top <- file.path(normalizePath("~"), "tmp", "autocheck.d") ## FIXME: how can we be notified about problems? file_age <- function(paths) { as.numeric(Sys.Date() - as.Date(file.mtime(paths))) } file_age_in_hours <- function(paths) { as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), file.mtime(paths), units = "hours")) } summarize <- function(dir, reverse = FALSE, process = FALSE) { log <- file.path(dir, "package", "00check.log") results <- tools:::check_packages_in_dir_results(logs = log) status <- results$package$status out <- sprintf("Package check result: %s\n", status) if(status != "OK") { details <- tools:::check_packages_in_dir_details(logs = log) out <- c(out, sprintf("Check: %s, Result: %s\n %s\n", details$Check, details$Status, gsub("\n", "\n ", details$Output, perl = TRUE))) } if(reverse) { changes <- readLines(file.path(dir, "changes.txt")) out <- c(out, if(length(changes)) c("Changes to worse in reverse depends:\n", changes) else "No changes to worse in reverse depends.") } if(process) { process <- readLines(file.path(dir, "process.txt")) if(length(process)) out <- c(out, "Post-processing issues found:\n", process) } out } format_process_outputs <- function(x) { if(!length(x)) return(character()) fun <- function(u, v) { paste(c(sprintf("File: %s", u), v), collapse = "\n") } paste(unlist(Map(fun, names(x), x), use.names = FALSE), collapse = "\n\n") } ## A very simple post-processor for valgrind checks: process_valg <- function(dir) { files <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, c("*.Rout", "tests/*.Rout", "tests/*", "*.[RSrs]nw.log", "*.[RSrs]tex.log", "*.Rmd.log"))) lines <- lapply(files, function(f) { s <- readLines(f, warn = FALSE, encoding = "bytes") h <- gsub("(==[0-9]+==) .*", "\\1", s[1L]) s <- s[startsWith(s, h)] if(any(grepl(dir, s))) s else NULL }) ## Cf. tools:::file_path_relative_to(). names(lines) <- substring(files, nchar(dir) + 2L) Filter(length, lines) } ## A very simple post-processor for sanitizer checks: process_xtra <- function(dir) { files <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, c("*.Rout", "tests/*.Rout", "tests/*", "*.[RSrs]nw.log", "*.[RSrs]tex.log", "build_vignettes.log", "00check.log", "00install.out"))) lines <- lapply(files, function(f) { s <- readLines(f, warn = FALSE, encoding = "bytes") grepv("ASan|AddressSanitizer|runtime error:", s) }) ## Cf. tools:::file_path_relative_to(). names(lines) <- substring(files, nchar(dir) + 2L) Filter(length, lines) } run <- function(service = "pretest") { reverse <- (service == "recheck") process <- (service %in% c("special/clang-san", "special/gcc-san", "special/valgrind")) wrk <- file.path(normalizePath("~"), "tmp", paste0("CRAN_", sub("/", "_", service))) if(dir.exists(wrk)) { if(file_age_in_hours(wrk) < 6) return(0) else unlink(wrk, recursive = TRUE) } if(!dir.exists(top)) dir.create(top, recursive = TRUE) ## Allow to disable from "outside": if(file.exists(file.path(top, "disable"))) return(0) top <- file.path(top, service) if(!dir.exists(top)) dir.create(top, recursive = TRUE) if(file.exists(lck <- file.path(top, ".lock"))) { if(file_age_in_hours(lck) < 6) return(0) else file.remove(lck) } file.create(lck) on.exit(file.remove(lck)) ## From now on we have a lock in place. ## General idea is the following. ## Check results for package tarball ## sources/PACKAGE_VERSION.tar.gz ## are put into directory ## results/PACKAGE_VERSION_DATE_TIME ## Determine the oldest tarball without corresponding results dir, ## and run the check. sources.d <- file.path(top, "sources") results.d <- file.path(top, "results") outputs.d <- file.path(top, "outputs") if(!dir.exists(sources.d)) dir.create(sources.d) if(!dir.exists(results.d)) dir.create(results.d) if(!dir.exists(outputs.d)) dir.create(outputs.d) ## Clean up results. results <- list.dirs(results.d, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE) old <- results[file_age(results) > 14] if(length(old)) unlink(old, recursive = TRUE) ## Populate sources: this could also be done by someone else. system2("rsync", c("-aqzv --recursive --delete", sprintf("", service), sources.d), stdout = FALSE, stderr = FALSE) sources <- Sys.glob(file.path(sources.d, "*.tar.gz")) ## ## There currently is no mechanism for *stoplisting* packages (or ## maintainers). For the former, we could use something like ## sources <- ## sources[!startsWith("MiscMetabar_", basename(sources))] ## outputs <- list.dirs(outputs.d, full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE) if(!length(sources)) { if(length(outputs)) { old <- file.path(outputs.d, outputs) if(!reverse) old <- old[file_age(old) > 7] if(length(old)) unlink(old, recursive = TRUE) } return(0) } results <- list.dirs(results.d, full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE) dts <- format(file.mtime(sources), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") pos <- order(dts) ids <- sprintf("%s_%s", sub("[.]tar[.]gz$", "", basename(sources)[pos]), dts[pos]) old <- file.path(outputs.d, outputs[, ids))]) if(!reverse) old <- old[file_age(old) > 7] if(length(old)) unlink(old, recursive = TRUE) new <- ids[, results))] if(!length(new)) { return(0) } new <- new[1L] writeLines(new, lck) dir.create(wrk, recursive = TRUE) file.copy(file.path(sources.d, paste0(sub("^([^_]+_[^_]+)_.*", "\\1", new), ".tar.gz")), wrk) ## Avoid 'WARNING: ignoring environment value of R_HOME' ... on.exit(Sys.setenv(R_HOME = Sys.getenv("R_HOME")), add = TRUE) Sys.unsetenv("R_HOME") exe <- list() ## ## We currently hard-wire pretest to use LLVM: could make this ## settable via an additional command line option ... ## arg <- list("pretest" = "-c -fc", "recheck" = "-r=most", "special/LTO" = "-fg/LTO", "special/clang19" = "-fc/lcxx", "special/clang-san" = "-fc/xtra", "special/donttest" = "-a=\"--run-donttest\"", "special/gcc" = "-fg", "special/gcc-san" = "-fg/xtra", "special/noLD" = "-fg/noLD", "special/valgrind" = "-fg/valg -a=\"--use-valgrind\"" ) env <- list("special/clang-san" = c("R_LIBS_USER=NULL", "_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_=false", "_R_CHECK_RD_MATH_RENDERING_=false", sprintf("ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0:detect_odr_violation=0:suppressions=%s", file.path(normalizePath("~"), ".R", "asan.supp")), sprintf("UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1:suppressions=%s", file.path(normalizePath("~"), ".R", "ubsan.supp")), ## ## remove eventually ... "_R_CXX_USE_NO_REMAP_=false", "_R_USE_STRICT_R_HEADERS_=false" ## ), "special/donttest" = "_R_CHECK_EXAMPLE_TIMING_THRESHOLD_=600", "special/gcc-san" = c("R_LIBS_USER=NULL", "_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_=false", "_R_CHECK_RD_MATH_RENDERING_=false", sprintf("ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0:detect_odr_violation=0:suppressions=%s", file.path(normalizePath("~"), ".R", "asan.supp")), sprintf("UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1:suppressions=%s", file.path(normalizePath("~"), ".R", "ubsan.supp")), ## ## remove eventually ... "_R_CXX_USE_NO_REMAP_=false", "_R_USE_STRICT_R_HEADERS_=false" ## ), "special/noSuggests" = "_R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_=true", "special/valgrind" = c("R_LIBS_USER=NULL", "_R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_=false", "_R_CHECK_RD_MATH_RENDERING_=false", ## ## remove eventually ... "_R_CXX_USE_NO_REMAP_=false", "_R_USE_STRICT_R_HEADERS_=false", ## "VALGRIND_OPTS=\"--fullpath-after=\"") ) exe <- exe[[service]] arg <- arg[[service]] env <- env[[service]] cmd <- file.path(normalizePath("~"), "bin", "check-CRAN-incoming") val <- system2(cmd, paste(c("-n -s", paste0("-d=", wrk), arg, if(!is.null(exe)) paste("--exe", exe)), collapse = " "), env = c("_R_CHECK_CRAN_STATUS_SUMMARY_=false", env), stdout = file.path(wrk, "outputs.txt"), stderr = file.path(wrk, "outputs.txt")) ## Should we check the value returned? if(reverse) { ## Create a summary of the changes in reverse depends. cmd <- file.path(normalizePath("~"), "bin", "summarize-check-CRAN-incoming-changes") system2(cmd, c("-m -w -o", wrk), stdout = file.path(wrk, "changes.txt")) } if(process) { tmp <- file.path(wrk, paste0(sub("_.*", "", new), ".Rcheck")) bad <- if(service == "special/valgrind") process_valg(tmp) else process_xtra(tmp) writeLines(format_process_outputs(bad), file.path(wrk, "process.txt")) } if(dir.exists(file.path(results.d, new))) unlink(file.path(results.d, new), recursive = TRUE) file.rename(wrk, file.path(results.d, new)) ## Populate outputs for rsync from cran master. if(dir.exists(file.path(outputs.d, new))) unlink(file.path(outputs.d, new), recursive = TRUE) dir.create(file.path(outputs.d, new)) file.copy(file.path(results.d, new, "outputs.txt"), file.path(outputs.d, new)) if(reverse) file.copy(file.path(results.d, new, "changes.txt"), file.path(outputs.d, new)) if(process) file.copy(file.path(results.d, new, "process.txt"), file.path(outputs.d, new)) package <- sub("_.*", "", new) if(dir.exists(from <- file.path(results.d, new, paste0(package, ".Rcheck")))) { dir.create(to <- file.path(outputs.d, new, "package")) file.copy(file.path(from, "00check.log"), to) if(file.exists(fp <- file.path(from, "00install.out"))) file.copy(fp, to) writeLines(summarize(file.path(outputs.d, new), reverse, process), file.path(outputs.d, new, "summary.txt")) } return(0) } if(!interactive()) { service <- "pretest" args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE) if(any(ind <- startsWith(args, "-r"))) { service <- "recheck" args <- args[!ind] } if(any(ind <- startsWith(args, "-s="))) { service <- paste0("special/", substring(args[ind][1L], 4L)) args <- args[!ind] } if(any(ind <- startsWith(args, "-t="))) { top <- substring(args[ind][1L], 4L) args <- args[!ind] } val <- run(service) } if(FALSE) { while(TRUE) { run() Sys.sleep(1) } }