/* NSTextField (12) : <title:12> (oid:50) */ "12" = "12"; /* NSTextField (5.0) : <title:5.0> (oid:28) */ "5.0" = "5.0"; /* NSMenuItem : <title:Bottom Left> (oid:31) */ "Bottom Left" = "左下"; /* NSMenuItem : <title:Bottom Right> (oid:32) */ "Bottom Right" = "右下"; /* NSBox (Box) : <title:Box> (oid:45) */ "Box" = "ボックス"; /* NSMenuItem : <title:Centered> (oid:37) */ "Centered" = "中央"; /* NSButton (Change) : <title:Change> (oid:48) */ "Change" = "変更"; /* NSTextField (Location :) : <title:Location :> (oid:38) */ "Location\n:" = "位置\n:"; /* NSTextField (Note: Change and press return) : <title:Note: Change and press return> (oid:71) */ "Note: Change and press return" = "注: 変更してリターンを押して下さい"; /* NSMenu : <title:OtherViews> (oid:35) */ "OtherViews" = "他のビュー"; /* NSButton (Override R Quartz width/height parameters) : <title:Override R Quartz width/height parameters> (oid:22) */ "Override R Quartz width/height parameters" = "R Quartz の幅/高さパラメータよりも優先する"; /* NSButton (Restore defaults) : <title:Restore defaults> (oid:51) */ "Restore defaults" = "デフォルトに戻す"; /* NSTextField (System Font Text) : <title:System Font Text> (oid:49) */ "System Font Text" = "システムフォントテキスト"; /* NSMenuItem : <title:Top Left> (oid:36) */ "Top Left" = "左上"; /* NSMenuItem : <title:Top Right> (oid:34) */ "Top Right" = "右上"; /* NSTextField (font family:) : <title:font family:> (oid:46) */ "font family:" = "フォントファミリ:"; /* NSTextField (font point size: :) : <title:font point size: :> (oid:47) */ "font point size:\n\n:" = "サイズ(ポイント):\n\n:"; /* NSTextField (height (inches): :) : <title:height (inches): :> (oid:30) */ "height (inches):\n:" = "高さ (インチ):\n:"; /* NSTextField (width (inches): ) : <title:width (inches): > (oid:29) */ "width (inches):\n" = "幅 (インチ):\n";