#! /bin/bash # Gives linking order directly for the given symbols. Does not compute # transitive closure of dependencies, so that has to be done by using # this script iteratively several times. # # The input is output from failed building of the package, it is parsed # for finding undefined symbols. # # Usage: findLinkingOrder <PKGDIR> <KNOWN_FLAG_FILE> [ <LIBDIR> ] # # PKGDIR = Source directory of R package to be 'fixed' (unpacked package # tarball, typically initially edited to use empty PKG_LIBS # in Makevars.ucrt/Makevars.win. # # KNOWN_FLAG_FILE = Optional. File containing already known flags. # Can be non-existent, will be overwritten/created with newly # calculated flags. # # LIBDIR = Directory where MXE static libraries have been installed. # Optional, does not have to be specified with RTools43. # # Can optionally define envvars _TEMPDIR_ for intermediate files. # # R needs to be installed in /c/Program\ Files/R/R-devel/bin/R or # be on PATH. # # Set R_LIBS to influence where the package will be installed, the # default is ~/Documents/R/win-library/4.2 # # The package is being installed without applying installation time patches. # # --------------------- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59895/how-can-i-get-the-source-directory-of-a-bash-script-from-within-the-script-itsel SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" if [ "X${_TEMPDIR_}" != X ] ; then export _TEMPDIR_=`cd "${_TEMPDIR_}" && pwd` fi TMPLOC="${_TEMPDIR_:-/tmp}" PKGDIR="$1" KNOWN_FLAG_FILE="$2" LIBDIR="$3" # FIXME: use R_TOOLS_SOFT etc via R CMD config if [ "X${LIBDIR}" == X ] && [ "X${RTOOLS43_HOME}" != X ] ; then # trailing slash will be present when running in RTools43, because # the root will be / RT="`cygpath -u ${RTOOLS43_HOME} | sed -e 's!/$!!g'`/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix" LIBDIR="${RT}/lib" NM=`which x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix-nm.exe 2>/dev/null` if [ "X${NM}" == X ] ; then export PATH="${RT}/bin:${PATH}" fi fi LIBDIR="${LIBDIR:-/c/rtools43/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix/lib}" if [ ! -r "${LIBDIR}/libucrt.a" ] ; then echo "Please specify LIBDIR." >&2 exit 1 fi NM=`which nm 2>/dev/null` if [ "X${NM}" == X ] ; then echo "Please ensure nm.exe is on PATH ($PATH)." >&2 exit 1 fi R=`which R 2>/dev/null` if [ "X$R" == X ] ; then R=/c/Program\ Files/R/R-devel/bin/R fi if [ ! -x "${R}" ] ; then echo "Please ensure R is on PATH ($PATH)." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "X${R_LIBS}" == X ] ; then export R_LIBS=~/Documents/R/win-library/4.2 fi export PATH="${SCRIPT_DIR}:${PATH}" if [ "X${KNOWN_FLAG_FILE}" == X ] ; then echo "Please specify KNOWN_FLAG_FILE." >&2 exit 1 fi touch "${KNOWN_FLAG_FILE}" echo $PKGDIR $KNOWN_FLAG_FILE $LIBDIR # ------------------------ ## re-generates only if ${TMPLOC}/symbol does not exist generateSymbolIndex "${LIBDIR}" # rm -f ${TMPLOC}/inst.out.* # delete old outputs INSTOUT="${TMPLOC}/inst.out.$$" echo "Trying to install ${PKGDIR}" env _R_INSTALL_TIME_PATCHES_=no \ "${R}" CMD INSTALL ${PKGDIR} \ 2>&1 | tee "${INSTOUT}" echo "Installation output saved to ${INSTOUT}" if tail -1 "${INSTOUT}" | grep -lq " DONE " ; then echo "Installation succeeded!" exit 0 fi echo echo "Installation failed, trying to find required link order" if [ -r "${KNOWN_FLAG_FILE}" ]; then PREV=`cat "${KNOWN_FLAG_FILE}"` else PREV="" fi findAdditional "${INSTOUT}" ${PREV} > "${KNOWN_FLAG_FILE}" cat "${KNOWN_FLAG_FILE}" echo echo "Saved in ${KNOWN_FLAG_FILE}" ## Next step: try to automate trying again and processing result ## further, but this will require the Makefile.ucrt file to be edited, ## which is not so simple to do automatically. So skip for now.