#### Triangular Matrices -- Coercion and Methods ## or rather setIs() {since test can fail }? setAs("dgeMatrix", "dtrMatrix", function(from) { ## FIXME: also check for unit-diagonal: 'diag = "U"' if(isTriangular(from, upper = TRUE)) new("dtrMatrix", x = from@x, Dim = from@Dim, uplo = "U", Dimnames = from@Dimnames) else if(isTriangular(from, upper = FALSE)) new("dtrMatrix", x = from@x, Dim = from@Dim, uplo = "L", Dimnames = from@Dimnames) else stop("not a triangular matrix") }) setAs("dtrMatrix", "dtpMatrix", function(from) .Call(dtrMatrix_as_dtpMatrix, from)) ## needed for t() method setAs("dtrMatrix", "matrix", function(from) .Call(dtrMatrix_as_matrix, from)) setAs("matrix", "dtrMatrix", function(from) as(.Call(dup_mMatrix_as_dgeMatrix, from), "dtrMatrix")) ## Group Methods: ## TODO: carefully check for the cases where the result remains triangular ## instead : inherit them from "dgeMatrix" via definition in ./dMatrix.R ## Note: Just *because* we have an explicit dtr -> dge coercion, ## show( ) is not okay, and we need our own: setMethod("show", "dtrMatrix", function(object) prMatrix(object)) setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "dtrMatrix", y = "ddenseMatrix"), function(x, y) .Call(dtrMatrix_matrix_mm, x, y, FALSE), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "dtrMatrix", y = "matrix"), function(x, y) .Call(dtrMatrix_matrix_mm, x, y, FALSE), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "dgeMatrix", y = "dtrMatrix"), function(x, y) .Call(dtrMatrix_matrix_mm, y, x, TRUE), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "matrix", y = "dtrMatrix"), function(x, y) .Call(dtrMatrix_matrix_mm, y, x, TRUE), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") ## no longer needed ## setMethod("%*%", signature(x = "dtrMatrix", y = "dtrMatrix"), ## function(x, y) callGeneric(x = x, y = as(y, "dgeMatrix")), ## valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("crossprod", signature(x = "dtrMatrix", y = "missing"), function(x, y = NULL) callGeneric(x = as(x, "dgeMatrix")), valueClass = "dpoMatrix") setMethod("determinant", signature(x = "dtrMatrix", logarithm = "missing"), function(x, logarithm, ...) callGeneric(x, TRUE)) setMethod("determinant", signature(x = "dtrMatrix", logarithm = "logical"), function(x, logarithm, ...) { dg <- diag(x) if (logarithm) { modulus <- sum(log(abs(dg))) sgn <- prod(sign(dg)) } else { modulus <- prod(dg) sgn <- sign(modulus) modulus <- abs(modulus) } attr(modulus, "logarithm") <- logarithm val <- list(modulus = modulus, sign = sgn) class(val) <- "det" val }) setMethod("norm", signature(x = "dtrMatrix", type = "character"), function(x, type, ...) .Call(dtrMatrix_norm, x, type), valueClass = "numeric") setMethod("norm", signature(x = "dtrMatrix", type = "missing"), function(x, type, ...) .Call(dtrMatrix_norm, x, "O"), valueClass = "numeric") setMethod("rcond", signature(x = "dtrMatrix", type = "character"), function(x, type, ...) .Call(dtrMatrix_rcond, x, type), valueClass = "numeric") setMethod("rcond", signature(x = "dtrMatrix", type = "missing"), function(x, type, ...) .Call(dtrMatrix_rcond, x, "O"), valueClass = "numeric") setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dtrMatrix", b="missing"), function(a, b, ...) .Call(dtrMatrix_solve, a), valueClass = "dtrMatrix") setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dtrMatrix", b="ddenseMatrix"), function(a, b, ...) .Call(dtrMatrix_matrix_solve, a, b), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dtrMatrix", b="matrix"), function(a, b, ...) .Call(dtrMatrix_matrix_solve, a, b), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("t", signature(x = "dtrMatrix"), t_trMatrix)