/* NSTextField ((was default in RAqua)) : <title:(was default in RAqua)> (oid:29) */
"(was default in RAqua)" = "(RAquaのデフォルト)";

/* NSTextField (.Rhistory) : <title:.Rhistory> (oid:63) */
".Rhistory" = ".Rhistory";

/* NSTextField (250) : <title:250> (oid:95) */
"250" = "250";

/* NSButton (Add ~/Library/R…) : <title:Add ~/Library/R…> (oid:25) */
"Add ~/Library/R…" = "~/Library/R… を追加";

/* NSButton (Always apply) : <title:Always apply> (oid:88) */
"Always apply" = "常に適用";

/* NSButtonCell (Ask) : <title:Ask> (oid:123) */
"Ask" = "Ask";

/* NSButton (Change) : <title:Change> (oid:37) */
"Change" = "変更";

/* NSButton (Cleanup history entries) : <title:Cleanup history entries> (oid:96) */
"Cleanup history entries" = "履歴を消去";

/* NSButton (Default) : <title:Default> (oid:52) */
"Default" = "デフォルト";

/* NSBox (Default CRAN mirror) : <title:Default CRAN mirror> (oid:106) */
"Default CRAN mirror" = "デフォルトのCRANミラー";

/* NSBox (Default Library Paths) : <title:Default Library Paths> (oid:23) */
"Default Library Paths" = "デフォルトのライブラリパス";

/* NSTextField (Directory:) : <title:Directory:> (oid:36) */
"Directory:" = "ディレクトリ:";

/* NSBox (Drag & drop action during R start-up) : <title:Drag & drop action during R start-up> (oid:17) */
"Drag & drop action during R start-up" = "R起動中のドラッグ&ドロップ動作";

/* NSBox (History) : <title:History> (oid:44) */
"History" = "履歴";

/* NSBox (Initial working directory) : <title:Initial working directory> (oid:34) */
"Initial working directory" = "初期作業ディレクトリ";

/* NSTextField (Max number of entries in history:) : <title:Max number of entries in history:> (oid:94) */
"Max number of entries in history:" = "履歴の最大数:";

/* NSButtonCell (No) : <title:No> (oid:124) */
"No" = "いいえ";

/* NSTextField (Note: Enforce by selecting 'Always apply'. Otherwise used to set the working directory if not specified when R.app is started, e.g. double clicking the R icon. Drag & drop of a file or a directory on the R icon or using 'open -a R.app <dir-or-file>' will override this setting if not enforced.) : <title:Note: Enforce by selecting 'Always apply'. Otherwise used to set the working directory if not specified when R.app is started, e.g. double clicking the R icon. Drag & drop of a file or a directory on the R icon or using 'open -a R.app <dir-or-file>' will override this setting if not enforced.> (oid:86) */
"Note: Enforce by selecting 'Always apply'. Otherwise used to set the working directory if not specified when R.app is started, e.g. double clicking the R icon. Drag & drop of a file or a directory on the R icon or using 'open -a R.app <dir-or-file>' will override this setting if not enforced." = "注: '常に適用'を選択するとこの値が常に強制されます. そうでない場合は, R.app の起動時に明示的に指定されていない場合(RアプリアイコンをダブルクリックしてRを起動した場合など)にこの値が使われます. すなわち, Rアプリアイコンにファイルやディレクトリをドラッグ&ドロップして起動したり, 'open -a R.app <ディレクトリやファイル>'としてRを起動した場合はこの値は使われません. ";

/* NSTextField (Note: This change is effective only after a restart of R.app) : <title:Note: This change is effective only after a restart of R.app> (oid:32) */
"Note: This change is effective only after a restart of R.app" = "注: 変更はR.appを再起動した後に有効になります";

/* NSTextField (Note: Use a fixed path to always use the same history file, e.g. ~/.Rhistory) : <title:Note: Use a fixed path to always use the same history file, e.g. ~/.Rhistory> (oid:87) */
"Note: Use a fixed path to always use the same history file, e.g. ~/.Rhistory" = "注: 常に同じ履歴ファイルを使いたい場合は, 固定パスを指定して下さい. ( ~/.Rhistory など )";

/* NSButtonCell (Open file in editor) : <title:Open file in editor> (oid:18) */
"Open file in editor" = "エディタでファイルを開く";

/* NSTextField (R history file:) : <title:R history file:> (oid:46) */
"R history file:" = "R履歴ファイル:";

/* NSButton (Read history file on startup) : <title:Read history file on startup> (oid:82) */
"Read history file on startup" = "起動時に履歴ファイルを読み込む";

/* NSButton (Remove duplicate entries in history) : <title:Remove duplicate entries in history> (oid:93) */
"Remove duplicate entries in history" = "履歴中の重複を除去";

/* NSBox (Save workspace on exit from R) : <title:Save workspace on exit from R> (oid:115) */
"Save workspace on exit from R" = "Save workspace on exit from R";

/* NSButton (Select) : <title:Select> (oid:110) */
"Select" = "選択";

/* NSButtonCell (Source input file) : <title:Source input file> (oid:19) */
"Source input file" = "入力ファイルをソースとして読み込む";

/* NSButton (Strip comments in history entries) : <title:Strip comments in history entries> (oid:97) */
"Strip comments in history entries" = "履歴中のコメントを除去";

/* NSIBHelpConnector : <title:URL for the default CRAN URL. If left empty, the user will be prompted.> (oid:114) */
"URL for the default CRAN URL. If left empty, the user will be prompted." = "URL for the default CRAN URL. If left empty, the user will be prompted.";

/* NSTextField (URL:) : <title:URL:> (oid:109) */
"URL:" = "URL:";

/* NSButtonCell (Yes) : <title:Yes> (oid:125) */
"Yes" = "はい";

/* NSTextField (~) : <title:~> (oid:41) */
"~" = "~";