check_log_URL <- "" ## r_patched_is_prelease <- TRUE ## r_p_o_p <- if(r_patched_is_prelease) "r-prerel" else "r-patched" GCC_14_compilers_KH <- "GCC 14.2.0 (Debian 14-2.0-12)" ## Adjust as needed, in particular for prerelease stages. ## ## Keeps this in sync with ## lib/bash/ ## lib/bash/ ## (or create a common data base eventually ...) ## check_flavors_db <- local({ fields <- list(c("r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang", "r-devel", "Linux", "x86_64", "(Debian Clang)", "Debian GNU/Linux testing", "2x 8-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz", ## paste("clang version 16.0.6;", ## "GNU Fortran (GCC)", ## substring(GCC_12_compilers_KH, 5)), "clang/flang-new version 19.1.6", "C.UTF-8", NA_character_ ), c("r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc", "r-devel", "Linux", "x86_64", "(Debian GCC)", "Debian GNU/Linux testing", "2x 8-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz", GCC_14_compilers_KH, "C.UTF-8", NA_character_ ), c("r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang", "r-devel", "Linux", "x86_64", "(Fedora Clang)", "Fedora 36", "2x 6-core Intel Xeon E5-2440 0 @ 2.40GHz", "clang/flang version 18.1.x", "en_GB.UTF-8", "" ), c("r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc", "r-devel", "Linux", "x86_64", "(Fedora GCC)", "Fedora 36", "2x 6-core Intel Xeon E5-2440 0 @ 2.40GHz", "GCC 13.2", "en_GB.UTF-8", ""), c("r-devel-windows-x86_64", "r-devel", "Windows", "x86_64", "", "Windows Server 2022", "2x AMD EPYC 7443 (24 cores) @ 2.85GHz", "GCC 13.2.0 (built by MXE, MinGW-W64 project)", "German_Germany.utf8", NA_character_ ), c("r-patched-linux-x86_64", "r-patched", "Linux", "x86_64", "", "Debian GNU/Linux testing", "2x 8-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz", GCC_14_compilers_KH, "C.UTF-8", NA_character_ ), ## c("r-patched-solaris-x86", ## "r-patched", "Solaris", "x86", "", ## "Solaris 10", ## "8x Opteron 8218 (dual core) @ 2.6 GHz", ## "Oracle Developer Studio 12.6", ## "" ## ), c("r-release-linux-x86_64", "r-release", "Linux", "x86_64", "", "Debian GNU/Linux testing", "2x 8-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz", GCC_14_compilers_KH, "C.UTF-8", NA_character_ ), c("r-release-macos-arm64", "r-release", "macOS", "arm64", "", "macOS 13.4 (22F66)", "Mac mini (Apple M1)", "Apple Clang 1400.0.29.202; GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.2.0", "en_US.UTF-8", NA_character_ ), c("r-release-macos-x86_64", "r-release", "macOS", "x86_64", "", "macOS 13.3.1 (a) (22E772610a)", "Mac mini (6-Core Intel Core i5 @ 3 GHz)", "Apple Clang 1403.; GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.2.0", "en_US.UTF-8", NA_character_ ), c("r-release-windows-x86_64", "r-release", "Windows", "x86_64", "", "Windows Server 2022", "2x AMD EPYC 7443 (24 cores) @ 2.85GHz", "GCC 13.2.0 (built by MXE, MinGW-W64 project)", "German_Germany.utf8", NA_character_ ), c("r-oldrel-macos-arm64", "r-oldrel", "macOS", "arm64", "", "macOS 11.6.7 (20G630)", "Mac mini (Apple M1)", "Apple Clang 1300.0.29.30; GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.2.0", "en_US.UTF-8", NA_character_ ), c("r-oldrel-macos-x86_64", "r-oldrel", "macOS", "x86_64", "", "macOS 13.3 (22E252)", "Mac mini (6-Core Intel Core i5 @ 3 GHz)", "Apple Clang 1403.; GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.2.0", "en_US.UTF-8", NA_character_ ), c("r-oldrel-windows-x86_64", "r-oldrel", "Windows", "x86_64", "", "Windows Server 2022", "2x Intel Xeon E5-2680 v4 (14 core) @ 2.4GHz", "GCC 12.3.0 (built by MXE, MinGW-W64 project)", "German_Germany.utf8", NA_character_ ) ) cns <- c("Label", "Flavor", "OS_type", "CPU_type", "Spec", "OS_kind", "CPU_info", "Compilers", "LC_CTYPE", "Details") ind <- lengths(fields) < length(cns) if(any(ind)) fields[ind] <- Map(c, fields[ind], NA_character_) db <-, fields) dimnames(db) <- list(db[, 1L], cns)[, -1L], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) }) ## Even more ugliness ... ## ## In principle this could now easily be merged into check_flavors_db, ## as nowadays we only check on gimli (and ix86 checks are gone). [In ## principle, we could also record both the local hostname and flavor, ## of course.] check_flavors_map <- switch(EXPR = system2("hostname", stdout = TRUE), gimli1 = { c("r-devel-gcc" = "r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc") }, gimli2 = { c("r-devel-clang" = "r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang", "r-patched-gcc" = "r-patched-linux-x86_64", "r-release-gcc" = "r-release-linux-x86_64", "r-prerel-gcc" = "r-prerel-linux-x86_64") }, NULL) ## check_issue_kinds_db <- local({ fields <- list(c("ATLAS", "Tests with alternative BLAS/LAPACK implementations", ""), c("BLAS", "Use of BLAS/LAPACK from C/C++ code", ""), c("C23", "Checks of compiling C code in C23 mode.", ""), c("Intel", "Checks with Intel oneAPI compilers", ""), c("LTO", "Tests for link-time optimization type mismatches", ""), c("M1mac", "Checks on a M1 (arm64) Mac", ""), c("MKL", "Tests with alternative BLAS/LAPACK implementations", ""), c("OpenBLAS", "Tests with alternative BLAS/LAPACK implementations", ""), c("Strict", "Tests with STRICT_R_HEADERS defined to 1.", ""), c("clang-ASAN", "Tests of memory access errors using AddressSanitizer", ""), c("clang-UBSAN", "Tests of memory access errors using Undefined Behavior Sanitizer", ""), ## c("clang14", ## "Check logs for packages with compilation warnings wich clang 14.0.0", ## ""), ## c("clang15", ## "Checks with clang 15.0.0", ## ""), ## c("clang16", ## "Checks with Clang 16.0.0", ## ""), ## c("clang17", ## "Checks with LLVM pre-17.0.0", ## ""), ## c("clang18", ## "Checks with LLVM pre-18.0.0", ## ""), c("donttest", "Tests including \\donttest examples", ""), c("gcc-ASAN", "Tests of memory access errors using AddressSanitizer", ""), c("gcc-UBSAN", "Tests of memory access errors using Undefined Behavior Sanitizer", ""), ## c("gcc11", ## "Checks with GCC trunk aka 11.0", ## ""), ## c("gcc12", ## "Installation issues with fedora-gcc but not fedora-clang", ## ""), ## c("gcc13", ## "Checks with GCC trunk aka 13.0", ## ""), c("gcc", "Installation issues with fedora-gcc but not fedora-clang", ""), c("gcc19", "Installation checks with a snapshot of GCC pre-15", ""), c("noLD", "Tests without long double", ""), c("noOMP", "Tests without OpenMP support", ""), c("noRemap", "Checks with -DR_NO_REMAP used for C++ code", ""), c("noSuggests", "Tests without suggested packages", ""), c("valgrind", "Tests of memory access errors using valgrind", ""), c("0len", "Tests for zero-length access segfaults", ""), ## TK c("rchk", "Checks of native code (C/C++) based on static code analysis", ""), c("rcnst", "Checks of corruption of constants", ""), c("rlibro", "Checks with read-only user library", "") ) cns <- c("Kind", "Description", "Details") delta <- length(cns) - lengths(fields) ind <- (delta > 0L) if(any(ind)) { fields[ind] <- Map(c, fields[ind], Map(, NA_character_, delta[ind])) } db <-, fields) dimnames(db) <- list(db[, 1L], cns)[, -1L], stringsAsFactors = FALSE) }) ## Cannot use 'r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64' as HTML id attribute as ## these should not contain a plus. .valid_HTML_id_attribute <- function(s) gsub("[^[:alnum:]_:.-]", "_", s) ## Obfuscate email addresses, see ## . obfuscate <- function(s) sapply(s, function(e) paste(sprintf("&#x%x;", as.integer(charToRaw(e))), collapse = "")) write_check_flavors_db_as_HTML <- function(db = check_flavors_db, out = "") { if(out == "") out <- stdout() else if(is.character(out)) { out <- file(out, "wt") on.exit(close(out)) } if(!inherits(out, "connection")) stop("'out' must be a character string or connection") ## ## Drop Spec for now ... db$Spec <- NULL ## flavors <- rownames(db) db$Details <- ifelse($Details), "", sprintf(" Details ", db$Details)) writeLines(c("", "", "", "CRAN Package Check Flavors", "", "", "", "", "", "
", "

CRAN Package Check Flavors

", "

", sprintf("Last updated on %s.", format(Sys.time(), usetz = TRUE)), "

", "

", "Systems used for CRAN package checking.", "

", "", paste("", paste(sprintf("", gsub(" ", " ", c("Flavor", "R Version", "OS Type", "CPU Type", "OS Info", "CPU Info", "Compilers", "LC_CTYPE", ""))), collapse = " "), ""),, c(list(paste("", paste("", ncol(db) + 1L), collapse = " "), "")), list(.valid_HTML_id_attribute(flavors)), list(flavors), db)), "
", "
", "", ""), out) } write_check_issue_kinds_db_as_HTML <- function(db = check_issue_kinds_db, out = "") { if(out == "") out <- stdout() else if(is.character(out)) { out <- file(out, "wt") on.exit(close(out)) } if(!inherits(out, "connection")) stop("'out' must be a character string or connection") kinds <- rownames(db) db$Details <- ifelse($Details), "", sprintf(" Details ", db$Details)) writeLines(c("", "", "", "CRAN Package Check Issue Kinds", "", "", "", "", "", "
", "

CRAN Package Check Issue Kinds

", "

", sprintf("Last updated on %s.", format(Sys.time(), usetz = TRUE)), "

", "", paste("", paste(sprintf("", c("Kind", "Description", "Details")), collapse = " "), ""),, c(list(paste("", paste("", ncol(db) + 1L), collapse = " "), "")), list(.valid_HTML_id_attribute(kinds)), list(kinds), db)), "
", "
", "", ""), out) } check_flavor_summary <- function(dir = file.path("~", "tmp", "R.check", "r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc"), check_dirs_root = file.path(dir, "PKGS")) { if(!file_test("-d", check_dirs_root)) return() ## Just making sure ... lc_ctype <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE") Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "en_US.UTF-8") on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", lc_ctype)) get_description_fields_as_utf8 <- function(dfile, fields = c("Version", "Priority", "Maintainer")) { ## Mimick tools:::.read_description(), but always re-encode to ## UTF-8. meta <- if(file.exists(dfile)) try(read.dcf(dfile, fields = unique(c(fields, "Encoding")))[1L, ], silent = TRUE) else NULL ## What if this fails? Grr ... if(inherits(meta, "try-error") || is.null(meta)) { meta <-"", length(fields)) names(meta) <- fields return(meta) } if(! <- meta["Encoding"])) meta <- iconv(meta, encoding, "UTF-8", sub = "byte") meta[fields] } check_dirs <- list.files(path = check_dirs_root, pattern = "\\.Rcheck", full.names = TRUE) check_logs <- file.path(check_dirs, "00check.log") if(!all(ind <- file.exists(check_logs))) { check_dirs <- check_dirs[ind] check_logs <- check_logs[ind] } ## Want Package, Version, Priority, Maintainer, Status, Flags. summary <- matrix(character(), nrow = length(check_dirs), ncol = 6L) fields <- c("Version", "Priority", "Maintainer") for(i in seq_along(check_dirs)) { check_dir <- check_dirs[i] meta <- get_description_fields_as_utf8(file.path(check_dir, "00package.dcf")) meta["Maintainer"] <- trimws(gsub("\n", " ", meta["Maintainer"])) lines <- read_check_log(check_logs[i], FALSE) ## Alternatives for left and right quotes. lqa <- "'|\u2018" rqa <- "'|\u2019" ## Group when used ... ## Re-encode to UTF-8 using the session charset info. re <- "^\\* using session charset: " pos <- grep(re, lines, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) enc <- if(length(pos)) sub(re, "", lines[pos[1L]], useBytes = TRUE) else "" lines <- iconv(lines, enc, "UTF-8", sub = "byte") if(any(bad <- !validUTF8(lines))) lines[bad] <- iconv(lines[bad], to = "ASCII", sub = "byte") ## Get header. re <- sprintf("^\\* this is package (%s)(.*)(%s) version (%s)(.*)(%s)$", lqa, rqa, lqa, rqa) pos <- grep(re, lines, perl = TRUE) if(!length(pos)) { ## This really should not happen ... status <- flags <- NA_character_ ## Perhaps drop at the end? } else { pos <- pos[1L] header <- lines[seq_len(pos - 1L)] lines <- lines[-seq_len(pos)] flags <- if(any(startsWith(header, "* this is a Windows-only package, skipping installation"))) { "--install=no" } else { re <- sprintf("^\\* using options? (%s)(.*)(%s)$", lqa, rqa) if(length(pos <- grep(re, header, perl = TRUE))) { sub(re, "\\2", header[pos[1L]], perl = TRUE) } else "" } ## See tools:::check_packages_in_dir_results(). pos <- which(startsWith(lines, "* loading checks for arch")) pos <- pos[pos < length(lines)] pos <- pos[startsWith(lines[pos + 1L], "** checking")] if(length(pos)) lines <- lines[-pos] pos <- which(startsWith(lines, "* checking examples")) pos <- pos[pos < length(lines)] pos <- pos[startsWith(lines[pos + 1L], "** running examples for arch")] if(length(pos)) lines <- lines[-pos] pos <- which(startsWith(lines, "* checking tests")) pos <- pos[pos < length(lines)] pos <- pos[startsWith(lines[pos + 1L], "** running tests for arch")] if(length(pos)) lines <- lines[-pos] re <- "^\\*\\*? ((checking|creating|running examples for arch|running tests for arch) .*) \\.\\.\\.( (\\[[^ ]*\\]))?( (NOTE|WARNING|ERROR)|)$" m <- regexpr(re, lines, perl = TRUE) ind <- (m > 0L) status <- if(any(ind)) { status <- sub(re, "\\6", lines[ind], perl = TRUE) if(any(status == "")) "FAILURE" else if(any(status == "ERROR")) "ERROR" else if(any(status == "WARNING")) "WARNING" else "NOTE" } else { "OK" } } summary[i, ] <- cbind(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(check_dir)), rbind(meta, deparse.level = 0), status, flags) } colnames(summary) <- c("Package", fields, "Status", "Flags") ## ## Short term fix to ensure more consistency in the summaries, ## remove eventually. summary[, "Flags"] <- trimws(sub(" *--no-stop-on-test-error", "", summary[, "Flags"])) ## data.frame(summary, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) } check_flavor_timings <- function(dir = file.path("~", "tmp", "R.check", "r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc")) { if(length(grep("windows", basename(dir)))) { status <- file.path(dir, "PKGS", "Status") if(!file.exists(status)) return() status <- read.table(status, header = TRUE) timings <- status[c("packages", "insttime", "checktime")] } else if(length(tfile <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, "*")))) { ## Only get total time in this case, hence return right away. timings <- read.table(tfile[1L], header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) names(timings) <- c("Package", "T_total") timings$T_install <- NA_real_ timings$T_check <- NA_real_ return(timings) } else if(length(grep("macos|osx", basename(dir)))) { chkinfo_file <- file.path(dir, "PKGS", "00_summary_chkinfo") if(!file.exists(chkinfo_file)) return() chkinfo <- read.table(chkinfo_file, sep = "|", header = FALSE) ## For the record ... names(chkinfo) <- c("Package", "Version", "chk_result", "has_error", "has_warnings", "has_notes", "check_start", "check_duration", "flags") timings <- list2DF(list(Package = chkinfo$Package, T_total = chkinfo$check_duration)) timings$T_install <- NA_real_ timings$T_check <- NA_real_ return(timings) } else if(file.exists(tfile <- file.path(dir, "timings.csv"))) { return(read.csv(tfile)) } else { t_c <- get_timings_from_timings_files(file.path(dir, "time_c.out")) t_i <- get_timings_from_timings_files(file.path(dir, "time_i.out")) if(is.null(t_i) || is.null(t_c)) return() ## ## We get error information ('Command exited with non-zero ## status') from both timings files, but currently do not use ## this further. ## timings <- merge(t_i[c("Package", "T_total")], t_c[c("Package", "T_total")], by = "Package", all = TRUE) } names(timings) <- c("Package", "T_install", "T_check") timings$T_total <- rowSums(timings[, c("T_install", "T_check")], na.rm = TRUE) timings } get_timings_from_timings_files <- function(tfile) { timings_files <- c(tfile, paste(tfile, "prev", sep = ".")) timings_files <- timings_files[file.exists(timings_files)] if(!length(timings_files)) return() x <- paste(readLines(timings_files[1L], warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n") ## Safeguard against possibly incomplete entries. ## (Could there be incomplete ones not at eof?) is_complete <- grepl("swaps$", x) x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "swaps(\n|$)")) if(!is_complete) x <- x[-length(x)] x <- paste(x, "swaps", sep = "") ## Eliminate 'Command exited with non-zero ...' bad <- rep("OK", length(x)) bad[grep(": Command (exited|terminated)[^\n]*\n", x)] <- "ERROR" x <- sub(": Command (exited|terminated)[^\n]*\n", ": ", x) x <- sub("([0-9])system .*", "\\1", x) x <- sub("([0-9])user ", "\\1 ", x) x <- sub(": ", " ", x) ## ## This fails when for some reason there are duplicated entries, so ## let's be nice ... ## con <- textConnection(c("User System", x)) ## x <- read.table(con) ## con <- textConnection(x) y <- tryCatch(scan(con, list("", 0, 0), quiet = TRUE), error = function(e) return(NULL)) close(con) if(is.null(y)) return() ind <- !duplicated(y[[1L]]) t_u <- y[[2L]][ind] t_s <- y[[3L]][ind] data.frame(Package = y[[1L]][ind], Status = bad[ind], T_user = t_u, T_system = t_s, T_total = t_u + t_s, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) } check_results_db <- function(dir = file.path("~", "tmp", "R.check"), flavors = NULL) { if(is.null(flavors)) flavors <- row.names(check_flavors_db) flavors <- flavors[file.exists(file.path(dir, flavors))] verbose <- interactive() results <- vector("list", length(flavors)) names(results) <- flavors for(flavor in flavors) { if(verbose) message(sprintf("Getting check summary for flavor %s", flavor)) summary <- check_flavor_summary(file.path(dir, flavor)) if(verbose) message(sprintf("Getting check timings for flavor %s", flavor)) timings <- check_flavor_timings(file.path(dir, flavor)) ## Sanitize: if there are no results, skip this flavor. if(!NROW(summary)) next results[[flavor]] <- if(is.null(timings)) cbind(Flavor = flavor, summary, T_check = NA, T_install = NA, T_total = NA) else cbind(Flavor = flavor, merge(summary, timings[, c("Package", "T_install", "T_check", "T_total")], by = "Package", all.x = TRUE)) } names(results) <- NULL, results) } check_summary_summary <- function(results) { flavor <- results$Flavor flavor <- factor(flavor, levels = unique(flavor)) status <- results$Status ## status[status == "NOTE"] <- "OK" status <- factor(status, levels = c("OK", "NOTE", "WARN", "ERROR", "FAIL")) tab <- table(flavor, status) cbind(tab, Total = rowSums(tab, na.rm = TRUE)) } check_timings_summary <- function(results) { tab <- aggregate(results[, c("T_check", "T_install", "T_total")], list(Flavor = results$Flavor), sum, na.rm = TRUE) out <- as.matrix(tab[, -1L]) rownames(out) <- tab$Flavor out } write_check_results_db_as_HTML <- function(results, dir = file.path("~", "tmp", "R.check", "web"), details = NULL, issues = NULL) { if(is.null(results)) return() dir <- path.expand(dir) if(!file_test("-d", dir)) dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE) verbose <- interactive() ## HTMLify checks results. ## First, create a version with hyperlinked *and* commented status ## info (in case a full check was not performed). ## Also add hyperlinked package variable. ## Extract maintainer addresses from Maintainer and create unique ## maintainer ids (valid as HTML ids) from these; replace Maintainer ## by a hmlified version which has the address part obfuscated. re <- "^[[:space:]]*([^[:space:]].*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*(<([^<>@]+)@([^<>@]+)>) *$" ind <- grepl(re, results$Maintainer) address <- sub(re, "\\3 at \\4", results$Maintainer) ## Note that this gives an empty address for maintainer 'ORPHANED', ## so that we use 'check_results_.html' for the results page for ## that maintainer. results$Maintainer_address <- ifelse(ind, address, "") ## Local parts of email addresses are case sensitive in principle, ## but HTML id attribute values are case insensitive. Hence use ## lower case for the ids, and hope for the best. results$Maintainer_id <- ifelse(ind, tolower(.valid_HTML_id_attribute(sprintf("address:%s", address))), "") results$Maintainer <- sub(re, "\\1", results$Maintainer) results$Maintainer <- gsub("&", "&", results$Maintainer, fixed = TRUE) results$Maintainer <- gsub("<", "<", results$Maintainer, fixed = TRUE) results$Maintainer <- gsub(">", ">", results$Maintainer, fixed = TRUE) results$Maintainer <- gsub(" ", " ", results$Maintainer, fixed = TRUE) results$Maintainer[ind] <- sprintf("%s <%s>", results$Maintainer[ind], obfuscate(results$Maintainer_address[ind])) package <- results$Package status <- ifelse($Status) |$Flags), "", paste(results$Status, ifelse(nzchar(results$Flags), "*", ""), sep = "")) tag <- character(length(status)) if(length(pos <- grep("^OK", status))) tag[pos] <- "ok" if(length(pos <- grep("^NOTE", status))) tag[pos] <- "yo" if(length(pos <- grep("^(WARN|ERROR|FAIL)", status))) tag[pos] <- "ko" pos <- which(nzchar(status)) if(length(pos)) status[pos] <- sprintf(" %s ", tag[pos], check_log_URL, results$Flavor[pos], package[pos], status[pos]) if(length(pos) < length(status)) status[-pos] <- " " ## ## sprintf() now is optimized for a length one format string. ## ## Using ## sprintf("%s", ## check_log_URL, results$Flavor[ind], ## package[ind], status[ind]) ## is much clearer, but apparently also much slower ... ## ## This is because sprintf() is vectorized in its fmt argument, and ## hence coerces its argument for each line. When using factors, ## coerce them to character right away: ## sprintf("%s", ## check_log_URL, as.character(results$Flavor[ind]), ## package[ind], status[ind]) ## ## ## results <- cbind(results, Hyperpack = sprintf("%s", package, package), Hyperstat = status) ## Create a "flat" check summary db with one column per flavor. ## Do this here for efficiency in case we want to provide a flat ## summary by maintainer as well. ind <- !$Status) db <- split(results[ind, c("Package", "Version", "Hyperpack", "Hyperstat", "Priority", "Maintainer", "Maintainer_address", "Maintainer_id")], results$Flavor[ind]) ## Eliminate the entries with no check status right away for ## simplicity. for(i in seq_along(db)) names(db[[i]])[4L] <- names(db)[i] db <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE), db) ## And replace NAs and turn to character. ## ## Need to special case hyperstats now as these need empty table ## cells right away, so ## ## db[] <- lapply(db, ## function(s) { ## ifelse(, "", ## if(is.numeric(s)) sprintf("%.2f", s) ## else as.character(s)) ## }) ## ## no longer works ... j <- which(names(db) %in% rownames(check_flavors_db)) db[, j] <- lapply(db[, j], function(s) { ifelse(, " ", s) }) db[, -j] <- lapply(db[, -j], function(s) { ifelse(, "", if(is.numeric(s)) sprintf("%.2f", s) else as.character(s)) }) ## ## Start by creating the check summary HTML file. out <- file(file.path(dir, "check_summary.html"), "w") writeLines(check_summary_html_header(), out) if(verbose) message("Writing check results summary") writeLines(c("

Status summary:

", check_summary_html_summary(results)), out) writeLines(paste("

", "", "Results by maintainer", "", "

"), out) writeLines(paste("

", "", "Results by package", "", "

"), out) writeLines(check_summary_html_footer(), out) close(out) ## Create check summary details by maintainer. out <- file(file.path(dir, "check_summary_by_maintainer.html"), "w") if(verbose) message("Writing check results summary by maintainer") writeLines(c(check_summary_html_header(), paste("

", "", "Results by package", "", "

"), "

Results by maintainer:

", paste("

", "Maintainers can directly adress their results via", ",", "where id is obtained from the shown email address", "with all characters different from letters, digits, hyphens,", "underscores, colons, and periods replaced by underscores.", "

", "

", "Alternatively, they can use the individual maintainer", "results pages linked to from the maintainer fields.", "

", "

", "Results with asterisks (*) indicate that checking", "was not fully performed.", "

"), check_results_html_details_by_maintainer(db), check_summary_html_footer()), out) close(out) ## Create check summary details by package. out <- file(file.path(dir, "check_summary_by_package.html"), "w") if(verbose) message("Writing check results summary by package") writeLines(c(check_summary_html_header(), paste("

", "", "Results by maintainer", "", "

"), "

Results by package:

", paste("

", "Results with asterisks (*) indicate that checking", "was not fully performed.", "

"), check_results_html_details_by_package(db), check_summary_html_footer()), out) close(out) ## Remove the comment/flag info from hyperstatus. results$Hyperstat <- sub("\\*", "", results$Hyperstat) ## Overall check timings summary. out <- file.path(dir, "check_timings.html") if(verbose) message(sprintf("Writing %s", out)) write_check_timings_summary_as_HTML(results, out) ## Individual timings for flavors. for(flavor in unique(results$Flavor)) { out <- file.path(dir, sprintf("check_timings_%s.html", flavor)) if(verbose) message(sprintf("Writing %s", out)) write_check_timings_for_flavor_as_HTML(results, flavor, out) } ## Older code had this split according to package ... issues <- split(issues[-1L], issues[[1L]]) ## Results for each package. write_check_results_for_packages_as_HTML(results, dir, details, issues) ## Results for each address. write_check_results_for_addresses_as_HTML(results, dir, details, issues) ## And finally, a little index. write_check_index(file.path(dir, "index.html")) } check_summary_html_header <- function() c("", "", "", "CRAN Package Check Results", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
", "

CRAN Package Check Results

", "

", sprintf("Last updated on %s.", format(Sys.time(), usetz = TRUE)), "

", "

", "Results for installing and checking packages", "using the three current flavors of R on systems running", "Debian GNU/Linux, Fedora, macOS and Windows.", "

") check_summary_html_summary <- function(results) { tab <- check_summary_summary(results) tab <- tab[ , colSums(tab) > 0, drop = FALSE] flavors <- rownames(tab) fmt <- paste("", " %s ", paste(" %s ", ncol(tab)), collapse = " "), " Details ", "") c("", paste("", paste("", collapse = " "), ""),, c(list(fmt, .valid_HTML_id_attribute(flavors), flavors), split(tab, col(tab)), list(flavors))), "
", c("Flavor", colnames(tab), ""), "
") } check_results_html_details_by_package <- function(db) { flavors <- intersect(names(db), row.names(check_flavors_db)) fmt <- paste("", paste(c(" %s ", 2L),"%s", length(flavors))," %s ", 2L)), collapse = " "), "") package <- db$Package db <- db[order(package), ] ## Prefer to link to package check results pages (rather than ## package web pages) from the check summaries. To change back, use ## hyperpack <- db[, "Hyperpack"] hyperpack <- sprintf("%s", package, package) db$Maintainer <- sprintf("%s", sub("^address:", "", db$Maintainer_id), db$Maintainer) flavors_db <- check_flavors_db[flavors, c("Flavor", "OS_type", "CPU_type", "Spec")] flavors_db$OS_type <- gsub(" ", " ", flavors_db$OS_type) c("", paste("", "", "", paste(, c(list(paste(""), .valid_HTML_id_attribute(flavors)), flavors_db)), collapse = " "), "", "", ""),, c(list(fmt, hyperpack), db[c("Version", flavors, "Maintainer", "Priority")])), "
Package Version ", "", "%s
", "
", "
Maintainer Priority
") } check_results_html_details_by_maintainer <- function(db) { ## Very similar to the above. ## Obviously, this could be generalized ... flavors <- intersect(names(db), row.names(check_flavors_db)) fmt <- paste("", paste(c(" %s ", 3L),"%s", length(flavors))," %s ", 1L)), collapse = " "), "") ## Drop entries with missing maintainer address. db <- db[nzchar(db$Maintainer_address), ] ## FIXME: ## Drop entries for orphaned packages. ## db <- db[db$Maintainer != "ORPHANED", ] ## And sort according to maintainer. db <- db[order(db$Maintainer_address, db$Maintainer), ] ind <- split(seq_along(db$Maintainer_id), db$Maintainer_id) nms <- names(ind) package <- db$Package ## Prefer to link to package check results pages (rather than ## package web pages) from the check summaries. To change back, use ## hyperpack <- db[, "Hyperpack"] hyperpack <- sprintf("%s", package, package) flavors_db <- check_flavors_db[flavors, c("Flavor", "OS_type", "CPU_type", "Spec")] flavors_db$OS_type <- gsub(" ", " ", flavors_db$OS_type) c("", paste("", "", "", "", paste(, c(list(paste(""), .valid_HTML_id_attribute(flavors)), flavors_db)), collapse = " "), "", ""), unlist(Map(function(n, i) { l <- length(i), c(list(fmt, c(sprintf(" id=\"%s\"", n), rep_len("", l - 1L)), c(sprintf("%s", sub("^address:", "", n), sub(" <", " <", db[i[1L], "Maintainer"], fixed = TRUE)), rep_len("", l - 1L)), hyperpack[i]), db[i, c("Version", flavors, "Priority")])) }, nms, ind), use.names = FALSE), "
Maintainer Package Version ", "", "%s
", "
", "
") } check_summary_html_footer <- function() c("
", "", "") write_check_timings_summary_as_HTML <- function(results, out = "") { if(!length(results)) return() if(out == "") out <- stdout() else if(is.character(out)) { out <- file(out, "wt") on.exit(close(out)) } if(!inherits(out, "connection")) stop("'out' must be a character string or connection") writeLines(c("", "", "", "CRAN Package Check Timings", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
", "

CRAN Package Check Timings

", "

", sprintf("Last updated on %s.", format(Sys.time(), usetz = TRUE)), "

", "

", "Available overall timings (in seconds) for installing and checking all CRAN packages.", "

"), out) tab <- check_timings_summary(results) tab <- tab[tab[, "T_total"] > 0, ] flavors <- rownames(tab) fmt <- paste("", " %s ", " %.2f ", " %.2f ", " %.2f ", " Details ", "") ## For some flavors we only have the total time: show nothing ## instead of 0.00 for the install or check times in this case. tab <- sprintf(fmt, .valid_HTML_id_attribute(flavors), flavors, tab[, "T_check"], tab[, "T_install"], tab[, "T_total"], flavors) tab <- gsub(" 0.00", " ", tab) writeLines(c("", paste("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""), "", tab, "", "
Flavor Tcheck Tinstall Ttotal
", "
", "", ""), out) } write_check_timings_for_flavor_as_HTML <- function(results, flavor, out = "") { db <- results[results$Flavor == flavor, ] if(nrow(db) == 0L || all($T_total))) return() db <- db[order(db$T_total, decreasing = TRUE), ] if(out == "") out <- stdout() else if(is.character(out)) { out <- file(out, "wt") on.exit(close(out)) } if(!inherits(out, "connection")) stop("'out' must be a character string or connection") ## Need to efficiently replace missings in timings and flags. ## (Could we have a missing check time?) fields <- c("T_check", "T_install", "Flags") db[fields] <- lapply(db[fields], function(s) ifelse(, "", if(is.numeric(s)) sprintf("%.2f", s) else as.character(s))) writeLines(c("", "", "", "CRAN Package Check Timings", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
", sprintf("

CRAN Package Check Timings for %s

", flavor), "

", sprintf("Last updated on %s.", format(Sys.time(), usetz = TRUE)), "

", "

", "Timings for installing and checking packages", sprintf("for %s on a system running %s (CPU: %s).", check_flavors_db[flavor, "Flavor"], check_flavors_db[flavor, "OS_kind"], check_flavors_db[flavor, "CPU_info"]), "

", "

", sprintf("Total seconds: %.2f (%.2f hours).", sum(db$T_total, na.rm = TRUE), sum(db$T_total, na.rm = TRUE) / 3600), "

", "", paste("", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""),, c(list(paste("", "", "", "", "", ## FIXME hyperstat ## "", "%s", "", "")), db[c("Hyperpack", "T_total", "T_check", "T_install", "Hyperstat", "Flags")])), "
Package Ttotal Tcheck Tinstall Status Flags
%s %.2f %s %s %s %s
", "
", "", ""), out) } write_check_results_for_packages_as_HTML <- function(results, dir, details = NULL, issues = NULL) { verbose <- interactive() ## Drop entries with no status. results <- results[!$Status), ] ## Simplify results. results[] <- lapply(results, function(s) { ifelse(, "", if(is.numeric(s)) sprintf("%.2f", s) else as.character(s)) }) ind <- split(seq_len(nrow(results)), results$Package) nms <- names(ind) details <- split(details, factor(details$Package, nms)) for(i in seq_along(ind)) { package <- nms[i] out <- file.path(dir, sprintf("check_results_%s.html", package)) if(verbose) message(sprintf("Writing %s", out)) write_check_results_for_package_as_HTML(package, results[ind[[i]], , drop = FALSE], details[[package]], issues[[package]], out) } } write_check_results_for_package_as_HTML <- function(package, entries, details, issues, out = "") { lines <- c("", "", "", sprintf("CRAN Package Check Results for Package %s", package), "", "", "", "", "", "
", sprintf(paste("

CRAN Package Check Results for Package", " %s ", "

"), package, package), "

", sprintf("Last updated on %s.", format(Sys.time(), usetz = TRUE)), "

", "", paste("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""),, c(list(paste("", "", "", "", "", "", ## FIXME hyperstat ## "", "%s", "", "")), list(.valid_HTML_id_attribute(entries$Flavor)), entries[c("Flavor", "Version", "T_install", "T_check", "T_total", "Hyperstat", "Flags")])), "
Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
", " %s ", " %s %s %s %s %s %s
", ## FIXME issues ## memtest_notes_for_package_as_HTML(mtnotes), issues_for_package_as_HTML(issues), if(length(s <- check_details_for_package_as_HTML(details))) { c("

Check Details

", "", tryCatch(paste(unlist(s), collapse = "\n"), error = function(e) NULL), "") }, "
", "", "") writeLines(lines, out) } check_details_for_package_as_HTML <- function(d) { if(!NROW(d)) return(character()) htmlify <- function(s) { s <- iconv(s, sub = "byte") s <- tools:::.replace_chars_by_hex_subs(s, tools:::invalid_HTML_chars_re) s <- gsub("&", "&", s, fixed = TRUE) s <- gsub("<", "<", s, fixed = TRUE) s <- gsub(">", ">", s, fixed = TRUE) s } pof <- which(names(d) == "Flavor") poo <- which(names(d) == "Output") ## Outputs from checking "whether package can be installed" will ## have a machine-dependent final line ## See ....... for details. ind <- d$Check == "whether package can be installed" if(any(ind)) { d[ind, poo] <- sub("\nSee[^\n]*for details[.]$", "", d[ind, poo]) } txt <- apply(d[-pof], 1L, paste, collapse = "\r") ## Outputs from checking "installed package size" will vary ## according to system. ind <- d$Check == "installed package size" if(any(ind)) { txt[ind] <- apply(d[ind, - c(pof, poo)], 1L, paste, collapse = "\r") } ## Regularize fancy quotes. ## Could also try using iconv(to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT")) txt <- gsub("(\u2018|\u2019)", "'", txt, perl = TRUE) txt <- gsub("(\u201c|\u201d)", '"', txt, perl = TRUE) lapply(split(seq_len(NROW(d)), match(txt, unique(txt))), function(e) { tmp <- d[e[1L], ] flags <- tmp$Flags flavors <- d$Flavor[e] c("

", htmlify(sprintf("Version: %s", tmp$Version)), "
", if(nzchar(flags)) { c(htmlify(sprintf("Flags: %s", flags)), "
") }, htmlify(sprintf("Check: %s", tmp$Check)), "
", htmlify(sprintf("Result: %s", tmp$Status)), if(nzchar(tmp$Output)) { ## Changed on 2023-11-24 to use a monospace font ## and preserve whitespace. ## c(sprintf("    %s", ## gsub("\n", ## "
\n    ", ## htmlify(tmp$Output), ## perl = TRUE)), ## "
") c("", paste0(" ", gsub("\n", "\n ", htmlify(tmp$Output), perl = TRUE)), "") } else "
", sprintf("%s: %s", if(length(flavors) == 1L) "Flavor" else "Flavors", paste(sprintf("%s", flavors, tmp$Package, flavors), collapse = ", ")), "

") }) } memtest_notes_for_package_as_HTML <- function(m) { if(!length(m)) return(character()) tests <- m[, "Test"] paths <- m[, "Path"] isdir <- !grepl("-Ex.Rout$", paths) if(any(isdir)) paths[isdir] <- sprintf("%s/", paths[isdir]) c("

", "Memtest notes:", paste(sprintf("%s", tests, paths, tests), collapse = "\n"), "

") } ## FIXME issues ## issues_for_package_as_HTML <- ## function(x) ## { ## if(!length(x)) return(character()) ## ## tests <- x[, "Test"] ## paths <- x[, "Path"] ## ## isdir <- !grepl("-Ex.Rout$", paths) ## ## if(any(isdir)) ## ## paths[isdir] <- sprintf("%s/", paths[isdir]) ## ## c("

", ## "Additional issues:", ## paste(sprintf("%s", ## tests, paths, tests), ## collapse = "\n"), ## "

") ## } issues_for_package_as_HTML <- function(x) { if(!length(x)) return(character()) c("

Additional issues

", "

", paste(sprintf("%s", x$href, x$kind), collapse = "\n"), "

") } write_check_results_for_addresses_as_HTML <- function(results, dir, details, issues) { verbose <- interactive() packages <- lapply(split(results$Package, sub("^address:", "", results$Maintainer_id)), function(e) sort(unique(e))) results <- split(results, factor(results$Package)) details <- split(details, factor(details$Package, names(results))) addresses <- names(packages) for(i in seq_along(packages)) { address <- addresses[i] out <- file.path(dir, sprintf("check_results_%s.html", address)) if(verbose) message(sprintf("Writing %s ...", out)) packages_for_address <- packages[[i]] write_check_results_for_address_as_HTML(address, packages_for_address, results[packages_for_address], details[packages_for_address], issues[packages_for_address], out) } } write_check_results_for_address_as_HTML <- function(address, packages, results, details, issues, out = "") { maintainer <- results[[1L]][1L, "Maintainer"] ## Summaries. tab <-, lapply(results, function(r) { categories <- c("FAIL", "ERROR", "WARN", "NOTE", "OK") table(factor(r$Status, categories)) })) tab <- tab[, colSums(tab) > 0, drop = FALSE] tab[tab == 0] <- "" lines <- c("", "", "", sprintf("CRAN Package Check Results for Maintainer %s", maintainer), "", "", "", "", "", "", "
", "", sprintf("

CRAN Package Check Results for Maintainer ‘%s’

", maintainer), "

", sprintf("Last updated on %s.", format(Sys.time(), usetz = TRUE)), "

") ## ## This used to conditionalize on length(package) > 1L. ## Scott Chamberlain suggests to always ## provide the summary table. if(length(packages) > 0L) { fmt <- paste("", " %s ", paste(" %s ", ncol(tab)), collapse = " "), "") lines <- c(lines, "", paste("", paste("", collapse = " "), ""),, c(list(fmt, packages, packages), split(tab, col(tab)))), "
", c("Package", colnames(tab)), "
") } ##
for(package in packages) { tabp <- tab[package, ] tabp <- tabp[tabp != ""] lines <- c(lines, sprintf("

Package %s

", package, package, package), "

", "Current CRAN status:", paste(sprintf("%s: %s", names(tabp), tabp), collapse = ", "), "

", ## FIXME issues ## memtest_notes_for_package_as_HTML(mtnotes[[package]]), issues_for_package_as_HTML(issues[[package]]), if(length(s <- check_details_for_package_as_HTML(details[[package]]))) { c(## "

Check Details

", "", tryCatch(paste(unlist(s), collapse = "\n"), error = function(e) NULL), "") }) } lines <- c(lines, "
", "", "") writeLines(lines, out) } write_check_index <- function(out = "") { writeLines(c(check_summary_html_header(), paste("

", "", "Package check summary", "", "

", sep = ""), paste("

", "", "Package check results by package", "", "

", sep = ""), paste("

", "", "Package check results by maintainer", "", "

", sep = ""), paste("

", "", "Package check timings", "", "

", sep = ""), paste("

", "", "Package check flavors", "", "

", sep = ""), "", "", ""), out) } write_check_log_as_HTML <- function(log, out = "", subsections = FALSE) { if(out == "") out <- stdout() else if(is.character(out)) { out <- file(out, "wt") on.exit(close(out)) } if(!inherits(out, "connection")) stop("'out' must be a character string or connection") lines <- read_check_log(log)[-1L] ## The first line says ## using log directory '/var/www/R.check/......" ## which is really useless ... ## Encoding ... ## Get the session charset from the log (added in R 2.7.0). pos <- grep("^[*] using session charset:", lines, useBytes = TRUE) charset <- if(length(pos)) sub("^[*] using session charset: *([^ ]*) *$", "\\1", lines[pos[1L]], useBytes = TRUE) else "" ## Re-encode to UTF-8. lines <- iconv(lines, from = charset, to = "UTF-8", sub = "byte") if(any(bad <- !validEnc(lines))) lines[bad] <- iconv(lines[bad], to = "ASCII", sub = "byte") ## HTML charset: codepoints <- c(1L : 8L, 11L, 12L, 14L : 31L, 127L : 159L) lines <- gsub(sprintf("[%s]", intToUtf8(codepoints)), " ", lines, perl = TRUE) ## HTML escapes: lines <- gsub("&", "&", lines, fixed = TRUE) lines <- gsub("<", "<", lines, fixed = TRUE) lines <- gsub(">", ">", lines, fixed = TRUE) ## Make leading spaces preserved somehow. m <- regexpr("^[[:space:]]+", lines) pos <- (m > -1L) if(length(pos)) { times <- attr(m, "match.length")[pos] lines[pos] <- paste0(unlist(lapply(times, function(e) paste(" ", e), collapse = ""))), substring(lines[pos], times + 1L)) } ## Fancy stuff: ind <- grep("^\\*\\*? ", lines) lines[ind] <- sub("(\\.\\.\\.( \\[.*\\])?) (WARNING|ERROR)$", "\\1 \\3", lines[ind]) lines[ind] <- sub("(\\.\\.\\.( \\[.*\\])?) (NOTE)$", "\\1 \\3", lines[ind]) ## Convert pointers to install.log: ind <- grep("^See ['‘]https://.*['’] for details.$", lines) if(length(ind)) { ind <- ind[1L] if(endsWith(lines[ind - 1L], "OK")) lines[ind] <- sub("^See ['‘](.*)['’] for details.$", "See the install log for details.", lines[ind]) else lines[ind] <- sub("^See ['‘](.*)['’] for details.$", "See the install log for details.", lines[ind]) } ## Handle footers. footer <- character() len <- length(lines) ## SU seems to add refs and notes about elapsed time. if(startsWith(lines[len], "* elapsed time")) { len <- len - 1L lines <- lines[seq_len(len)] } if(all(lines[c(len - 2L, len)] == c("See", "for details."))) { len <- len - 3L lines <- lines[seq_len(len)] } ## Handle summary footers. if(startsWith(lines[len], "Status: ")) { ## New-style status summary. footer <- sprintf("


", lines[len]) lines <- lines[-len] } else { ## Old-style status summary. num <- length(grep("^(NOTE|WARNING): There", lines[c(len - 1L, len)])) if(num > 0L) { pos <- - num + 1L, len) footer <- sprintf("


", paste(lines[pos], collapse = "
\n")) lines <- lines[-pos] } } ## The check log format is based on the idea that (like Emacs ## outlines), heading lines are started with one or two asterisks, ## and everything else is body lines. Clearly, this needs ensuring ## that body lines do *not* start with asterisks (e.g. by escaping ## these), but as of 2020-06, this is not ensured (still not, after ## all these years). Hence, for now narrow done to the "known" ## headings. seems_level_one_heading <- function(x) { ((x == "* DONE") | startsWith(x, "* using") | startsWith(x, "* checking") | startsWith(x, "* this is package") | startsWith(x, "* package encoding:") | startsWith(x, "* loading checks for arch") | startsWith(x, "* R was compiled by") | startsWith(x, "* running under:") | startsWith(x, "* used") | startsWith(x, "* looks like") | startsWith(x, "* skipping") ) } seems_level_two_heading <- function(x) { (startsWith(x, "** checking") | startsWith(x, "** running")) } if(subsections) { ## In the old days, we had bundles. ## Now, we have multiarch ... ## Sectioning. ## Somewhat tricky as we like to append closing to the ## lines previous to new section starts, so that we can easily ## identify the "uninteresting" OK lines (see below). count <-, length(lines)) count[seems_level_one_heading(lines)] <- 1L count[seems_level_two_heading(lines)] <- 2L ## Hmm, using substring() might be faster than grepping. ind <- (count > 0L) ## ## Before 2023-11-25, we used to do: ## Lines with count zero are "continuation" lines, so the ones ## before these get a line break. ## pos <- which(!ind) - 1L ## if(length(pos)) ## lines[pos] <- paste(lines[pos], "
", sep = "") ## We now use white-space: pre in R_check_log.css to preserve ## whitespace, in particular for the lost braces in Rd check. ##
## Lines with positive count start a new section. pos <- which(ind) lines[pos] <- sub("^\\*{1,2} ", "
  • ", lines[pos]) ## What happens to the previous line depends on whether a new ## subsection is started (bundles), and old same-level section ## or subsection is closed, or both a subsection and section are ## closed: these cases can be distinguished by looking at the ## count differences (values 1, 0, and -1, respectively). delta <- c(0, diff(count[pos])) pos <- pos - 1L if(length(p <- pos[delta > 0])) lines[p] <- paste(lines[p], "\n
  • ", sep = "") ## The last line always ends a section, and maybe also a ## subsection. len <- length(lines) lines[len] <- sprintf("%s%s", lines[len], if(count[pos[length(pos)] + 1L] > 1L) "\n" else "") } else { ind <- seems_level_one_heading(lines) if(!any(ind)) lines <- character() ## ## Before 2023-11-24, we used to do: ## Lines not starting with '* ' are "continuation" lines, so the ## ones before these get a line break. ## pos <- which(!ind) - 1L ## if(length(pos)) ## lines[pos] <- paste(lines[pos], "
    ", sep = "") ## We now use white-space: pre in R_check_log.css to preserve ## whitespace, in particular for the lost braces in Rd check. ##
    ## Lines starting with '* ' start a new block, and end the old ## one unless first. pos <- which(ind) if(length(pos)) { ## Replace star by
  • . lines[pos] <- sprintf("
  • %s", substring(lines[pos], 3L)) ## Append closing
  • to previous line unless first. pos <- (pos - 1L)[-1L] lines[pos] <- sprintf("%s", lines[pos]) } ## The last line always ends the last block. len <- length(lines) lines[len] <- paste(lines[len], "", sep = "") } grayify <- function(lines, subsections = FALSE) { ## Turn all non-noteworthy parts into gray. ## Handle 'checking extension type ... Package' directly. ind <- lines == "
  • checking extension type ... Package
  • " if(any(ind)) lines[ind] <- "
  • checking extension type ... Package
  • " ## Same for 'DONE' ind <- lines == "
  • DONE
  • " if(any(ind)) lines[ind] <- "
  • DONE
  • " foo_simple <- function(lines) { chunks <- split(lines, cumsum(substring(lines, 1L, 4L) == "
  • ")) unlist(lapply(chunks, function(s) { s <- paste(s, collapse = "\n") sub("^
  • ( *([^\n]*)\\.\\.\\.( \\[.*\\])? OK(
  • ", "
  • \\1
  • ", s) }), use.names = FALSE) } foo_tricky <- function(lines) { chunks <- split(lines, cumsum(substring(lines, 1L, 3L) == "( *([^\n]*)\\.\\.\\.( \\[.*\\])? OK(
    .*)?)\n/ul>$", "
  • \\1
  • \n", s) sub("^
  • ( *([^\n]*)\\.\\.\\.( \\[.*\\])? OK(
  • ", "
  • \\1
  • ", s) }), use.names = FALSE) } if(!subsections) { foo_simple(lines) } else { ## Determine lines starting and ending subsections. ind_ss_s <- grepl("\n$", lines) ## The former (currently?) give subsection titles only, and ## hence always get grayified. However, apparently this ## results in nested
  • to be grayified as well: hence, ## tag everthing as black first. lines[ind_ss_s] <- sub("
  • (.*)(\n
      )$", "
    • \\1\\2", lines[ind_ss_s]) lines <- sub("^
    • ", "
    • ", lines) ## Split into subsection-related blocks. blocks <- split(lines, cumsum(ind_ss_s + c(0L, head(ind_ss_e, -1L)))) unlist(lapply(blocks, foo_tricky), use.names = FALSE) } } lines <- grayify(lines, subsections) ## Header. writeLines(c("", "", "", sprintf("Check results for '%s'", sub("-00check.(log|txt)$", "", basename(log))), "", "", "", "", "", "
      "), out) ## Body. if(!length(lines)) writeLines("

      \ncheck results unavailable\n

      ", out) else writeLines(c("
        ", lines, "
      ", footer), out) ## Footer. writeLines(c("
      ", "", ""), out) } write_install_log_as_HTML <- function(log, out, encoding = "") { if(out == "") out <- stdout() else if(is.character(out)) { out <- file(out, "wt") on.exit(close(out)) } if(!inherits(out, "connection")) stop("'out' must be a character string or connection") lines <- readLines(log, warn = FALSE, skipNul = TRUE) lines <- iconv(lines, from = encoding, to = "UTF-8", sub = "byte") if(any(bad <- !validEnc(lines))) lines[bad] <- iconv(lines[bad], to = "ASCII", sub = "byte") ## HTML charset: codepoints <- c(1L : 8L, 11L, 12L, 14L : 31L, 127L : 159L) lines <- gsub(sprintf("[%s]", intToUtf8(codepoints)), " ", lines, perl = TRUE) ## HTML escapes: lines <- gsub("&", "&", lines, fixed = TRUE) lines <- gsub("<", "<", lines, fixed = TRUE) lines <- gsub(">", ">", lines, fixed = TRUE) writeLines(c("", "", "", sprintf("Install log for '%s'", sub("-00install.(log|txt)$", "", basename(log))), "", "", "", "", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "", ""), out) } check_results_diff_db <- function(dir, files = NULL) { if(is.null(files)) { ## Assume that both check.csv.prev and check.csv exist in dir. files <- file.path(dir, c("check.csv.prev", "check.csv")) } x <- read.csv(files[1L], colClasses = "character") x <- x[names(x) != "Maintainer"] y <- read.csv(files[2L], colClasses = "character") y <- y[names(y) != "Maintainer"] z <- merge(x, y, by = 1, all = TRUE) row.names(z) <- z$Package z } check_results_diffs <- function(dir, files = NULL) { db <- check_results_diff_db(dir, files) db <- db[, c("Version.x", "Status.x", "Version.y", "Status.y")] ## Old-style: Show packages with one status missing (removed or ## added) as status change only. ## is_na_x <-$Status.x) ## is_na_y <-$Status.y) ## isc <- (is_na_x | is_na_y | (db$Status.x != db$Status.y)) ## # Status change. ## ivc <- (!is_na_x & !is_na_y & (db$Version.x != db$Version.y)) ## # Version change. ## New-style: isc <- ($Status.x) |$Status.y) | (db$Status.x != db$Status.y)) # Status change. ivc <- ($Version.x) |$Version.y) | (db$Version.x != db$Version.y)) # Version change. names(db) <- c("V_Old", "S_Old", "V_New", "S_New") db <- cbind("S" = ifelse(isc, "*", ""), "V" = ifelse(ivc, "*", ""), db) db[c(which(isc & !ivc), which(isc & ivc), which(!isc & ivc)), c("S", "V", "S_Old", "S_New", "V_Old", "V_New")] } write_check_summary_diffs_to_con <- function(dir, con = stdout()) { files <- c("summary.csv.prev", "summary.csv") db <- check_results_diffs(files = file.path(dir, files)) lines <- c("Changes in check status (S) and/or version (V)",, c(list("using R %s.%s (%s-%s-%s r%s):"), R.version[c("major", "minor", "year", "month", "day", "svn rev")])), "",, c(list(format(c("", rownames(db)), justify = "left")), lapply(Map(c, names(db), lapply(db, function(e) { e <- as.character(e) e[] <- "" e })), format, justify = "right")))) writeLines(lines, con) } filter_results_by_status <- function(results, status) { status <- match.arg(status, c("FAILURE", "ERROR", "WARNING", "NOTE", "OK")) ind <- logical(NROW(results)) flavors <- intersect(names(results), row.names(check_flavors_db)) for(flavor in grep("linux", flavors, value = TRUE)) ind <- ind | grepl(status, results[[flavor]]) results[ind, ] } find_diffs_in_results <- function(results, pos = c("r-devel-linux-ix86", "r-patched-linux-ix86")) { ## Compare linux ix86 between versions. if(is.numeric(pos)) pos <- names(results)[pos] results <- results[, c("Package", "Version", pos)] results[results[[3L]] != results[[4L]], ] } ## ## tools:::analyze_check_log() was updated for 4.3.0 to handle encodings ## correctly ... ## Change to use tools:::analyze_check_log() once 4.3,0 is out. analyze_check_log <- function(log, drop_ok = TRUE) { make_results <- function(package, version, flags, chunks) list(Package = package, Version = version, Flags = flags, Chunks = chunks) ## Alternatives for left and right quotes. lqa <- "'|\u2018" rqa <- "'|\u2019" ## Group when used ... drop_ok_status_tags <- c("OK", "NONE", "SKIPPED", "INFO") ## Start by reading in. lines <- read_check_log(log) ## Re-encode to UTF-8 using the session charset info. re <- "^\\* using session charset: " pos <- grep(re, lines, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) if(length(pos)) { enc <- sub(re, "", lines[pos[1L]], useBytes = TRUE) lines <- iconv(lines, enc, "UTF-8", sub = "byte") ## If the check log uses ASCII, there should be no non-ASCII ## characters in the message lines: could check for this. if(any(bad <- !validUTF8(lines))) lines[bad] <- iconv(lines[bad], to = "ASCII", sub = "byte") } else return() ## Get header. re <- sprintf("^\\* this is package (%s)(.*)(%s) version (%s)(.*)(%s)$", lqa, rqa, lqa, rqa) pos <- grep(re, lines, perl = TRUE) if(length(pos)) { pos <- pos[1L] txt <- lines[pos] package <- sub(re, "\\2", txt, perl = TRUE) version <- sub(re, "\\5", txt, perl = TRUE) header <- lines[seq_len(pos - 1L)] lines <- lines[-seq_len(pos)] ## Get check options from header. re <- sprintf("^\\* using options? (%s)(.*)(%s)$", lqa, rqa) flags <- if(length(pos <- grep(re, header, perl = TRUE))) { sub(re, "\\2", header[pos[1L]], perl = TRUE) } else "" } else return() ## Get footer. len <- length(lines) pos <- which(lines == "* DONE") if(length(pos) && ((pos <- pos[length(pos)]) < len) && startsWith(lines[pos + 1L], "Status: ")) lines <- lines[seq_len(pos - 1L)] else { ## Not really new style, or failure ... argh. ## Some check systems explicitly record the elapsed time in the ## last line: if(startsWith(lines[len], "* elapsed time ")) { lines <- lines[-len] len <- len - 1L while(grepl("^[[:space:]]*$", lines[len])) { lines <- lines[-len] len <- len - 1L } } ## Summary footers. if(startsWith(lines[len], "Status: ")) { ## New-style status summary. lines <- lines[-len] len <- len - 1L } else { ## Old-style status summary. num <- length(grep("^(NOTE|WARNING): There", lines[c(len - 1L, len)])) if(num > 0L) { pos <- - num + 1L, len) lines <- lines[-pos] len <- len - num } } if(lines[len] == "* DONE") lines <- lines[-len] } analyze_lines <- function(lines) { ## Windows has ## * loading checks for arch ## * checking examples ... ## * checking tests ... ## headers: drop these unless not followed by the appropriate ## 'subsection', which indicates failure. pos <- which(startsWith(lines, "* loading checks for arch")) pos <- pos[pos < length(lines)] pos <- pos[startsWith(lines[pos + 1L], "** checking")] if(length(pos)) lines <- lines[-pos] pos <- which(startsWith(lines, "* checking examples")) pos <- pos[pos < length(lines)] pos <- pos[startsWith(lines[pos + 1L], "** running examples for arch")] if(length(pos)) lines <- lines[-pos] pos <- which(startsWith(lines, "* checking tests")) pos <- pos[pos < length(lines)] pos <- pos[startsWith(lines[pos + 1L], "** running tests for arch")] if(length(pos)) lines <- lines[-pos] ## We might still have ## * package encoding: ## entries for packages declaring a package encoding. ## Hopefully all other log entries we still have are ## * checking ## * creating ## ones ... apparently, with the exception of ## ** running examples for arch ## ** running tests for arch ## So let's drop everything up to the first such entry. re <- "^\\*\\*? ((checking|creating|running examples for arch|running tests for arch) .*) \\.\\.\\.( (\\[[^ ]*\\]))?( (.*)|)$" ind <- grepl(re, lines, perl = TRUE) csi <- cumsum(ind) ind <- (csi > 0) chunks <- lapply(split(lines[ind], csi[ind]), function(s) { ## Note that setting ## _R_CHECK_TEST_TIMING_=yes ## _R_CHECK_VIGNETTE_TIMING_=yes ## will result in a different chunk format ... line <- s[1L] check <- sub(re, "\\1", line, perl = TRUE) status <- sub(re, "\\6", line, perl = TRUE) if(status == "") status <- "FAILURE" list(check = check, status = status, output = paste(s[-1L], collapse = "\n")) }) status <- vapply(chunks, `[[`, "", "status") if(identical(drop_ok, TRUE) || ( && all("ERROR", "FAILURE"), status))))) chunks <- chunks[, drop_ok_status_tags))] chunks } chunks <- analyze_lines(lines) if(!length(chunks) && !identical(drop_ok, FALSE)) { chunks <- list(list(check = "*", status = "OK", output = "")) } make_results(package, version, flags, chunks) } read_check_log <- function(log, drop = TRUE) { lines <- readLines(log, warn = FALSE) if(drop) { ## Drop CRAN check status footer. ## Ideally, we would have a more general mechanism to detect ## footer information to be skipped (e.g., a line consisting of ## a single non-printing control character?) pos <- grep("^Current CRAN status:", lines, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE) if(length(pos) && lines[pos <- (pos[1L] - 1L)] == "") { lines <- lines[seq_len(pos - 1L)] } } ## ## ## ## Remove eventually. ## len <- length(lines) ## end <- lines[len] ## if(length(end) && ## grepl(re <- "^(\\*.*\\.\\.\\.)(\\* elapsed time.*)$", end, ## perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)) { ## lines <- c(lines[seq_len(len - 1L)], ## sub(re, "\\1", end, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE), ## sub(re, "\\2", end, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)) ## } ## ## check_details_db <- function(dir = "/data/rsync/R.check", flavors = NA_character_, drop_ok = TRUE) { ## Build a data frame with columns ## Package Version Flavor Check Status Output Flags ## and some optimizations. db_from_logs <- function(logs, flavor) { out <- lapply(logs, analyze_check_log, drop_ok) out <- out[sapply(out, length) > 0L] if(!length(out)) return(NULL) chunks <- lapply(out, `[[`, "Chunks") package <- sapply(out, `[[`, "Package") lens <- sapply(chunks, length) cbind(, lens),, `[[`, "Version"), lens), flavor, matrix(unlist(chunks), ncol = 3L, byrow = TRUE),, `[[`, "Flags"), lens)) } if(identical(flavors, NA_character_)) { logs <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, "*.Rcheck", "00check.log")) db <- db_from_logs(logs, NA_character_) } else { db <- NULL if(is.null(flavors)) flavors <- row.names(check_flavors_db) flavors <- flavors[file.exists(file.path(dir, flavors))] for(flavor in flavors) { if(interactive()) message(sprintf("Getting check details for flavor %s", flavor)) logs <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, flavor, "PKGS", "*", "00check.log")) logs <- logs[! <- file.size(logs)) & (size <= 10000000)] db <- rbind(db, db_from_logs(logs, flavor)) } } if(is.null(db)) return(db) colnames(db) <- c("Package", "Version", "Flavor", "Check", "Status", "Output", "Flags") ## Now some cleanups. checks <- db[, "Check"] checks <- sub("checking whether package ['‘].*['’] can be installed", "checking whether package can be installed", checks) checks <- sub("creating .*-Ex.R", "checking examples creation", checks) checks <- sub("creating .*-manual\\.tex", "checking manual creation", checks) checks <- sub("checking .*-manual\\.tex", "checking manual", checks) checks <- sub("checking package vignettes in ['‘]inst/doc['’]", "checking package vignettes", checks) ## The "checking ..." messages are generated using checkingLog(), ## which in turn uses printLog() which does ## quotes <- function(x) gsub("'([^']*)'", sQuote("\\1"), x) ## args <- lapply(list(...), quotes) ## Let's canonicalize (to UTF-8) using the same: checks <- gsub("'([^']*)'", sQuote("\\1"), checks) checks <- sub("^checking *", "", checks) db[, "Check"] <- checks ## In fact, for tabulation purposes it would even be more convenient ## to shorten the check names ... db[, "Output"] <- sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", db[, "Output"]) ## ## Short term fix to ensure more consistency in the summaries, ## remove eventually. db[, "Flags"] <- trimws(sub(" *--no-stop-on-test-error", "", db[, "Flags"])) ## db <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) class(db) <- c("CRAN_check_details", "check_details", "data.frame") db } ## ## Package 'tools' now has a format() method for 'check_details': ## Use this accordingly. format_check_details_db <- function(db) { flags <- db$Flags flavor <- db$Flavor if(is.null(flavor)) flavor <- NA_character_ paste(sprintf("Package: %s Version: %s%s\n", db$Package, db$Version, ifelse(, "", sprintf(" Flavor: %s", flavor))), ifelse(nzchar(flags), sprintf("Flags: %s\n", flags), ""), sprintf("Check: %s ... %s\n", db$Check, db$Status), sprintf(" %s", gsub("\n", "\n ", db$Output)), sep = "") } ## inspect_check_details_db <- function(db, con = stdout()) { writeLines(paste(format_check_details_db(db), collapse = "\n\n"), con) } write_check_details_db_as_HTML <- function(details, dir) { for(flavor in unique(details$Flavor)) { out <- file.path(dir, sprintf("check_details_%s.html", flavor)) write_check_details_for_flavor_as_HTML(details, flavor, out) } } write_check_details_for_flavor_as_HTML <- function(details, flavor, con = stdout()) { tab <- table(details[details$Flavor == flavor, c("Check", "Status")]) ## Drop empty rows. tab <- tab[rowSums(tab) > 0, , drop = FALSE] ## And add totals. tab <- rbind(tab, Total = colSums(tab)) writeLines(c("", "", "", "CRAN Package Check Details", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
      ", sprintf("

      CRAN Package Check Problem Summary for %s

      ", flavor), "

      ", sprintf("Last updated on %s.", format(Sys.time(), usetz = TRUE)), "

      ", "

      ", sprintf("Check problems summary by check and status for %s on a system running %s (CPU: %s).", check_flavors_db[flavor, "Flavor"], check_flavors_db[flavor, "OS_kind"], check_flavors_db[flavor, "CPU_info"]), "

      ", check_details_html_summary(tab), "
      ", "", ""), con) } check_details_html_summary <- function(tab) { tab <- tab[ , match(c("FAIL", "ERROR", "WARN", "NOTE"), colnames(tab), nomatch = 0L), drop = FALSE] tab <- tab[ , colSums(tab) > 0, drop = FALSE] fmt <- paste("", " %s ", paste(" %s ", ncol(tab)), collapse = " "), "") c("", paste("", paste("", collapse = " "), ""),, c(list(fmt, rownames(tab)), split(tab, col(tab)))), "
      ", c("Check", colnames(tab)), "
      " ) } check_details_diff_db <- function(dir, files = NULL) { if(is.null(files)) { files <- file.path(dir, c("details.csv.prev", "details.csv")) } x <- read.csv(files[1L], colClasses = "character") y <- read.csv(files[2L], colClasses = "character") z <- merge(x, y, by = c("Package", "Check"), all = TRUE) names(z) <- c("Package", "Check", "V_old", "S_old", "V_new", "S_new") row.names(z) <- NULL z } check_details_diffs <- function(dir, files = NULL) { db <- check_details_diff_db(dir, files) ## Split into package chunks, and process. chunks <- lapply(split(db, db$Package), function(e) { len <- nrow(e) ## Complete missing entries. ## If one check failed, we have the status of all ## other checks that were run as well. if(length(pos <- which(!$V_old)))) e$V_old <-[pos[1L], "V_old"], len) if(any(ind <- !$S_old)) && (all("ERROR", "FAILURE"), e$S_old[ind]))))) e$S_old[!ind] <- "OK" if(length(pos <- which(!$V_new)))) e$V_new <-[pos[1L], "V_new"], len) if(any(ind <- !$S_new)) && (all("ERROR", "FAILURE"), e$S_new[ind]))))) e$S_new[!ind] <- "OK" e }) ## Put back together, and drop all stubs, details for packages only ## checked in old, and entries with no change. ## For packages only checked in new, keep all non-OK details. db <-, chunks) db[((db$Check != "*") & !$S_new) & (($S_old) & (db$S_new != "OK")) | (!$S_old) & (db$S_old != db$S_new)))), ] } write_check_details_diffs_to_con <- function(dir, con = stdout(), flavor = NULL) { db <- check_details_diffs(dir) db$S_old[$S_old)] <- "" chunks <- split(sprintf(" %-s: %s => %s", db$Check, db$S_old, db$S_new), sprintf("Package %s%s:", db$Package, ifelse(!$V_old) & (db$V_old != db$V_new), sprintf(" [V_old: %s, V_new: %s]", db$V_old, db$V_new), ""))) writeLines(paste(sapply(Map(c, names(chunks), chunks, if(!is.null(flavor)) { sprintf("See ", flavor, sub("^Package ([^ :]+).*", "\\1", names(chunks))) } else, length(chunks)) ), paste, collapse = "\n"), collapse = "\n\n"), con) } write_check_details_for_new_problems_to_con <- function(dir, con = stdout()) { db <- check_details_diff_db(dir) ## Want the checks giving *new* problems: ind <- (! <- db$S_new) & (sn != "OK") & ( <- db$S_old) | (sn != so))) details <- readRDS(file.path(dir, "details.rds")) ## Now match new problems and the check details db. pos <- match(paste(db$Package[ind], db$Check[ind], sep = "\r"), paste(details$Package, details$Check, sep = "\r"), nomatch = 0L) ## And write out the details. writeLines(paste(format_check_details_db(details[pos, ]), collapse = "\n\n"), con = con) } get_run_time_test_timings_from_log_file <- function(con) { lines <- readLines(con, warn = FALSE) timings <- integer() for(check in c("examples", "running R code from vignettes", "re-building of vignette PDFs")) { re <- sprintf("^\\* checking %s \\.\\.\\. \\[(.*)\\].*", check) timings <- c(timings, if(length(ind <- grep(re, lines))) { as.integer(sub("s$", "", unlist(strsplit(sub(re, "\\1", lines[ind]), "/", fixed = TRUE)))) } else {, 2L) }) } timings } check_run_time_test_timings_db <- function(dir = "/data/rsync/R.check", flavors = "r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc") { db <- NULL if(is.null(flavors)) flavors <- row.names(check_flavors_db) flavors <- flavors[file.exists(file.path(dir, flavors))] for(flavor in flavors) { if(interactive()) message(sprintf("Getting run time tests timings for flavor %s", flavor)) logs <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, flavor, "PKGS", "*", "00check.log")) out <- lapply(logs, get_run_time_test_timings_from_log_file) db <- rbind(db, data.frame(flavor, sub("\\.Rcheck$", "", basename(dirname(logs))),, out), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) } colnames(db) <- c("Flavor", "Package", "Ex_T", "Ex_E", "VR_T", "VR_E", "VB_T", "VB_E") db } cache_check_results <- function(dir, flavor) { cpath <- file.path(dir, ".cache", flavor) if(!file_test("-d", cpath)) dir.create(cpath, recursive = TRUE) ## Get mtimes of check log files. files <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, flavor, "PKGS", "*", "00check.log")) times <- if(length(files)) { file.mtime(files) } else { ISOdatetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) } t_max <- max(times) rds <- file.path(cpath, "t_all.rds") saveRDS(times, rds) Sys.setFileTime(rds, t_max) rds <- file.path(cpath, "t_max.rds") saveRDS(t_max, rds) Sys.setFileTime(rds, t_max) ## If necessary, update check results db. if(!file_test("-f", rds <- file.path(cpath, "results.rds")) || t_max > file.mtime(rds)) { saveRDS(check_results_db(dir, flavor), rds) } ## If necessary, update check details db. if(!file_test("-f", rds <- file.path(cpath, "details.rds")) || t_max > file.mtime(rds)) { saveRDS(check_details_db(dir, flavor), rds) } } ## FIXME issues ## update_memtest_notes <- ## function(dir) ## { ## cpath <- file.path(dir, ".cache", "bdr-memtests") ## if(!file_test("-d", cpath)) ## dir.create(cpath, recursive = TRUE) ## ## paths <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, "bdr-memtests", "*", "*")) ## tests <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, "bdr-memtests", "*")) ## times <- c($mtime,$mtime) ## t_max <- max(times) ## rds <- file.path(cpath, "t_max.rds") ## saveRDS(t_max, rds) ## Sys.setFileTime(rds, t_max) ## ## if(!file_test("-f", rds <- file.path(cpath, "notes.rds")) || ## t_max >$mtime) { ## tests <- basename(dirname(paths)) ## paths <- basename(paths) ## notes <- = tests, Path = paths), ## sub("-Ex\\.Rout$", "", paths)) ## saveRDS(notes, rds) ## } ## } ## FIXME issues ## update_issues_db <- ## function(dir) ## { ## cpath <- file.path(dir, ".cache", "issues") ## if(!file_test("-d", cpath)) ## dir.create(cpath, recursive = TRUE) ## ## paths <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, "issues", "*", "*")) ## tests <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, "issues", "*")) ## times <- c($mtime,$mtime) ## t_max <- max(times) ## rds <- file.path(cpath, "t_max.rds") ## saveRDS(t_max, rds) ## Sys.setFileTime(rds, t_max) ## ## if(!file_test("-f", rds <- file.path(cpath, "issues.rds")) || ## t_max >$mtime) { ## tests <- basename(dirname(paths)) ## paths <- basename(paths) ## ## ## ## This is really specific to noLD ... ## ## ## ind <- endsWith(paths, ".out") ## issues <- ## = tests[ind], ## Path = paths[ind]), ## sub("\\.out$", "", paths[ind])) ## saveRDS(issues, rds) ## } ## } update_check_issues_db <- function(dir) { cpath <- file.path(dir, ".cache", "issues") if(!file_test("-d", cpath)) dir.create(cpath, recursive = TRUE) files <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, "issues", "*.csv")) times <- file.mtime(files) t_max <- max(times) rds <- file.path(cpath, "t_max.rds") saveRDS(t_max, rds) Sys.setFileTime(rds, t_max) if(!file_test("-f", rds <- file.path(cpath, "issues.rds")) || t_max > file.mtime(rds)) { issues <-, lapply(files, read_issues_csv)) saveRDS(issues, rds, version = 2) } } read_issues_csv <- function(file) { x <- tryCatch(read.csv(file, colClasses = "character"), error = identity) if(inherits(x, "error")) { ## E.g., when one of the .csv is empty, as happened on ## 2018-08-12 ... return() } if(any("Package", "kind", "href"), colnames(x))))) return() if(all(colnames(x) != "Version")) x <- cbind(x, Version =, nrow(x))) x[, c("Package", "Version", "kind", "href")] } .check_R_summary <- function(cdir, wdir, tdir) { flavors <- row.names(check_flavors_db) ## FIXME issues ## This is now incorporated into the new encompassing 'issues' ## mechanism, so in principle could be changed to ## notes <- NULL ## and eventually stop using this in the local code, and creating ## 'memtest_notes.rds' [used by tools::CRAN_memtest_notes()]. ## Of course, we need a suitable replacement for the this: perhaps ## tools::CRAN_check_issues() ## ??? ## ## Update memtest notes db. ## update_memtest_notes(cdir) ## notes <- file.path(cdir, ".cache", "bdr-memtests", "notes.rds") ## Update issues db. update_check_issues_db(cdir) ## Update the cache. parallel::mcmapply(cache_check_results, cdir, flavors, mc.cores = 6L) ## Get the time stamps for each check flavor and the issues. files <- file.path(cdir, ".cache", c(flavors, "issues"), "t_max.rds") timestamps <-, lapply(files, readRDS)) ## If there are no check results to update, update the non-cached ## materials (flavors db, ...) material directly in tdir. mtime <- file.mtime(file.path(tdir, "index.html")) if(! && (max(timestamps) <= mtime)) { saveRDS(check_flavors_db, file = file.path(tdir, "check_flavors.rds"), version = 2) out <- file.path(tdir, "check_flavors.html") write_check_flavors_db_as_HTML(out = out) out <- file.path(tdir, "check_issue_kinds.html") write_check_issue_kinds_db_as_HTML(out = out) ## FIXME issues ## file.copy(notes, file.path(tdir, "memtest_notes.rds"), ## overwrite = TRUE) ## file.copy(issues, file.path(tdir, "issues.rds"), ## overwrite = TRUE) unlink(wdir, recursive = TRUE) } else { saveRDS(check_flavors_db, file = file.path(wdir, "check_flavors.rds"), version = 2) out <- file.path(wdir, "check_flavors.html") write_check_flavors_db_as_HTML(out = out) out <- file.path(wdir, "check_issue_kinds.html") write_check_issue_kinds_db_as_HTML(out = out) ## FIXME issues ## file.copy(notes, file.path(wdir, "memtest_notes.rds"), ## overwrite = TRUE) saveRDS(list(), file.path(wdir, "memtest_notes.rds"), version = 2) ## The caches for results details issues could include archived ## packages: try filtering these out if possible. current <- NULL if(file.exists(pfile <- file.path(dirname(tdir), "packages", "packages.rds"))) { ## Note that tools::CRAN_package_db() calls ## too. current <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) } issues <- readRDS(file.path(cdir, ".cache", "issues", "issues.rds")) if(!is.null(current)) issues <- issues[!$Package, current$Package)), ] saveRDS(issues, file.path(wdir, "check_issues.rds"), version = 2) results <- lapply(file.path(cdir, ".cache", flavors, "results.rds"), read_RDS_or_unlink) results <-, results) if(!is.null(current)) { pos <- match(results$Package, current$Package, 0L) ## Always use current maintainer and current packages only. results$Maintainer[pos > 0L] <- enc2utf8(current$Maintainer[pos]) results <- results[pos > 0L, ] } results$Status <- ordered(results$Status, c("OK", "NOTE", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FAILURE")) saveRDS(results, file = file.path(wdir, "check_results.rds"), version = 2) details <- lapply(file.path(cdir, ".cache", flavors, "details.rds"), read_RDS_or_unlink) details <-, details) if(!is.null(current)) { pos <- match(details$Package, current$Package, 0L) ## Always use current maintainer and current packages only. details$Maintainer[pos > 0L] <- enc2utf8(current$Maintainer[pos]) details <- details[pos > 0L, ] } details$Status <- ordered(details$Status, c("OK", "NOTE", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FAILURE")) saveRDS(details, file = file.path(wdir, "check_details.rds"), version = 2) details <- details[details$Check != "*", ] ## For the web pages, prefer WARN/FAIL to save space ... results$Status <- sub("WARNING", "WARN", sub("FAILURE", "FAIL", results$Status)) details$Status <- sub("WARNING", "WARN", sub("FAILURE", "FAIL", details$Status)) write_check_results_db_as_HTML(results, wdir, details, issues) write_check_details_db_as_HTML(details, wdir) } } ## Sometimes caching results or details gives files for which readRDS() ## fails: in this case, return NULL from reading and unlink so that the ## cache file will be regenerated in the next round. read_RDS_or_unlink <- function(f) { x <- tryCatch(readRDS(f), error = identity) if(inherits(x, "error")) { x <- NULL unlink(f) } x } available_check_results <- function(package) { db <- tools:::CRAN_check_results() db[db$Package == package, ] } available_check_details <- function(package) { db <- tools:::CRAN_check_details() db[db$Package == package, ] } inspect_check_results_db <- function(db) { db <- db[c("Flavor", "Version", "Status", "T_total")] rownames(db) <- NULL format(db, justify = "left") }