#### Sparse Matrices in Compressed column-oriented format ### contains = "dsparseMatrix", "CsparseMatrix" ## Specific conversions, should they be necessary. Better to convert as ## as(x, "TsparseMatrix") or as(x, "denseMatrix") ## Moved to ./Csparse.R : ## setAs("dgCMatrix", "dgTMatrix", .... ## setAs("dgCMatrix", "dgeMatrix", .... ## setAs("dgeMatrix", "dgCMatrix", .... ## rather use Csparse* to lsparse* in ./lsparseMatrix.R , ## but this is for "back-compatibility" (have had tests for it..): setAs("dgCMatrix", "ngCMatrix", function(from) .Call(Csparse_to_nz_pattern, from, FALSE)) setAs("dgCMatrix", "lgCMatrix", function(from) { ## FIXME use .Call() too! r <- new("lgCMatrix") r@x <- as.logical(from@x) ## and copy the other slots for(nm in c("i", "p", "Dim", "Dimnames")) slot(r, nm) <- slot(from, nm) r }) setMethod("image", "dgCMatrix", function(x, ...) { x <- as(x, "dgTMatrix") callGeneric() }) ## Group Methods, see ?Arith (e.g.) ## ----- ## ## "Arith" is now in ./Ops.R ## ## "Math" is up in ./Csparse.R ## ## "Math2" is up in ./dMatrix.R ###---- end {Group Methods} ----------------- ## "[<-" methods { setReplaceMethod()s } are now in ./Csparse.R setMethod("writeHB", signature(obj = "dgCMatrix"), function(obj, file, ...) { .Deprecated("writeMM") .Call(Matrix_writeHarwellBoeing, obj, as.character(file), "DGC") }) setMethod("writeMM", signature(obj = "dgCMatrix"), function(obj, file, ...) .Call(Matrix_writeMatrixMarket, obj, as.character(file), "DGC")) ##-> ./colSums.R for colSums,... rowMeans setMethod("qr", signature(x = "dgCMatrix"), function(x, tol = 1e-07, LAPACK = FALSE) .Call(dgCMatrix_QR, x, TRUE)) setMethod("lu", signature(x = "dgCMatrix"), function(x, ...) .Call(dgCMatrix_LU, x, TRUE, 1)) setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dgCMatrix", b = "matrix"), function(a, b, ...) .Call(dgCMatrix_matrix_solve, a, b), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dgCMatrix", b = "ddenseMatrix"), function(a, b, ...) .Call(dgCMatrix_matrix_solve, a, b), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dgCMatrix", b = "dsparseMatrix"), function(a, b, ...) .Call(dgCMatrix_matrix_solve, a, as(b, "denseMatrix")), valueClass = "dgeMatrix") setMethod("solve", signature(a = "dgCMatrix", b = "missing"), function(a, b, ...) .Call(dgCMatrix_matrix_solve, a, b=NULL), valueClass = "dgeMatrix")