/* From: Quartz/QuartzDevice.m (setDefaultSyntaxColors) */ "%@ - Active" = "%@ - Actif"; /* From: Quartz/QuartzDevice.m (setDefaultSyntaxColors) */ "%@ - Inactive" = "%@ - Inactif"; /* From: RController.m (hintForFunction) From: RDocumentWinCtrl.m (hintForFunction) */ "(arguments lookup is disabled while R is busy)" = "(arguments lookup is disabled while R is busy)"; /* From: SearchTable.m (show) */ "" = ""; /* Add column - label for a toolbar, keep short! */ "Add Col" = "Insérer Col"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Add Column" = "Insérer Colonne"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Add New Row" = "Insérer Ligne"; /* Add row - label for a toolbar, keep short! */ "Add Row" = "Insérer Ligne"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Adds a new columns to the right of a group of selected colums or just at the end of the data" = "Insère une nouvelle colonne à droite de l'ensemble des colonnes sélectionnées ou à l'extrémité du tableau des données"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Adds a row below a group of selected rows or at the bottom of the data" = "Insère une ligne en dessous de l'ensemble des lignes sélectionnées ou en bas du tableau des données"; /* From: RController.m (clearWorkSpace) */ "All objects in the workspace will be removed. Are you sure you want to proceed?" = "Tous les objets de l'espace de travail vont être supprimés. Le voulez-vous vraiment?"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (remObject) */ "Are you sure you want to remove object '%@' from the workspace? You cannot undo this action!" = "Êtes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'objet '%@' de l'espace de travail? Vous ne pourrez pas annuler cette action!"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Authentication" = "Autentification"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Authorize R to run system commands as root" = "Autorise R d'effectuer des commandes système en super-utilisateur (root)"; /* From: HelpManager.m (showHelpFor) */ "Can't find help for topic, would you like to expand the search?" = "Ne peut trouver d'aide sur le sujet, voulez vous étendre la recherche?"; /* From: RController.m (doLoadHistory) */ "Can't open history file %@" = "Can't open history file %@"; /* From: RController.m (didCloseAll) */ "Cancel" = "Annuler"; /* From: main.m (webView) */ "Cannot start R" = "R ne peux démarrer"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Change the size of R console font" = "Modification de la taile du texte de la console de R"; /* From: RController.m (handleChooseFile) */ "Choose File" = "Sélectionner Fichier"; /* From: RController.m (doLoadHistory) */ "Choose history File" = "Sélectionner Fichier Historique"; /* From: PrefPanes/MiscPrefPane.m (chooseWorkingDir) */ "Choose Initial Working Directory" = "Sélectionner le répertoire initial de travail"; /* From: RController.m (handleChooseFile) */ "Choose New File Name" = "Sélectionner nouveau nom de Fichier"; /* From: RController.m (setWorkingDir) */ "Choose New Working Directory" = "Sélectionner un nouveau répertoire de travail"; /* From: RController.m (clearWorkSpace) */ "Clear Workspace" = "Effacer le contenu de l'espace de travail"; /* From: RController.m (didCloseAll) */ "Closing R session" = "Fermeture de la session R"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Create a new, empty document in the editor" = "Crée un nouveau document vide dans l'editeur"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Currently it is not possible to install binary packages from a remote repository as root.\nPlease use the CRAN binary of R to allow admin users to install system-wide packages without becoming root. Alternatively you can either use command-line version of R as root or install the packages from local files." = "Currently it is not possible to install binary packages from a remote repository as root.\nPlease use the CRAN binary of R to allow admin users to install system-wide packages without becoming root. Alternatively you can either use command-line version of R as root or install the packages from local files."; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (checkOptions) */ "Do you want me to remember the mirror you selected for future sessions?" = "Aimeriez vous que je me souvienne de site mirror pour des sessions futures?"; /* From: RController.m (didCloseAll) */ "Don't Save" = "Ne pas sauver"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Edit" = "Édition"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Edit Object" = "Éditer Objet"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Edit the selected object" = "Éditer l'objet sélectionné"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (reloadURL) */ "Fetching Package List Failed" = "Fetching Package List Failed"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Font Size" = "Taille Police"; /* From: RController.m (handleCustomPrint) */ "Help for the topic \"%@\" was not found." = "L'aide sur le sujet \"%@\" n'as pas été trouvé."; /* From: RController.m (handleCustomPrint) */ "Help topic not found" = "L'aide sur le sujet est introuvable"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "History" = "Historique"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (setURL) */ "Install Selected" = "Install Selected"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (setURL) */ "Install…" = "Install…"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Interrupt current R computation" = "Interrompre le calcul courant de R"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (reloadURL) From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Invalid Repository URL" = "Invalid Repository URL"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (checkOptions) */ "Never" = "Jamais"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "New Document" = "Nouveau Document"; /* From: Quartz/RQuartz.m (changeDocumentTitle) */ "New Quartz Device" = "Nouvelle Fenêtre Graphique (Quartz)"; /* Global string @ */ "No" = "Non"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (checkOptions) */ "No CRAN Mirror Found" = "No CRAN Mirror Found"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "No packages selected, nothing to do." = "No packages selected, nothing to do."; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (checkOptions) */ "No valid CRAN mirror was selected.\nYou won't be able to install any CRAN packages unless you set the CRAN option to a valid mirror URL." = "Pas de mirror CRAN valide sélectionné.\nVous serez incapable d'installer des CRAN packages tant que vous ne sélectionnerez pas une site CRAN valide."; /* Global string @ */ "OK" = "OK"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Open a new Quartz device window" = "Ouvrir une nouvelle Fenêtre Graphique (Quartz)"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Open document in editor" = "Ouvrir document avec l'éditeur"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Open In Editor" = "Ouvrir dans Éditeur"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "Package installation failed" = "Package installation failed"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "Package installation was not successful. Please see the R Console for details." = "Package installation was not successful. Please see the R Console for details."; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "Package Installer" = "Installateur de Package"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Package installer" = "Installateur de Package"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Package update failed" = "Package update failed"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Package update was not successful. Please see the R Console for details." = "Package update was not successful. Please see the R Console for details."; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (reloadURL) */ "Please consult R Console output for details." = "Please consult R Console output for details."; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (reloadURL) From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Please specify a valid URL first." = "S'il vous plait, spécifiez d'abord une adresse URL valide."; /* Editor preference group */ "PrefG-Editor" = "PrefG-Editeur"; /* General preference group */ "PrefG-General" = "PrefG-Générales"; /* Views preference group */ "PrefG-Views" = "PrefG-Vues"; /* Colors preference pane */ "PrefP-Colors" = "PrefP-Couleurs"; /* Editor preference pane */ "PrefP-Editor" = "PrefP-Editeur"; /* Quartz preference pane */ "PrefP-Quartz" = "PrefP-Quartz"; /* Startup preference pane */ "PrefP-Startup" = "PrefP-Démarrage"; /* Syntax colors preference pane */ "PrefP-Syntax" = "PrefP-Syntaxe"; /* From: RController.m (toolbarWillAddItem) */ "Print this document" = "Imprimer ce document"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Quartz" = "Quartz"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Quit" = "Quitter"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Quit R" = "Quitter R"; /* From: RConsoleController.m (windowTitleForDocumentDisplayName) */ "R Console" = "Console R"; /* From: RController.m (sourceFile) */ "R File to Source" = "Sourcer Fichier R"; /* From: RController.m (sourceOrLoadFile) */ "R File to Source/Load" = "Sourcer/Charger Fichier R"; /* From: RController.m (handleShowMessage) */ "R Message" = "Message R"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Refresh" = "Mise à jour"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Refresh Objects List" = "Mise à jour de la liste des objets"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Remove" = "Supprimer"; /* Remove columns - label for a toolbar, keep short! */ "Remove Col" = "Supprimer Col."; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Remove Columns" = "Supprimer Colonnes"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Remove Object" = "Supprimer Objet"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (remObject) */ "Remove Object from Workspace" = "Supprimer Objet de l'espace de travail"; /* Remove row - label for a toolbar, keep short! */ "Remove Row" = "Supprimer Ligne"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Remove Rows" = "Supprimer Lignes"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Remove selected columns" = "Supprimer les colonnes sélectionnées"; /* From: WSBrowser.m (toolbar) */ "Remove Selected Object" = "Supprimer les objets sélectionnés"; /* From: REditor.m (toolbar) */ "Removes selected rows" = "Supprimer les lignes sélectionnées"; /* From: Quartz/RDeviceView.m (drawRect) */ "Resizing to %g x %g" = "Ajuster la taille à %g x %g"; /* Global string @ */ "Save" = "Sauver"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Save Console Window" = "Sauver le contenu de la Console"; /* From: Quartz/RQuartz.m (saveDocument) */ "Save Content of Quartz Device to PDF file" = "Sauver le contenu de la fenêtre Quartz dans un fichier PDF"; /* From: REditorToolbar.m (toolbar) */ "Save current document" = "Sauver le document courant"; /* From: RController.m (doSaveHistory) */ "Save history File" = "Sauver le Fichier historique"; /* From: RController.m (saveDocumentAs) */ "Save R Console To File" = "Enregistrer le contenu de la Console dans un fichier"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Save R console window" = "Sauver la fenêtre Console R"; /* From: RController.m (didCloseAll) */ "Save workspace image?" = "Sauver l'image de l'espace de travail?"; /* From: PrefPanes/EditorPrefPane.m (changeEditor) */ "Select editor application" = "Sélectionner un éditeur"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) From: PackageInstaller.m (updateAll) */ "Select Installation Directory" = "Sélectionner le répertoire d'installation"; /* From: REngine/Rcallbacks.m (validateToolbarItem) */ "Select one" = "Selectionnez en un"; /* From: REngine/Rcallbacks.m (validateToolbarItem) */ "Select one or more" = "Selectionnez en un ou plus"; /* From: RController.m (installFromDir) */ "Select Package Directory" = "Sélectionner le répertoire de Package"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (awakeFromNib) */ "Select packages from R %@" = "Select packages from R %@"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (checkOptions) */ "Set as default?" = "Set as default?"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Set Colors" = "Choisir Couleurs"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Set R Colors" = "Choisir couleurs R"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Set R console colors" = "Choisir couleurs de console R"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (toggleShowInstalled) From: AMPrefs/AMPreferenceWindowController.m (toolbar) */ "Show All" = "Afficher Tout"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (toggleShowInstalled) */ "Show Installed Only" = "Show Installed Only"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Show/Hide R command history" = "Afficher/Cacher l'historique R"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Source or Load in R" = "Sourcer ou Charger dans R"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Source script or load data in R" = "Sourcer un script ou charger données dans R"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Source/Load" = "Sourcer/Charger"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Start the X11 window server to allow R using X11 device and Tcl/Tk" = "Activer le serveur X11 pour permettre à R d'utiliser le fenêtrage X11 et Tcl/Tk"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Start X11" = "Activer X11"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Start X11 Server" = "Activer le serveur X11"; /* From: RController.m (toolbar) */ "Stop" = "Arrêter"; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "The installation location doesn't exist." = "L'emplacement d'installation n'éxiste pas."; /* From: PackageInstaller.m (installSelected) */ "The package has not been installed." = "Le package n'a pas été installé."; /* From: main.m (webView) */ "Unable to start R: %@" = "Impossible de démarrer R : %@"; /* Global string @ */ "Yes" = "Oui";