# create a fat GTK+ framework from multiple single-arch builds
# merges all binaries into fat files and glibconfig.h correspondingly
# Typical usage:
# - build GTK+ for arch $arch (e.g. i386) into $root
#   (e.g. /Library/Frameworks/GTK+.framework/Versions/2.14.X11)
# - rename version by appending .$arch (i.e. from 2.14.X11 to 2.14.X11.i386)
# - build next $arch and repeat above for all desired archs
# - run ./mkfat $root


if ($root eq '') {
  print STDERR "\nNo root specified\n\n Usage example: mkfat /Library/Frameworks/GTK+.framework/Versions/2.14.X11\n\n Expects per-architecture builds in \$root.$arch directory\n\n";
  exit 1;


sub sys {
#    print "> $_[0]\n";
    system $_[0];
    if ($? == -1) {
        print "system $_[0]\nERROR: failed to execute: $!\n";
        exit 1;
    } elsif ($? & 127) {
        printf "system $_[0]\nERROR: died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
        ($? & 127),  ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
        exit 2;
    } else {
        $ev=$? >> 8;
        if ($ev != 0) {
            printf "system $_[0]\nERROR: exited with value %d\n", $? >> 8;
            exit 3;

if (-e "$root") {
  print STDERR "\nroot ($root) should not exist, it will be created\n";
  exit 1;

foreach $arch (@archs) {
  if (-e "$root.$arch") {
    print "- $arch\n";
    if (! -e "$root") { # primary architecture
      print "  copying $arch to create a basis...\n";
      sys "ditto '$root.$arch' '$root'";
      print "  create skeleton glibconfig.h...\n";
      open IN, "$root.$arch/Resources/lib/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h";
      close IN;
      open OUT, ">$root/Resources/lib/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h";
      print OUT "#if __${arch}__\n";
      print OUT @a;
      print OUT "\n#else\n#error \"Unsupported architecture\"\n#endif\n";
      close OUT;
    } else {
      print "  merging binaries...\n";
      @cand=`diff -r $root $root.$arch | sed -n 's:^Binary files ::p' | sed -e 's: differ\$::'`;
      foreach (@cand) {
	  ($dst,$src)=split / and /;
	  if ($dst=~/Resources\/bin/ || $dst=~/Resources\/lib/) {
	      if (`ls -l '$dst'|grep ^l` eq '') {
		  sys "lipo -create '$dst' '$src' -o '$dst'";
      print "  merging glibconfig.h...\n";
      open IN, "$root/Resources/lib/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h";
      close IN;
      open OUT,	">$root/Resources/lib/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h";
      print OUT	"#if __${arch}__\n";
      open IN, "$root.$arch/Resources/lib/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h";
      while (<IN>) { print OUT $_; }
      close IN;
      print OUT "\n#else\n";
      print OUT	@a;
      print OUT	"\n#endif\n";
      close OUT;