# This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information. PKG := spatialite $(PKG)_WEBSITE := https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/libspatialite/index $(PKG)_DESCR := SpatiaLite $(PKG)_IGNORE := $(PKG)_VERSION := 5.1.0 $(PKG)_CHECKSUM := 43be2dd349daffe016dd1400c5d11285828c22fea35ca5109f21f3ed50605080 $(PKG)_SUBDIR := libspatialite-$($(PKG)_VERSION) $(PKG)_FILE := libspatialite-$($(PKG)_VERSION).tar.gz $(PKG)_URL := https://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/libspatialite-sources/$($(PKG)_FILE) $(PKG)_DEPS := cc dlfcn-win32 freexl geos libiconv libxml2 proj sqlite zlib \ minizip define $(PKG)_UPDATE $(WGET) -q -O- 'https://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/libspatialite-sources/' | \ $(SED) -n 's,.*libspatialite-\([0-9][^>]*\)\.tar.*,\1,p' | \ tail -1 endef define $(PKG)_BUILD # freeXL support is only necessary if you want to be able to parse .xls files. # If you disable freexl support, remove freexl from the test program below. cd '$(SOURCE_DIR)' && autoreconf -fi -I ./m4 cd '$(SOURCE_DIR)' && ./configure \ $(MXE_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \ LIBS="`'$(TARGET)-pkg-config' --libs proj minizip freexl sqlite3`" \ CFLAGS="`'$(TARGET)-pkg-config' --cflags minizip`" \ --enable-freexl=yes \ --disable-rttopo \ --with-geosconfig='$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/bin/geos-config' # also compiles demos $(MAKE) -C '$(SOURCE_DIR)' -j '$(JOBS)' $(if $(BUILD_SHARED), LDFLAGS='-no-undefined') $(MAKE) -C '$(SOURCE_DIR)' -j 1 $(INSTALL_STRIP_LIB) # compile one of the demo programs '$(TARGET)-gcc' $(if $(BUILD_SHARED), -Wno-undefined) \ -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic \ '$(SOURCE_DIR)/examples/demo4.c' -o '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/bin/test-spatialite.exe' \ `'$(TARGET)-pkg-config' $(PKG) sqlite3 freexl proj zlib liblzma --cflags --libs` # create a batch file to run the test program (as the program requires arguments) (printf 'REM run against a database that should not exist, but will be removed afterward to save space.\r\n'; \ printf 'test-spatialite.exe test-db.sqlite\r\n'; \ printf 'del test-db.sqlite\r\n';) \ > '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/bin/test-spatialite.bat' endef