#!/usr/bin/perl $realsrc=$src=shift; if ($src eq '--desc') { $usedesc=1; $src=shift; $realsrc=shift; } if ($src eq '' || $src eq '--help' || $src eq '-h') { print "\n Usage: dtree [--desc <desc-dir>] <directory> [<dir2> ...] Creates list of packages in <directory> such that dependent packages are listed after their prerequisites. When using cached descriptions, only pacakges actually present as sources in <directory> are listed. Options: --desc look for cached *.DESCRIPTION in <desc-dir> Note that additional directories are used for dependence detection but their content is not printed. "; exit 1; } # base packages @repkg=('base','boot','class','cluster','datasets','foreign','graphics','grDevices','grid','KernSmooth','lattice','MASS', 'methods','mgcv','nlme','nnet','rcompgen','rpart','spatial','splines','stats','stats4','survival','tcltk','tools','utils'); foreach(@repkg) { $sx{$_}=1; $ign{$_}=1; }; $ign{'R'}=1; if ($usedesc>0) { @f=<$src/*.DESCRIPTION>; } else { @f=<$src/*.tar.gz>; } foreach(@f) { undef $pkg; undef $dep; undef $sug; undef $ver; undef $bdl; undef $cts; $pkgfn=$_; if ($usedesc>0) { open IN, $_; } else { open IN, "tar fxzO $_ \*/DESCRIPTION|"; } while (<IN>) { s/[\r\n]+//g; $pkg=$1 if (/^Package:(.*)/); $bdl=$1 if (/^Bundle:(.*)/); $ver=$1 if (/^Version:(.*)/); $dep=$1 if (/^Depends:(.*)/); $cts=$1 if (/^Contains:(.*)/); $sug=$1 if (/^Suggests:(.*)/); } close IN; $ad="$dep,$sug"; $ad=~s/\([^,]+\)//g; $ad=~s/[ \t]+//g; $ad=~s/,,/,/g; $ad=~s/^,//; $ad=~s/,$//; $ad='' if ($ad eq ','); $pkg=~s/[ \t]+//g; $bdl=~s/[ \t]+//g; $pkg=$bdl if ($pkg eq ''); if ($pkg ne '' && $usedesc>0) { $pkgfn=`ls $realsrc/${pkg}_*.tar.gz|tail -n 1`; $pkgfn=~s/[\r\n]+//g; $pkgfn=~s/\/{2,}/\//g; } @dpa=split ',', $ad; $dp=''; foreach(@dpa) { if($ign{$_}==0) { $dp.="\$(PKGS)/$_/DESCRIPTION "; } } if ($bdl ne '') { $cts=~s/,/ /g; $cts=~s/\s+/ /g; @cc=split ' ',$cts; foreach(@cc) { $sx{$_}=1; $pdep{$_}=$ad; print "\$(PKGS)/$_/DESCRIPTION: \$(PKGS)/$pkg.bundle\n"; } print "\$(PKGS)/$pkg.bundle: \$(SRCS)/$pkgfn $dp\n"; print "\t(\$(BUILD_PKG) $pkg && touch \$\@)\n"; $all.="\$(PKGS)/$pkg.bundle "; } else { print "\$(PKGS)/$pkg/DESCRIPTION: \$(SRCS)/$pkgfn $dp\n"; print "\t\$(BUILD_PKG) $pkg\n"; $all.="\$(PKGS)/$pkg/DESCRIPTION "; } $pdep{$pkg}=$ad; $sx{$pkg}=1; #print "$pkg: \"$ad\"\n"; } # load additional directories while ($more=shift) { next if ($more eq $src || $more eq $realsrc); print STDERR "Loading extra repository $more ...\n"; $usedesc=1; @g=<$more/*.DESCRIPTION>; if ($g[0] eq '') { @g=<$more/*.tar.gz>; $usedesc=0; } foreach(@g) { undef $pkg; undef $dep; undef $sug; undef $ver; undef $bdl; undef $cts; if ($usedesc>0) { open IN, $_; } else { open IN, "tar fxzO $_ \*/DESCRIPTION|"; } undef $pkg; undef $cts; while (<IN>) { s/[\r\n]+//g; $pkg=$1 if (/^Package:(.*)/); $cts=$1 if (/^Contains:(.*)/); } $pkg=~s/[ \t]+//g; if ($cts ne '') { $cts=~s/,/ /g; $cts=~s/\s+/ /g; @cc=split ' ',$cts; foreach(@cc) { $sx{$_}=1; } } $sx{$pkg}=1 if($pkg ne ''); #print STDERR "$pkg "; } } sub addPKG { my ($pkg); $pkg=$_[0]; return if ($pkg eq ''); #print "Add: $pkg\n"; if ($sx{$pkg}!=1) { print STDERR "WARNING: the is no source for package $pkg [",join(',',@cda),"]\n"; } if ($done{$pkg}==0) { my ($dl,@da,$pn); #print " - new $pkg\n"; $indep{$pkg}=1; $dl=$pdep{$pkg}; if ($dl ne '') { #print " dep list: \"$dl\"\n"; @da=split /,/,$dl; foreach $pn (@da) { if ($pn ne '' && $pn ne 'R') { #print " - depends on $pn\n"; if ($done{$pn}==0 && $indep{$pn}>0) { print STDERR "ERROR: circular dependency on $pn [",join(',',@cda),"]\n"; } else { push @cda, $pn; addPKG($pn); pop @cda; } } }; } push @plist, $pkg; $done{$pkg}=1; } } print "\nall: $all\n"; exit(0); foreach(sort(keys(%pdep))) { addPKG($_); } foreach(@plist) { @fl=<$realsrc/$_*.tar.gz>; if ($fl[0] eq '') { #print "### $_\n"; } else { print "$_\n"; } #print join("\n",@plist),"\n"; }