Regular Rtools releases and updates

Regular releases and updates of Rtools are versioned by svn revisions.  To
get the source code, one just needs to check out that specific revision of

Correction: Rtools43 release 5863 to Rtools44 release 6459 use a patch for
tktable to allow building on aarch64.  Due to an error, the patch is not in
the respective svn versions, but has been added in 6461.  To build
tcl_bundle for the mentioned released, tktable.diff has to be added manually
from svn revision 6461.

Maintenance Rtools updates

Maintenance updates are created for frozen series of Rtools in exceptional
circumstances, such as to fix a security vulnerability.  To get the source
code, one needs to check out a base revision (typically the last regular
update of that Rtools series), and apply to it a patch stored in this
directory.  For example, file 5976_5975.diff is a patch to get maintenance
version 5976 from a regular version 5975.  5976 is a maintenance update of

To find out which update is a maintenance update, refer to the corresponding
NEWS file for Rtools.