/* Entry = "1684.gToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "(↩)" = "(↩)"; /* Entry = "1677.gToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "(⌘R)" = "(⌘R)"; /* Entry = "1499.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "11" = "11"; /* Entry = "1513.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "<" = "<"; /* Entry = "1501.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "< Back" = "< Terug"; /* Entry = "1514.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ ">" = ">"; /* Entry = "58.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "About R" = "Over R"; /* Entry = "312.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Activate Quartz Device Window" = "Activeer Quartz-venster"; /* Entry = "1671.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Activate SearchField ⇧⌘H" = "Activeer zoekveld ⇧⌘H"; /* Entry = "1719.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Add Column (CHARACTER)" = "Voeg kolom toe (CHARACTER)"; /* Entry = "1718.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Add Column (NUMERIC)" = "Voeg kolom toe (NUMERIC)"; /* Entry = "1720.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Add Row" = "Add Row"; /* Entry = "834.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Align Left" = "Links aligneren"; /* Entry = "858.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Align Right" = "Rechts aligneren"; /* Entry = "1634.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "All" = "Allemaal"; /* Entry = "1125.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "As defined by .libPaths()" = "Zoals gedefinieerd in .libPaths()"; /* Entry = "1122.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "At System Level (in R framework)" = "Op systeemniveau (in R framework)"; /* Entry = "1123.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "At User Level" = "Op gebruikersniveau"; /* Entry = "1513.alternateTitle"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Back" = "Terug"; /* Entry = "1657.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Balanced Brackets" = "Balanceer haakjes"; /* Entry = "844.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Baseline" = "Basislijn"; /* Entry = "816.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Baseline" = "Basislijn"; /* Entry = "830.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Bigger" = "Groter"; /* Entry = "1506.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Binary Format Packages" = "Binaire pakketten"; /* Entry = "542.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "BioConductor (binaries)" = "BioConductor (binaries)"; /* Entry = "563.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "BioConductor (sources)" = "BioConductor (broncode)"; /* Entry = "849.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Bold" = "Vet"; /* Entry = "966.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Box" = "Vak"; /* Entry = "1602.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Box" = "Vak"; /* Entry = "5.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Bring All to Front" = "Alles op voorgrond"; /* Entry = "541.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "CRAN (binaries)" = "CRAN (binaries)"; /* Entry = "1108.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "CRAN (sources)" = "CRAN (broncode)"; /* Entry = "1515.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Cancel" = "Annuleer"; /* Entry = "1723.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Cancel Object Editing" = "Cancel Object Editing"; /* Entry = "1723.gToolTip"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Cancels object editing without passing data back to R and closes the editor window" = "Breek het wijzigen van het object af zonder de veranderingen te bewaren. De editor wordt afgesloten."; /* Entry = "829.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Center" = "Centreer"; /* Entry = "322.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Change Working Directory..." = "Wijzig werkmap…"; /* Entry = "218.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Check For R Updates" = "Zoek naar R updates"; /* Entry = "1066.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Clear" = "Wis"; /* Entry = "1076.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Clear" = "Wis"; /* Entry = "1128.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Clear Console" = "Wis Console"; /* Entry = "1495.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Clear History" = "Wis geschiedenis"; /* Entry = "126.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Clear Menu" = "Wis menu"; /* Entry = "243.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Clear Workspace" = "Wis Workspace"; /* Entry = "1580.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Close" = "Sluit"; /* Entry = "73.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Close" = "Sluit"; /* Entry = "1577.gToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "Close Find Panel (⎋)" = "Sluit zoek paneel (⎋)"; /* Entry = "342.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Commands" = "Commando's"; /* Entry = "1207.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Comment-out" = "Maak kommentaar"; /* Entry = "1013.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Complete" = "Voltooid"; /* Entry = "157.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Copy" = "Kopier"; /* Entry = "1729.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Copy" = "Kopier"; /* Entry = "822.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Copy Ruler" = "Kopieer regel"; /* Entry = "859.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Copy Style" = "Kopieer stijl"; /* Entry = "1730.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Copy as CSV" = "Copy as CSV"; /* Entry = "1489.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Current Working Directory" = "Huidige werkmap"; /* Entry = "1503.placeholderString"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Custom Repository URL" = "Eigen Repository URL"; /* Entry = "160.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Cut" = "Knip"; /* Entry = "501.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Data" = "Data"; /* Entry = "267.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Data Manager" = "Datamanager"; /* Entry = "1651.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Decrease Indent" = "Verminder indent"; /* Entry = "164.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Delete" = "Wis"; /* Entry = "1496.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Delete entry" = "Wis invoer"; /* Entry = "504.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Description" = "Beschrijving"; /* Entry = "447.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Description" = "Beschrijving"; /* Entry = "701.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Description" = "Beschrijving"; /* Entry = "502.gToolTip"; Class = "NSScrollView" */ "Double click to load data in the R workspace. " = "Dubbel klik om data in workspace te laden. "; /* Entry = "577.gToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "Downloads Selected Packages And Installs In Selected Location (↩)." = "Download geselecteerde pakketten en laad in geselekteerde lokatie (↩)."; /* Entry = "163.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Edit" = "Wijzig"; /* Entry = "169.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Edit" = "Wijzig"; /* Entry = "1740.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Edit Column Names" = "Edit Column Names"; /* Entry = "221.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Edit Object…" = "Bewerk object…"; /* Entry = "1078.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Empty" = "Leeg"; /* Entry = "1071.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Empty" = "Leeg"; /* Entry = "1082.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Exact Search" = "Exact zoeken"; /* Entry = "890.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Execute" = "Voer uit"; /* Entry = "81.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "File" = "Archief"; /* Entry = "83.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "File" = "Archief"; /* Entry = "168.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Find" = "Zoek"; /* Entry = "159.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Find" = "Zoek"; /* Entry = "167.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Find Next" = "Zoek volgende"; /* Entry = "162.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Find Previous" = "Zoek vorige"; /* Entry = "154.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Find…" = "Zoek…"; /* Entry = "836.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Font" = "Lettertype"; /* Entry = "854.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Font" = "Lettertype"; /* Entry = "1497.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Font Size:" = "Lettertypegrootte:"; /* Entry = "833.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Format" = "Opmaak"; /* Entry = "828.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Format" = "Opmaak"; /* Entry = "1752.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Format Source Code" = "Format Source Code"; /* Entry = "1514.alternateTitle"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Forward" = "Verder"; /* Entry = "1084.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Fuzzy Search" = "Niet-exact zoeken"; /* Entry = "1502.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Fwd >" = "Fwd >"; /* Entry = "1505.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Get List" = "Haal lijst op"; /* Entry = "317.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Get Working Directory" = "Bekom werkmap"; /* Entry = "1049.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Go To Line…" = "Ga naar regel…"; /* Entry = "106.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Help" = "Help"; /* Entry = "103.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Help" = "Help"; /* Entry = "1490.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ "Help Search" = "Help zoeken"; /* Entry = "1511.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ "Help Search" = "Help zoeken"; /* Entry = "687.title"; Class = "RWindow" */ "Help Search Topics" = "Help zoekonderwerpen"; /* Entry = "145.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Hide Others" = "Verberg andere"; /* Entry = "134.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Hide R" = "Verberg R"; /* Entry = "1124.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "In Other Location (Will Be Asked Upon Installation)" = "Op andere plaats (wordt gevraagd bij installatie)"; /* Entry = "1650.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Increase Indent" = "Increase Indent"; /* Entry = "1510.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Install Dependencies" = "Installeer Dependencies"; /* Entry = "570.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Install Location" = "Installatie locatie"; /* Entry = "1508.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Install Selected" = "Installeer geselecteerde"; /* Entry = "548.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Installed Version" = "Geïnstalleerde versie"; /* Entry = "815.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Italic" = "Cursief"; /* Entry = "1030.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Item" = "Item"; /* Entry = "1072.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Item" = "Item"; /* Entry = "1075.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Item" = "Item"; /* Entry = "1648.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Item 1" = "Item 1"; /* Entry = "1647.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Item 2" = "Item 2"; /* Entry = "1646.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Item 3" = "Item 3"; /* Entry = "155.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Jump to Selection" = "Ga naar selectie"; /* Entry = "838.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Justify" = "Uitgevuld"; /* Entry = "842.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Kern" = "Spatiëring"; /* Entry = "839.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Kern" = "Spatiëring"; /* Entry = "824.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Ligature" = "Ligaturen"; /* Entry = "848.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Ligature" = "Ligaturen"; /* Entry = "1656.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Line" = "Line"; /* Entry = "1685.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Load Data" = "Load Data"; /* Entry = "247.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Load Default Workspace" = "Laad standaard Workspace"; /* Entry = "1493.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Load History" = "Laad geschiedenis"; /* Entry = "250.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Load Workspace File…" = "Laad Workspace-bestand…"; /* Entry = "1492.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "Loading R ..." = "R laden…"; /* Entry = "596.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Local Binary Package" = "Lokaal binair pakket"; /* Entry = "595.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Local Package Directory" = "Laad pakkettenmap"; /* Entry = "597.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Local Source Package" = "Lokaal broncodepakket"; /* Entry = "818.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Loosen" = "Maak los"; /* Entry = "821.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Lower" = "Lager"; /* Entry = "1083.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Main R Help Page" = "R hoofd-helppagina"; /* Entry = "29.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "MainMenu" = "Hoofdmenu"; /* Entry = "1064.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Menu" = "Menu"; /* Entry = "1074.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Menu" = "Menu"; /* Entry = "23.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Minimize" = "Minimaliseer"; /* Entry = "318.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Misc" = "Diverse"; /* Entry = "319.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Misc" = "Diverse"; /* Entry = "945.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "New Document" = "Nieuw document"; /* Entry = "311.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "New Quartz Device Window" = "Nieuw Quartz-venster"; /* Entry = "1743.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "New Rd Document" = "Nieuw Rd document"; /* Entry = "667.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Object" = "Object"; /* Entry = "1516.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Ok" = "Ok"; /* Entry = "220.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Open Document..." = "Open document…"; /* Entry = "125.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Open Recent" = "Open recente bestanden"; /* Entry = "124.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Open Recent" = "Open recente bestanden"; /* Entry = "1107.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Other Directory URL" = "Andere map URL"; /* Entry = "1109.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Other Repository" = "Ander repository"; /* Entry = "543.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "OtherViews" = "Andere weergave"; /* Entry = "697.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Package" = "Pakket"; /* Entry = "500.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Package" = "Pakket"; /* Entry = "546.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Package" = "Pakket"; /* Entry = "446.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Package" = "Pakket"; /* Entry = "559.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Package Installer" = "Pakket-installatieprogramma"; /* Entry = "266.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Package Manager" = "Pakketmanager"; /* Entry = "1507.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ "Package Search" = "Zoek pakket"; /* Entry = "270.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Packages & Data" = "Pakketten & Data"; /* Entry = "262.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Packages & Data" = "Pakketten & Data"; /* Entry = "538.title"; Class = "NSBox" */ "Packages Repository" = "Pakket Repository"; /* Entry = "77.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Page Setup…" = "Pagina-instellingen…"; /* Entry = "171.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Paste" = "Plak"; /* Entry = "1475.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Paste As Plain Text" = "Plak (platte tekst)"; /* Entry = "845.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Paste Ruler" = "Plak lineaal"; /* Entry = "837.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Paste Style" = "Plak stijl"; /* Entry = "129.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Preferences…" = "Voorkeuren…"; /* Entry = "1512.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Print" = "Print"; /* Entry = "78.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Print…" = "Druk af…"; /* Entry = "136.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Quit R" = "Stop R"; /* Entry = "56.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "R" = "R"; /* Entry = "57.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "R" = "R"; /* Entry = "21.title"; Class = "RWindow" */ "R Console" = "R Console"; /* Entry = "794.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Data Editor" = "R data-editor"; /* Entry = "498.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Data Manager" = "R datamanager"; /* Entry = "332.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "R For Mac OS X FAQ" = "R voor Mac OS X FAQ"; /* Entry = "728.title"; Class = "RWindow" */ "R Help" = "R Help"; /* Entry = "111.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "R Help" = "R Help"; /* Entry = "525.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Package Installer" = "R pakketinstallatie"; /* Entry = "444.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Package Manager" = "R pakketmanager"; /* Entry = "662.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "R Workspace Browser" = "R Workspace Browser"; /* Entry = "1081.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "R for Mac OS X FAQ" = "FAQ R voor Mac OS X"; /* Entry = "1517.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Radio" = "Radio"; /* Entry = "850.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Raise" = "Verhoog"; /* Entry = "173.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Redo" = "Opnieuw"; /* Entry = "1678.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Refresh List" = "Ververs lijst"; /* Entry = "1500.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Refresh List" = "Ververs lijst"; /* Entry = "1644.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Reinterpret with Encoding" = "Pas Encoding nogmaals toe"; /* Entry = "1645.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Reinterpret with Encoding" = "Pas Encoding nogmaals toe"; /* Entry = "1722.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Remove Selection" = "Remove Selection"; /* Entry = "550.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Repository Version" = "Repository versie"; /* Entry = "316.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Reset Working Directory" = "Stel werkmap opnieuw in"; /* Entry = "112.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Revert" = "Laatst bewaarde versie"; /* Entry = "658.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Run X11 Server" = "Draai X11 server"; /* Entry = "75.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Save" = "Bewaar"; /* Entry = "80.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Save As…" = "Bewaar als…"; /* Entry = "246.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Save Default Workspace" = "Bewaar standaard Workspace"; /* Entry = "1494.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Save History" = "Bewaar geschiedenis"; /* Entry = "260.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Save Workspace File…" = "Bewaar Workspac-bestand…"; /* Entry = "1680.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ "Search" = "Search"; /* Entry = "1663.placeholderString"; Class = "NSSearchFieldCell" */ "Search in History [regex] - ⇧⌘H" = "Zoek in geschiedenis [regex] - ⇧⌘H"; /* Entry = "1632.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Select" = "Selecteer"; /* Entry = "1631.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Select" = "Selecteer"; /* Entry = "547.gToolTip"; Class = "NSScrollView" */ "Select Packages You Want To Install Or Update. Multiple Selections Allowed. " = "Selecteer een of meerdere pakketten om te installeren of bij te werken. "; /* Entry = "573.gToolTip"; Class = "NSMatrix" */ "Select The Appropriate Location. Non-Admin User Should Select \"At User Level\"." = "Kies de lokatie (Non-Admin User Should Select \"At User Level\")."; /* Entry = "1113.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Select packages from previous R" = "Selecteer pakketten van vorige R"; /* Entry = "130.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Services" = "Voorzieningen"; /* Entry = "131.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Services" = "Voorzieningen"; /* Entry = "150.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show All" = "Toon alles"; /* Entry = "819.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show Colors" = "Toon kleuren"; /* Entry = "826.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show Fonts" = "Toon lettertypen"; /* Entry = "1065.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show Installed Only" = "Toon enkel geïnstalleerde"; /* Entry = "843.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show Ruler" = "Toon lineaal"; /* Entry = "412.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Show Workspace" = "Toon Workspace"; /* Entry = "855.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Smaller" = "Smaller"; /* Entry = "970.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Source Document" = "Brondocument"; /* Entry = "72.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Source File..." = "Broncodebestand…"; /* Entry = "451.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Status" = "Status"; /* Entry = "664.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Structure" = "Structuur"; /* Entry = "852.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Subscript" = "Subscript"; /* Entry = "827.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Superscript" = "Superscript"; /* Entry = "942.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Switch to Console Window" = "Ga naar consolevenster"; /* Entry = "1117.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Switch to Last Editor Window" = "Voorgaande edit venster"; /* Entry = "1118.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Switch to Last Quartz Window" = "Voorgaande Quartz venster"; /* Entry = "832.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Text" = "Tekst"; /* Entry = "823.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Text" = "Tekst"; /* Entry = "559.gToolTip"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "The Package Installer Requires An Internet Connection" = "Internet verbinding noodzakelijk om pakketten te installeren"; /* Entry = "841.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Tighten" = "Versmald"; /* Entry = "699.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Topic" = "Onderwerp"; /* Entry = "1746.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Transformations" = "Omzetting"; /* Entry = "1747.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Transformations" = "Omzetting"; /* Entry = "545.gToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "Try To Download The List Of Packages From The Specified URL" = "Probeer lijst van beschikbare pakketten van URL te laden"; /* Entry = "668.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "Type" = "Type"; /* Entry = "539.gToolTip"; Class = "NSTextField" */ "URL Of Repository. Must Begin With \"http://\"" = "URL van Repository. Moet beginnen met \"http://\""; /* Entry = "1208.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Uncomment" = "Maak uitvoerbaar"; /* Entry = "835.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Underline" = "Onderlijnen"; /* Entry = "158.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Undo" = "Herstel"; /* Entry = "1748.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Unicode Characters in R Strings to \\uxxxx" = "\\uxxxx to Character"; /* Entry = "1509.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "Update All" = "Update alle"; /* Entry = "817.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use All" = "Gebruik alle"; /* Entry = "857.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use Default" = "Gebruik standaard"; /* Entry = "856.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use Default" = "Gebruik standaard"; /* Entry = "846.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use Default" = "Gebruik standaard"; /* Entry = "820.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use None" = "Geen gebruiken"; /* Entry = "851.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use None" = "Geen gebruiken"; /* Entry = "161.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Use Selection for Find" = "Gebruik selectie voor zoekactie"; /* Entry = "565.gToolTip"; Class = "NSButton" */ "User Should Specify The Package Format For Non-Default Repositories. Usually Archives With \".tar.gz\" Extension Are In \"Source Format\", Packages With \".tgz\" Extesion Are In \"Binary Format\". " = "De gebruiker dient het package formaat te definieren voor Non-Default Repositories. Meestal zijn pakketten met de \".tar.gz\" extensie in \"Source Format\", pakketten met de \".tgz\" extensie in \"Binary Format\". "; /* Entry = "1110.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Vignettes" = "Vignetten"; /* Entry = "333.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "What's New In This Version?" = "Wat is er nieuw in deze versie"; /* Entry = "19.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Window" = "Venster"; /* Entry = "1027.title"; Class = "NSWindow" */ "Window" = "Venster"; /* Entry = "24.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Window" = "Venster"; /* Entry = "1655.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Word" = "Word"; /* Entry = "245.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Workspace" = "Workspace"; /* Entry = "252.title"; Class = "NSMenu" */ "Workspace" = "Workspace"; /* Entry = "249.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Workspace Browser" = "Workspace browser"; /* Entry = "197.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "Zoom" = "Vergoot/verklein"; /* Entry = "1749.title"; Class = "NSMenuItem" */ "\\uxxxx to Character" = "Unicode Characters in R Strings to \\uxxxx"; /* Entry = "1491.title"; Class = "NSTextFieldCell" */ "\n" = "\n"; /* Entry = "799.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "a" = "a"; /* Entry = "797.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "b" = "b"; /* Entry = "806.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "c" = "c"; /* Entry = "807.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "d" = "d"; /* Entry = "808.headerCell.title"; Class = "NSTableColumn" */ "e" = "e"; /* Entry = "462.alternateTitle"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "loaded" = "geladen"; /* Entry = "462.title"; Class = "NSButtonCell" */ "not loaded" = "niet geladen";