c(0, 0, 2:0), 3, 5) (mC <- as(m, "dgCMatrix")) (mT <- as(m, "dgTMatrix")) stopifnot(identical(mT, as(mC, "dgTMatrix"))) cbind(0, mC) cbind(0, mT) cbind(diag(3), mT) (cc <- cbind(mC, 0,7,0, diag(3), 0)) stopifnot(identical3(cc, cbind(mT, 0,7,0, diag(3), 0), as( cbind(m, 0,7,0, diag(3), 0), "dgCMatrix"))) cbind(mC, 1, 100*mC, 0, 0:2) cbind(mT, 1, 0, mT+10*mT, 0, 0:2) ## print() / show() of non-structural zeros: (m <- Matrix(c(0, 0, 2:0), 3, 5)) (m2 <- cbind(m,m)) (m4 <- rbind(m2,m2)) diag(m4) for(i in 1:6) { m4[i, i ] <- i m4[i,i+1] <- 0 } m4 ## now show some non-structural zeros: cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons''