library(Matrix) source(system.file("test-tools.R", package = "Matrix"))# identical3() etc #### Automatically display the class inheritance structure #### possibly augmented with methods allCl <- getClasses("package:Matrix") ## Really nice would be to construct an inheritance graph and display ## it. The following is just a cheap first step. cat("All classes in the 'Matrix' package:\n") for(cln in allCl) { cat("\n-----\n\nClass", dQuote(cln),":\n ", paste(rep("~",nchar(cln)),collapse=''),"\n") ## A smarter version would use getClass() instead of showClass(), ## build the "graph" and only then display. showClass(cln) } cat("\n \n") ## One could extend the `display' by using (something smarter than) ## are the "coerce" methods showing more than the 'Extends' output above? cat("All (S4) methods in the 'Matrix' package:\n") showMethods(where="package:Matrix") ## 1-indexing instead of 0-indexing for direct "dgT" should give error: ii <- as.integer(c(1,2,2)) jj <- as.integer(c(1,1,3)) assertError(new("dgTMatrix", i=ii, j=jj, x= 10*(1:3), Dim=2:3)) assertError(new("dgTMatrix", i=ii, j=jj - 1:1, x= 10*(1:3), Dim=2:3)) assertError(new("dgTMatrix", i=ii - 1:1, j=jj, x= 10*(1:3), Dim=2:3)) (mm <- new("dgTMatrix", i=ii - 1:1, j=jj - 1:1, x= 10*(1:3), Dim=2:3)) validObject(mm) ### Sparse Logical: m <- Matrix(c(0,0,2:0), 3,5) mT <- as(mC <- as(m, "dgCMatrix"), "dgTMatrix") stopifnot(identical(as(mT,"dgCMatrix"), mC)) (mlC <- as(as(mT[1:2, 2:3], "dgCMatrix"), "lgCMatrix")) if(FALSE) ## ltC no longer extends lgC -- want coercion possibility FIXME as(mlC,"ltCMatrix") ### Test all classes: validObject(new( * )) should be fulfilled ----------- ## need stoplist for now: not.ok.classes <- paste(c("lgR", # only stub implementation "lsR", # dito "ltR", # dito "ltT", # ltTMatrix_validate missing; as(*,"matrix") "lsT", # lsTMatrix_validate " " ""), "Matrix", sep='') ## From the rest, those that don't show : <- paste(c("dgR", # only stub implementation "dsR", # dito "dtR", # " ), "Matrix", sep='') no.t.classes <- # no t() available not.coerce0 <- # not coercable to "matrix" not.coerce1 <- # not coercable from "dgeMatrix" not.coerce2 <- # not coercable from "matrix" tstMatrixClass <- function(cl, mM = Matrix(c(2,1,1,2) + 0, 2,2), mm = as(mM, "matrix"), recursive = TRUE, offset = 0) { ## Purpose: Test 'Matrix' class {and do this for all of them} ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: cl: class object of a class that extends "Matrix" ## mM: a "Matrix"-matrix which will be coerced to class 'cl' ## mm: a S3-matrix which will be coerced to class 'cl' ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Martin Maechler ## This is sfsmisc::bl.string(): bl.string <- function (no) paste(rep(" ", no), collapse = "") mM <- as(mM, "dgeMatrix") mm <- as(mm, "matrix") if(recursive) cList <- character(0) ## This is the recursive function dotestMat <- function(cl, offset) { cat. <- function(...) cat(bl.string(offset), ...) clNam <- cl@subClass cat("\n") cat.(clNam) ##--------- if(isVirtualClass(clNam)) { cat(" - is virtual\n") if(recursive) { cat.("----- begin{class :", clNam, "}----new subclasses----\n") for(ccl in getClass(clNam)@subclasses) { cclN <- ccl@subClass if(cclN %in% cList) cat.(cclN,": see above\n") else { cList <<- c(cList, cclN) dotestMat(ccl, offset = offset + 3) } } cat.("----- end{class :", clNam, "}---------------------\n") } } else { cat("; new(..): ") m <- new(clNam) if(any(clNam == not.ok.classes)) { cat("in 'stop list' - no validity\n") } else { cat("valid: ", validObject(m)) if(any(clNam == no.t.classes)) { cat(" in t()-'stop list'\n") } else { cat("; t(t(m)) ==?== m :") stopifnot(Qidentical(m, t(t(m)))) cat(" ok\n") } if(all(clNam != show(m) ## improve: cat.( captureOutput(show(m) ) ) else cat.(" -- no show() yet \n") if(all(clNam != not.coerce0)) {## coerce to 'matrix' m.m <- as(m, "matrix") ## and test 'dim()' as well: stopifnot(identical(dim(m.m), dim(m))) } else stopifnot(length(dim(m)) == 2) ### FIXME: organize differently : ### 1) produce 'mM' and 'mm' for the other cases, ### 2) use identical code for all cases if(is(m, "dMatrix") && is(m, "compMatrix")) { if(any(clNam == not.coerce1)) cat.("not coercable_1\n") else { cat.("as(dge*, ): ") m2 <- as(mM, clNam) cat("valid:", validObject(m2), "\n") ## as.vector() stopifnot(as.vector(m2) == as.vector(mM)) } if(all(clNam != not.coerce2)) { cat.("as(matrix, ): ") m3 <- as(mm, clNam) cat("valid:", validObject(m3), "\n") } } else { ## not numeric composite: logical / triangular/diagonal .. if(any(clNam == not.coerce1)) cat.("not coercable_1\n") else { ## FIXME: also add tests for these if(is(m, "lMatrix")) { } else if(is(m, "triangularMatrix")) { mm. <- mm i0 <- if(m@uplo == "L") upper.tri(mm.) else lower.tri(mm.) mm.[i0] <- 0 cat.("as(matrix, ): ") m3 <- as(mm., clNam) cat("valid:", validObject(m3), "\n") } else { ## diagonal (only one)? ## TODO } } } ## if(is(m, "denseMatrix")) { ## ## ......... ## cat.("as dsparse* ") ## msp <- as(m, "dsparseMatrix") ## cat.("; valid coercion: ", validObject(msp), "\n") ## } else if(is(m, "sparseMatrix")) { ## } else cat.("-- not dense nor sparse -- should not happen(!?)\n") if(is(m, "dsparseMatrix")) { if(any(clNam == not.coerce1)) cat.("not coercable_1\n") else { ## make sure we can coerce to dgT* -- needed, e.g. for "image" cat.("as dgT* ") mgT <- as(m, "dgTMatrix") cat("; valid dgT* coercion: ", validObject(mgT), "\n") } } } } } # end{dotestMat} for(scl in getClass(cl)@subclasses) dotestMat(scl, offset) } tstMatrixClass("Matrix") if(FALSE)## or just a sub class tstMatrixClass("triangularMatrix") cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons''