#!/bin/sh if [ -z "$1" -o ! -e "$1" ]; then echo '' echo " Usage: $0 <source-tar-ball> [<tarball2> [...]]" echo '' exit 1 fi SWD="`pwd`" : ${ROOT=/Volumes/PkgBuild} export BASE=$ROOT/packages export PATH=/opt/R/arm64/bin:$PATH set -e cd $ROOT svn co -q https://svn.r-project.org/R-dev-web/trunk/QA/Simon/packages cd $BASE make cd "$SWD" cp $* $BASE/CRAN/src/contrib/ cd "$BASE" make cache . common ## mk.chk does this, but in case we need to link templates do it now mkdir -p $BASE/$biname 2>/dev/null ## create symlinks to CRANLIB_TEMPLATE or EXTRALIB_TEMPLATE if [ -n "$CRANLIB_TEMPLATE" -a -e "$CRANLIB_TEMPLATE" ]; then ln -sfn "$CRANLIB_TEMPLATE" $BASE/$biname/CRANlib fi if [ -n "$EXTRALIB_TEMPLATE" -a -e "$EXTRLIB_TEMPLATE" ]; then ln -sfn "$EXTRALIB_TEMPLATE" $BASE/$biname/extralib fi ./mk.chk echo $biname > $BASE/target rm -f $BASE/$biname/CRANlib $BASE/$biname/extralib tar fcj $ROOT/results.tar.bz2 -C $BASE target $biname