# This file is part of MXE. See LICENSE.md for licensing information. PKG := postgresql $(PKG)_WEBSITE := https://www.postgresql.org/ $(PKG)_DESCR := PostgreSQL $(PKG)_IGNORE := $(PKG)_VERSION := 13.20 $(PKG)_CHECKSUM := 8134b685724d15e60d93bea206fbe0f14c8295e84f1cc91d5a3928163e4fb288 $(PKG)_SUBDIR := postgresql-$($(PKG)_VERSION) $(PKG)_FILE := postgresql-$($(PKG)_VERSION).tar.bz2 $(PKG)_URL := https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v$($(PKG)_VERSION)/$($(PKG)_FILE) $(PKG)_DEPS := cc openssl pthreads zlib pkgconf define $(PKG)_UPDATE $(WGET) -q -O- 'https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb?p=postgresql.git;a=tags' | \ grep 'refs/tags/REL_13[0-9_]*"' | \ $(SED) 's,.*refs/tags/REL_\(.*\)".*,\1,g;' | \ $(SED) 's,_,.,g' | \ $(SORT) -V | \ tail -1 endef define $(PKG)_BUILD cd '$(1)' && autoconf cp -Rp '$(1)' '$(1).native' # Since we build only client library, use bogus tzdata to satisfy configure. # pthreads is needed in both LIBS and PTHREAD_LIBS cd '$(1)' && ./configure \ $(MXE_CONFIGURE_OPTS) \ --disable-rpath \ --without-tcl \ --without-perl \ --without-python \ --without-gssapi \ --without-krb5 \ --without-pam \ --with-ldap \ --without-bonjour \ --with-openssl \ --without-readline \ --without-ossp-uuid \ --without-libxml \ --without-libxslt \ --with-zlib \ --with-system-tzdata=/dev/null \ CFLAGS="-DSSL_library_init=OPENSSL_init_ssl" \ LIBS="-lsecur32 -lwldap32 `'$(TARGET)-pkg-config' openssl pthreads --libs`" \ ac_cv_func_getaddrinfo=no # enable_thread_safety means "build internal pthreads" on windows # disable it and link mingw-w64 pthreads to and avoid name conflicts MXE_BUILD_SHARED=$(BUILD_SHARED) $(MAKE) MAKELEVEL=0 -C '$(1)'/src/interfaces/libpq -j '$(JOBS)' \ install \ enable_thread_safety=no \ PTHREAD_LIBS="`'$(TARGET)-pkg-config' pthreads --libs`" MXE_BUILD_SHARED=$(BUILD_SHARED) $(MAKE) MAKELEVEL=0 -C '$(1)'/src/port -j '$(JOBS)' install MXE_BUILD_SHARED=$(BUILD_SHARED) $(MAKE) MAKELEVEL=0 -C '$(1)'/src/common -j '$(JOBS)' install MXE_BUILD_SHARED=$(BUILD_SHARED) $(MAKE) MAKELEVEL=0 -C '$(1)'/src/bin/psql -j '$(JOBS)' install $(INSTALL) -m644 '$(1)/src/include/pg_config.h' '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/include/' $(INSTALL) -m644 '$(1)/src/include/pg_config_ext.h' '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/include/' $(INSTALL) -m644 '$(1)/src/include/postgres_ext.h' '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/include/' $(INSTALL) -d '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/include/libpq' $(INSTALL) -m644 '$(1)'/src/include/libpq/* '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/include/libpq/' # Build a native pg_config. cd '$(1).native' && ./configure \ --prefix='$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)' \ --disable-shared \ --disable-rpath \ --without-tcl \ --without-perl \ --without-python \ --without-gssapi \ --without-krb5 \ --without-pam \ --without-ldap \ --without-bonjour \ --without-openssl \ --without-readline \ --without-ossp-uuid \ --without-libxml \ --without-libxslt \ --without-zlib \ --with-system-tzdata=/dev/null MXE_BUILD_SHARED=$(BUILD_SHARED) $(MAKE) MAKELEVEL=0 -C '$(1).native'/src/port -j '1' MXE_BUILD_SHARED=$(BUILD_SHARED) $(MAKE) MAKELEVEL=0 -C '$(1).native'/src/bin/pg_config -j '1' install ln -sf '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/bin/pg_config' '$(PREFIX)/bin/$(TARGET)-pg_config' # Fix pkg-config file, dependencies of libcrypto (-lcrypto) are missing $(SED) -i -e 's/^\(Requires.private:.*\)/\1 libcrypto/g' \ '$(PREFIX)/$(TARGET)/lib/pkgconfig/libpq.pc' endef