#! /home/Hornik/tmp/R/bin/Rscript --default-packages=NULL
## Once /usr/bin/Rscript is 3.7.0 or better: Change to
## #! /usr/bin/Rscript
## and clean up.
## Note that on the incoming check systems we need /home/hornik:
## There is no simply way to get shebangs to do
## #! $HOME/tmp/R/bin/Rscript --default-packages=NULL
## modulo moving the actual script to a .R script file, and using
## #! /bin/sh
## exec $HOME/tmp/R/bin/Rscript --default-packages=NULL file.R
## Ideally the default flavor could be set in one place.
flavor <- "gcc"
## flavor <- "clang"
all <- FALSE
omit <- FALSE
more <- FALSE
worse <- FALSE
better <- FALSE
dir <- file.path(normalizePath("~"), "tmp", "CRAN")
usage <- function() {
cat("Usage: summarize-check-CRAN-incoming-changes [options] [DIR]",
"Summarize KH CRAN incoming check changes.",
" -h, --help print short help message and exit",
" -a, --all also summarize the packages directly checked (by",
" default, only reverse dependencies are summarized)",
" -m, --more also summarize output changes",
" -w, --worse only summarize changes to worse",
" -b, --better only summarize changes to better",
" -o, --omit omit changes for info-only NOTEs",
" -d=DIR use DIR as check dir (default: ~/tmp/CRAN)",
" -f=FLAVOR use FLAVOR as reference for changes (default: gcc)",
sep = "\n"
.flavor_from_f_arg <- function(flavor) {
flavor <- c(g = "gcc", c = "clang")[flavor]
if(is.na(flavor)) stop("Invalid flavor.")
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
if(any(ind <- args %in% c("-h", "--help"))) {
q("no", runLast = FALSE)
if(any(ind <- args %in% c("-a", "--all"))) {
all <- TRUE
args <- args[!ind]
if(any(ind <- args %in% c("-o", "--omit"))) {
omit <- TRUE
args <- args[!ind]
if(any(ind <- args %in% c("-m", "--more"))) {
more <- TRUE
args <- args[!ind]
if(any(ind <- args %in% c("-w", "--worse"))) {
worse <- TRUE
args <- args[!ind]
if(any(ind <- args %in% c("-b", "--better"))) {
better <- TRUE
args <- args[!ind]
if(any(ind <- startsWith(args, "-f="))) {
flavor <- .flavor_from_f_arg(substring(args[ind][1L], 4L, 4L))
args <- args[!ind]
if(any(ind <- startsWith(args, "-f"))) {
flavor <- .flavor_from_f_arg(substring(args[ind][1L], 3L, 3L))
args <- args[!ind]
if(any(ind <- startsWith(args, "-d="))) {
dir <- substring(args[ind][1L], 4L)
args <- args[!ind]
if(length(args)) {
dir <- normalizePath(args[1L])
.canonicalize_outputs <- function(d) {
ind <- d$Check == "whether package can be installed"
if(any(ind)) {
d$Output[ind] <-
sub("\nSee[^\n]*for details[.]$", "",
clevels <- c("", "OK", "NOTE", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FAILURE")
old <-
outdirs <- tools:::R_check_outdirs(dir, all = all, invert = TRUE)
logs <- file.path(outdirs, "00check.log")
logs <- logs[utils::file_test("-f", logs)]
new <- tools:::check_packages_in_dir_details(logs = logs,
drop_ok = FALSE)
if(more) {
new <- .canonicalize_outputs(new)
old <- .canonicalize_outputs(old)
changes <- tools:::check_details_changes(new, old, more)
strip <- if(more) function(x) sub("\n.*", "", x) else identity
changes <- changes[is.na(match(changes$Check,
c("installed package size",
"for GNU extensions in Makefiles",
"LazyData"))), ]
changes <- changes[ordered(strip(changes$Old), clevels) <
ordered(strip(changes$New), clevels), ]
changes <- changes[ordered(strip(changes$Old), clevels) >
ordered(strip(changes$New), clevels), ]