/* NSTextField ((Valid range is between 0.1 and 0.8 sec.)) : <title:(Valid range is between 0.1 and 0.8 sec.)> (oid:103) */
"(Valid range is between 0.1 and 0.8 sec.)" = "(Gültiger Bereich ist von 0.1 bis 0.8 Sek.)";

/* NSTextField ((Wrapping and padding for new windows only)) : <title:(Wrapping and padding for new windows only)> (oid:117) */
"(Wrapping and padding for new windows only)" = "(nur für neu geöffnete Fenster)";

/* NSTextField (0.2) : <title:0.2> (oid:44) */
"0.2" = "0.2";

/* NSTextField (16.0) : <title:16.0> (oid:124) */
"16.0" = "16.0";

/* NSTextField (5.0) : <title:5.0> (oid:127) */
"5.0" = "5.0";

/* NSButtonCell (Application) : <title:Application> (oid:49) */
"Application" = "Programm";

/* NSButtonCell (Built-in editor) : <title:Built-in editor> (oid:96) */
"Built-in editor" = "Eingebauter Editor";

/* NSBox (Built-in editor preferences) : <title:Built-in editor preferences> (oid:35) */
"Built-in editor preferences" = "Einstellung für eingeb. Editor";

/* NSButtonCell (Command) : <title:Command> (oid:47) */
"Command" = "Befehl";

/* NSTextField (Editor: ) : <title:Editor:
> (oid:46) */
"Editor:\n" = "Editor:\n";

/* NSButtonCell (External Editor) : <title:External Editor> (oid:97) */
"External Editor" = "Externer Editor";

/* NSBox (External editor settings) : <title:External editor settings> (oid:37) */
"External editor settings" = "Einstellungen für ext. Editor";

/* NSTextField (Highlight interval:) : <title:Highlight interval:> (oid:43) */
"Highlight interval:" = "Dauer der Hervorhebung:";

/* NSTextField (Margin width:) : <title:Margin width:> (oid:125) */
"Margin width:" = "Randbreite:";

/* NSButton (Match braces/quotes) : <title:Match braces/quotes> (oid:142) */
"Match braces/quotes" = "Klammern automatisch schliessen";

/* NSButton (New editor) : <title:New editor> (oid:105) */
"New editor" = "Editor auswählen";

/* NSTextField (Note: Command is executed in a shell) : <title:Note: Command is executed in a shell> (oid:104) */
"Note: Command is executed in a shell" = "(der Befehl wird in der 'Shell' ausgeführt)";

/* NSButton (Show brace highlighting) : <title:Show brace highlighting> (oid:40) */
"Show brace highlighting" = "Klammern hervorheben";

/* NSButton (Show function hints) : <title:Show function hints> (oid:138) */
"Show function hints" = "Funktionsparameter anzeigen";

/* NSButton (Show line numbers) : <title:Show line numbers> (oid:42) */
"Show line numbers" = "Zeilennummern anzeigen";

/* NSButton (Show syntax coloring) : <title:Show syntax coloring> (oid:39) */
"Show syntax coloring" = "Syntax farblich hervorheben";

/* NSTextField (SubEthaEdit) : <title:SubEthaEdit> (oid:115) */
"SubEthaEdit" = "SubEthaEdit";

/* NSTextField (Text padding:) : <title:Text padding:> (oid:126) */
"Text padding:" = "Abstand vom Text:";

/* NSButton (Wrap lines) : <title:Wrap lines> (oid:123) */
"Wrap lines" = "Zeilen umbrechen";