useDynLib(Matrix, .registration=TRUE)# <-> R 2.3.0 or later importFrom("graphics",image) importFrom("graphics",plot) ## lmer-related #importFrom("lattice", levelplot) import("stats", "lattice") ## lmer-related importFrom("utils", "head", "tail") ## lmer-related importFrom("grid", grid.rect, gpar, grob) ## Currently, group generics need to be explicitly imported (Bug?): importFrom("methods", Arith, Compare, Math, Math2, Summary, Complex) ## Generics and functions defined in this package export("Cholesky", "Diagonal", "Hilbert", "Matrix", "Schur", "band", "expand", "expm", "facmul", # "isTriangular", # "isDiagonal", "lu", "norm", "pedigree", "rcond", "readHB", "readMM", "tcrossprod", "tril", "triu", "unpack", "writeHB", "writeMM" ) ## workaround S4-Group(generic|method) quirk: R/AllGeneric.R ## needs setGeneric(*, group=) and this for all non-Primitives : export( ## "Math" "log", "gamma", "lgamma", ## "Math2" "round", "signif", ## "Summary" "max", "min", "range", "prod", "sum", "any", "all" ) ## lmer-related export("lmer", "mcmcsamp", "hatTrace") exportClasses( "index", "replValue", # if we don't export it, things fail in dispatch ## --- 'Matrix' mother and all its daughters : --------------- "Matrix", ## also intermediate `virtual' ones: "dMatrix", "lMatrix", "denseMatrix", "sparseMatrix", "diagonalMatrix", "generalMatrix", "symmetricMatrix", "triangularMatrix", "compMatrix", "dsparseMatrix", "lsparseMatrix", "TsparseMatrix", "CsparseMatrix", "RsparseMatrix", "ddenseMatrix", ## not yet used, but as sub-classes; ## need to provide them for 'hierarchy-analysis': "iMatrix", "zMatrix", "ldenseMatrix", "dgCMatrix", "dgRMatrix",# unused "dgTMatrix", "dgeMatrix", "dpoMatrix", "dppMatrix", "dsCMatrix", "dsRMatrix",# unused "dsTMatrix", "dspMatrix", "dsyMatrix", "dtCMatrix", "dtRMatrix",# unused "dtTMatrix", "dtpMatrix", "dtrMatrix", "ddiMatrix", "lgeMatrix", "lspMatrix", "lsyMatrix", "ltpMatrix", "ltrMatrix", "ldiMatrix", "lgCMatrix", "lgRMatrix", "lgTMatrix", "lsCMatrix", "lsRMatrix",# unused "lsTMatrix", "ltCMatrix", "ltRMatrix",# unused "ltTMatrix", "pMatrix", "corMatrix", # unused ## --- inheriting "Matrix", but also factorizations: "BunchKaufman", "pBunchKaufman", "Cholesky", "pCholesky", ## --- 'MatrixFactorization' mother and all its daughters : --- "MatrixFactorization", "LU", "denseLU", "sparseLU", "CHMfactor", "CHMsuper", "CHMsimpl", "dCHMsuper", "dCHMsimpl", "lCHMsuper",# unused "lCHMsimpl",# unused "sparseQR" ) ## lmer-related exportClasses("coef.lmer", "glmer", "lmer", "mer", "pedigree", "ranef.lmer", "summary.mer", "summary.lmer") exportMethods( ## Group Methods "Arith", "Math", "Math2", "Summary", "Compare", "!", "+",# for dgT(Matrix) only "%*%", "Cholesky", "Schur", "as.array", "as.matrix", "as.vector", "as.numeric", "as.logical", "band", "chol", "colMeans", "colSums", "coerce", "crossprod", "determinant", "diag", "dim", "dimnames", "dimnames<-", "expand", "expm", "kronecker", "image", "isSymmetric", ## "isDiagonal", ## "isTriangular", "norm", "qr", "qr.qy", "qr.qty", "qr.coef", "qr.resid", "qr.fitted", "rcond", "rowMeans", "rowSums", "show", "solve", "t", "tcrossprod", "tril", "triu", "zapsmall" ) ## only for R >= 2.2: if(paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep=".") >= "2.2") { exportMethods("rbind2") exportMethods("cbind2") } ## lmer-related exportMethods("BIC", "anova", "coef", "confint", "deviance", "fitted", "fixef", "formula", "head", "lmer", "logLik", "mcmcsamp", "plot", "qqmath", "ranef", "residuals", "resid", "simulate", "summary", "tail", "terms", "update", "vcov", "VarCorr", "with")