#!/bin/sh if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "" echo " Usage: nopathR <r-home>" echo "" exit 0 fi R=$1 if [ ! -e $R/lib/libR.dylib ]; then echo "Cannot find $R/lib/libR.dylib" exit 1 fi PWD=`pwd` # it takes care of any linked libraries in /usr/local that are supplied # (as for packages) rlib=$R/lib cd $R/ # now go through all so/dylibs we find libs=`find . -name \*.so -or -name \*.dylib -or -name \*.jnilib` for lib in $libs; do # in each so/dylib/jnilib, find dependent libraries beginning with /usr/local ot /opt lds=`otool -L $lib| sed -E -n 's:.(/opt/[^X].*|/usr/local/.*) [(]com.*:\1:p'` for ld in $lds; do # find out what the base name of the linked dylib is ldname=`basename $ld` if [ -e "$rlib/$ldname" ]; then # if a copy exists in the same location as libR.dylib, fix it echo "LDI: $ld -> $rlib/$ldname" install_name_tool -change "$ld" "$rlib/$ldname" $lib else # otherwise warn - that is an unresolved dependency echo "LDW: WARNING: $ld not found in $rlib/$ldname" fi done done # fix permission issue with config.h if [ -e $R/../PrivateHeaders ]; then chmod a+r $R/../PrivateHeaders/* fi echo "Done" cd $PWD