R-project.org E-mail Aliases

Note that upper-/lower- case does not really matter in the E-mail aliases below. Also, we use first names to make the correct individual e-mail address less easy to guess by address-collector robots.

R-foundation-members: R-Core, Bill V, Roger B, John Fox, Stefano, Dirk, Torsten, Achim, Hadley, Marc Schwartz

R-mantle: 	David Meyer, Simon Wood, Vince Carey

R-members: 	R-foundation-members, R-mantle
Whereas this is the Foundation's Board (since Summer 2014):
R-foundation-board: Duncan, Martyn, Kurt, Martin Maechler;
                    John Chambers, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian Ripley

Hence, the address to be used for the `Full R Mantle' is indeed   R-members at R project.
Platform-specific Maintainers:
R-mac:		Stefano, Thomas L, Luke, Simon U
R-windows: 	Duncan M, Brian, Uwe
and other special-purpose teams:
CRAN:          Kurt, Fritz, Simon, Uwe, Brian
CRAN-admin:    cran-admin    at WU Vienna
CRAN-sysadmin: cran-sysadmin at WU Vienna

R-journal-editors:  acting editors, a closed mailman list
R-journal-advisory: editors + former ones + MM; a somewhat open mailman list
((rnews-editors: Kurt, Fritz, Paul, Torsten, John Fox, Vince))
Further, we have
R-forge:   R-forge at WU Vienna
useR-2011: .......
useR-2012: <... forward to wherever...>
etc, for the useR! (and possibly similar) conferences.

$Author$ (Martin is responsible for setting/changing these aliases)