#! /bin/bash

# This script should not be called by the user directly. The caller
# script should ensure that it is called with the name of the
# directory containing static libraries (currently of the form
# .../x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix/lib)

ADIR=${1:-.} # should be provided, but pwd if not


if [ -f $S ]; then
    # The index already exists
    exit 0

echo "Generating symbol index"
cd ${ADIR}

# produce lines defining which library depends on which (in the form lib1 lib2)
lorder *.a | sort -u > ${TMPLOC}/lorder.out

# produce topological sort order
tsort < ${TMPLOC}/lorder.out > ${TMPLOC}/tsort.out 2>/dev/null

# compute which files define which symbols (in the form lib.a symbol)

nm --no-demangle -go *.a | sed "
    / [TDWRI] / {
            s/:.* [TDWRI] / /
            w $S

# hack to remove libmincore and libwindowsapp, which link console DLLs not available
# on server machines
# xvidcore.a is the same as libxvidcore.a and confuses the scripts
# mod_spatialite.a is probably created by error(?), probably it would
#   only make sense as a DLL

cat $S | grep -v '^libmincore.a' | grep -v '^libwindowsapp.a' | \
    grep -v '^libsbml.dll.a' | grep -v '^xvidcore.a' | \
    grep -v '^mod_spatialite.a' > ${TMPLOC}/symbol0
mv ${TMPLOC}/symbol0 $S

# rm -f ${TMPLOC}/lorder.out ${TMPLOC}/tsort.out