#!/bin/sh # General purpose script to build quard-arch binaries from tar balls # (C)2008 Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek@r-project.org> # # Usage: quad <tar-file or directory> [extra flags to pass to configure] # (tar files foo.tar.gz/bz2 are assumed to unpack to foo whi is the package name) # # Optional env. var: SRCDIR can be set to the directory that contains "configure" # (useful for non-standard packaging like Tcl/Tk) # # creates obj.<arch>.<name> for builds and installs to # dst.<arch>.<name>. Main architecture is then moved to # dst.<name> and diffs shown + lipo commands suggested TAR="$1" if [ -z "$TAR" ]; then echo '' echo " Usage: $0 <tar> [any extra flags]" echo '' exit 1 fi shift cwd=`pwd` name=`echo "$TAR" | sed -e 's:.tar.bz2$::' -e 's:.tar.gz$::'` echo $name if [ -z "${SRCDIR}" -a "$name" != "$TAR" ]; then echo "Unpacking $TAR" rm -rf "$name" tar fxz "$TAR" 2>/dev/null; tar fxj "$TAR" 2>/dev/null fi : ${SRCDIR="$cwd/$name"} darwin='darwin'`uname -r` narch=`arch | sed -e 's:ppc:powerpc:'` if [ ! -e "$SRCDIR/configure" ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid source, expecting $SRCDIR/configure to exist" exit 1 fi for arch in i386 ppc x86_64 ppc64; do echo " ** arch: $arch" TDIR="$cwd/obj.$arch.$name" DSTDIR="$cwd/dst.$arch.$name" if [ -e "$TDIR/OK" ]; then echo " already built, skipping"; else rm -rf "$TDIR" mkdir -p "$TDIR" cd "$TDIR" larch=`echo $arch | sed -e 's:ppc:powerpc:' -e 's:ppc64:powerpc64:'` echo "arch=$arch ; export arch;" "$SRCDIR/configure" "'-build=$narch-apple-$darwin'" "'--host=$larch-apple-$darwin'" "'CC=gcc -std=gnu99 -arch $arch'" "'CPP=gcc -std=gnu99 -E -arch $arch'" "'CXX=g++ -arch $arch'" $* > ".config_.sh" ( sh .config_.sh && make -j4 && make "DESTDIR=$DSTDIR" install && echo 'OK' > "$TDIR/OK" ) || ( echo "** FAILED: $arch **" && exit 2 ) fi done if [ ! -e "$cwd/obj.ppc64.$name/OK" ]; then exit 1; fi DST="$cwd/dst.$name" if [ ! -e "$DST" ]; then mv "$cwd/dst.i386.$name" "$DST" || ( echo "FAILED to move i386 to $DST"; exit 1 ) fi for arch in ppc x86_64 ppc64; do DSTDIR="$cwd/dst.$arch.$name" #cand=`diff -r "$DST" "$DSTDIR" | sed -n 's:^Binary files ::p' | sed -e 's: differ$::'` #for fnd in $cand; do # echo "$fnd" #done diff -r "$DST" "$DSTDIR" done echo "-- binaries --" for arch in ppc x86_64 ppc64; do DSTDIR="$cwd/dst.$arch.$name" diff -r "$DST" "$DSTDIR" | sed -n 's:^Binary files ::p' | sed -e 's: differ$::' | sed -e 's:\(.*\) and \(.*\):lipo -create \1 \2 -o \1:' done