#! /bin/sh ## Fully Qualified Domain Name of the system we use for checking. FQDN=`hostname -f` ## Default flavor to use. R_flavor=r-devel ## Location of the CRAN mirror root on the local file system. case ${FQDN} in *.wu.ac.at) CRAN_rsync=/srv/R/Repositories/CRAN ;; *) CRAN_rsync=/data/Repositories/CRAN ;; esac ## Location of CRAN's src/contrib on the local file system. CRAN_dir=${CRAN_rsync}/src/contrib ## Default check args. check_args_defaults= ## Where everything happens. check_dir=~/tmp/R.check ## Check date in ISO 8601 format: POSIX compatible according to ## <http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009604599/utilities/date.html>. check_date=`date "+%F"` check_results_mail_recipients="Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at" ## case ${FQDN} in ## gimli.wu.ac.at) ## check_results_mail_recipients="Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch Uwe.Ligges@R-project.org" ## ;; ## esac check_results_files="summary.csv timings.csv details.csv" ## Compilers to use. ## Use configure defaults (gcc/g++/gfortran). compilers= ## Note that (in particular to achieve additional C++ strictness) we ## prefer to run checks with ## CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall -pedantic ## CXXFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall -pedantic ## but use machine-local ~/.R/Makevars for setting this. ## Additional command line arguments to configure. blas="--with-blas=no" ## <FIXME> ## As of 2019-04, tried to avoid gfortran-8 problems/bugs by using the ## system BLAS/LAPACK libraries: ## configure_args="--with-blas=yes --with-lapack=yes --enable-R-shlib LIBnn=lib" ## Note that this also needs OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1. ## In case this still causes troubles, switch back to configure_args="--enable-R-shlib DEFS='-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3' LIBnn=lib" ## with the problems still not fixed ... ## </FIXME> ## Number of jobs/cores to use. n_jobs=1 ## Mechanism to parallelize package checking. check_packages_via_parallel_make=no ## Build R and manuals? (Empty string corresponds to no.) build_R=yes ## R scripts directory. R_scripts_dir=~/lib/R/Scripts ## Shell scripts directory. sh_scripts_dir=~/lib/bash suffix=gcc ## Command line args. while test -n "${1}"; do case "${1}" in -f) R_flavor=${2} shift case "${R_flavor}" in local=*) R_source_path=`expr "${R_flavor}" : "^local=\(.*\)"` R_flavor=local ;; esac ;; -j) n_jobs=${2} shift ;; -m) check_packages_via_parallel_make=yes ;; -b) blas="--with-blas=yes --with-lapack=yes" ;; -c) flavor=${2} case "${flavor}" in g*) v=`expr "${flavor}" : ".*/\\(.*\\)"` test -n "${v}" && v="-${v}" ## Breaks many packages: ## CCSTD="-std=c11" CCSTD= ## CXXSTD="-std=c++98" ## CXXSTD= CC="gcc${v}" ## CC="\"gcc${v} ${CCSTD}\"" CXX="g++${v}" ## CXX="\"g++${v} ${CXXSTD}\"" compilers="CC=${CC} CXX=${CXX} F77=gfortran${v} FC=gfortran${v} OBJC=gcc${v} OBJCXX=gcc${v}" ## compilers="CC=${CC} CXX=${CXX} CXXSTD=${CXXSTD} F77=gfortran${v} ## FC=gfortran${v} OBJC=gcc${v} OBJCXX=gcc${v}" ;; c*) suffix=clang ## <NOTE> ## As of 2024-01, Debian testing with the LLVM 17 compilers ## has OMP runtime problems, eventually giving errors like ## OMP: Error #13: Assertion failure at kmp_runtime.cpp(6891) ## So for the time being, disable OpenMP. ## Commented out 2024-12-23. ## <CODE> ## configure_args="${configure_args} --disable-openmp" ## </CODE> ## As of 2024-09, this seems to work fine again, so maybe ## re-enable eventually. ## Note that a check system without OpenMP is generally ## useful, but there is confusion when the system has the ## appropriate OpenMP libraries and headers (e.g., libomp-dev ## when using the LLVM compilers), but R was configured with ## '--disable-openmp', as packages cannot easily determine ## this. ## </NOTE> vc=`expr "${flavor}" : "[^/]*/\\([^/]*\\)\\(/.*\\)\\?"` vg=`expr "${flavor}" : "[^/]*/[^/]*/\\(.*\\)"` test -n "${vc}" && vc="-${vc}" test -n "${vg}" && vg="-${vg}" ## CXXSTD="-std=c++98" CC="clang${vc}" CXX="clang++${vc}" ## CXX="\"clang++${vc} -std=c++11\"" OBJC="clang${vc}" OBJCXX="clang${vc}" compilers="CC=${CC} CXX=${CXX} OBJC=${OBJC} OBJCXX=${OBJCXX}" if test -n "${vc}" && test -z "${vg}"; then FC="flang-new${vc}" else FC="gfortran${vg}" fi compilers="${compilers} FC=${FC} F77=${FC}" ## ## <FIXME> ## ## Added 2018-04-03 to avoid compilation errors for ## ## RcppArmadillo: remove eventually ...? ## CXX11STD="-std=c++11" ## CXX14STD="-std=c++14" ## compilers="${compilers} CXX11STD=${CXX11STD} CXX14STD=${CXX14STD}" ## ## </FIXME> ;; esac shift ;; -a) configure_args="${configure_args} ${2}" shift ;; esac shift done configure_args="${configure_args} ${blas}" case "${R_flavor}" in r-devel) R_source_url=https://cran.r-project.org/src/base-prerelease/R-devel.tar.xz ## R_source_url=https://stat.ethz.ch/R/daily/R-devel.tar.xz ;; r-patched) R_source_url=https://cran.r-project.org/src/base-prerelease/R-patched.tar.gz ## R_source_url=https://stat.ethz.ch/R/daily/R-patched.tar.gz ;; r-prerel) R_source_url=https://cran.r-project.org/src/base-prerelease/R-patched.tar.gz ;; r-release) R_source_url=https://cran.r-project.org/src/base/R-latest.tar.gz ;; esac check_flavor="${R_flavor}-${suffix}" export _CHECK_CRAN_REGULAR_FLAVOR_=${check_flavor} case ${FQDN} in gimli*.wu.ac.at) case "${R_flavor}" in r-devel) check_results_mail_recipients="Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at Uwe.Ligges@R-project.org maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch" ;; r-patched|r-prerel) check_results_mail_recipients="Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch" ;; r-release) check_results_mail_recipients="Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at Uwe.Ligges@R-project.org" ;; esac ;; esac ## <FIXME> ## We've forever had ## <COMMENT> ## ## No process is allowed more than 30 minutes ## ulimit -t 1800 ## </COMMENT> ## but apparently with GNU Make 4.4 using system2("make") to check all ## CRAN packages in parallel hits that limit. ## Remove eventually ... ## </FIXME> ## Apparently needed when using bindfs to obtain a read-only mounted ## user library for checking: ulimit -n 2048 ## Use more max stack size than used by default. ulimit -s 65536 ## <FIXME> ## No longer necessary with Rmpi 0.6-7 as of 2018-04-11: ## remove eventually. ## ## Customize distributed computing environment(s). ## RMPI_TYPE="OPENMPI" ## RMPI_INCLUDE="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/include" ## RMPI_LIB_PATH="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib" ## ## <FIXME> ## ## With the above, Rmpi should now use OpenMPI instead of LAM, and hence ## ## no longer call lamboot: so setting LAM_MPI_SESSION_SUFFIX and calling ## ## lamwipe should no longer be necessary. ## ## ## Running Rmpi calls lamboot so that at the end we should clean up by ## ## ## calling lamwipe. Of course, the LAM RTE should be check process ## ## ## specific, which can be accomplished via LAM_MPI_SESSION_SUFFIX. ## ## export LAM_MPI_SESSION_SUFFIX=${check_flavor} ## ## Remove eventually ... ## ## </FIXME> ## </FIXME> ## Customize R ## <FIXME> ## if test "${check_flavor}" != "r-devel-gcc"; then export R_BROWSER=false export R_PDFVIEWER=false ## fi ## </FIXME> ## Try using a UTF-8 locale. ## export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" export LANG="C.UTF-8" ## But not for sorting ... export LC_COLLATE=C export LANGUAGE="en@quot" export R_PARALLEL_PORT=random ## Avoid hyperref problems with paper size 'letter'. export R_PAPERSIZE=a4 ## Documented to be true in R-ints, but apparently not always. export _R_SHLIB_BUILD_OBJECTS_SYMBOL_TABLES_=true ## <NOTE> ## Set if necessary ... ## export R_BIOC_VERSION=3.20 ## </NOTE> test -d "${HOME}/tmp/scratch" && export TMPDIR="${HOME}/tmp/scratch" user=${USER-${LOGNAME}} export R_USER_DATA_DIR="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/check-CRAN-regular-${user}/data" export R_USER_CACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/check-CRAN-regular-${user}/cache" export R_USER_CONFIG_DIR="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/check-CRAN-regular-${user}/config" ## Create check dir if needed. test -d ${check_dir} || mkdir ${check_dir} || exit 1 cd ${check_dir} ## Structure inside ${check_dir}: subdirectories for each flavor. ## Within a flavor subdirectory, most of the work happens in 'Work'. ## Inside this, R sources are in 'src', R is built in 'build', and ## packages are in 'PKGS'. When done, 'PKGS' is moved up for mirroring, ## and results are saved in 'Results/${check_date}'. test -d ${check_flavor} || mkdir ${check_flavor} || exit 1 cd ${check_flavor} ## <FIXME> ## We used to do: ## ## If there is an old Xvfb/check process remaining, kill it: ## test -f Xvfb.pid && kill -9 `cat Xvfb.pid` ## test -f check.pid && kill -9 `cat check.pid` ## But perhaps better to abort and investigate ...? if test -f check.pid; then echo "Old check process still running ... aborting." | \ env from=Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at replyto=Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org \ REPLYTO=Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org \ mail -s "[CRAN-check-ng] ${check_flavor}/`hostname` FAILURE" \ -r Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at \ Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org exit 1 fi ## Record check pid. echo ${$} > check.pid ## Start a virtual framebuffer X server and use this for DISPLAY so that ## we can run package tcltk and friends. We use the PID of the check ## process as the server number so that the checks for different flavors ## get different servers. PATH=${HOME}/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH} Xvfb :${$} -screen 0 1280x1024x24 >/dev/null 2>&1 & echo ${!} > Xvfb.pid export DISPLAY=:${$} ## <FIXME> ## Shouldn't this shut down Xvfb as well and remove its pid file? do_cleanup_and_exit () { ## <FIXME> ## This should no longer be necessary ... ## lamwipe -sessionsuffix ${check_flavor} || true ## Remove eventually. ## </FIXME> kill -9 `cat "${check_dir}/${check_flavor}/Xvfb.pid"` 2>/dev/null && \ rm -f "${check_dir}/${check_flavor}/Xvfb.pid" rm -f "${check_dir}/${check_flavor}/check.pid" ## These get populated by the check runs ... rm -rf ~/.cache/fontconfig rm -rf ~/.cache/pocl exit ${1-0} } ## </FIXME> export _CHECK_CRAN_REGULAR_LIBRARY_DIR_="${check_dir}/${check_flavor}/Work/build/Packages" ## Unmounting the read-only remount of the library dir from the previous ## check run may have failed (e.g., due to leftover processes keeping ## the library dir busy). If so, try unmounting once more, and if this ## fails again, report the offending processes. ## Note that we currently also do a bind remount for ${check_dir} to ## /srv/rsync/R.check, so that mount will report the library dir mount ## with a path starting with /src/rsync/R.check. (mount | grep -Fq "${check_flavor}/Work/build/Packages") && \ umount "${_CHECK_CRAN_REGULAR_LIBRARY_DIR_}" || \ (fuser "${_CHECK_CRAN_REGULAR_LIBRARY_DIR_}" && \ do_cleanup_and_exit 1) test -d Work || mkdir Work || do_cleanup_and_exit 1 cd Work if test -n "${build_R}"; then ## Update ${R_flavor} sources. ## Actually, we should check whether flavor of source and target agree. test -d src || mkdir src || do_cleanup_and_exit 1 ## Argh, rsync is gone (at least for the time being ...). ## We could of course use svn checkout on https://svn.R-project.org/R, ## but how can one get "r-patched" and "r-release" without knowing the ## corresponding branch? Hence, we get things from CRAN (release) or ## ETHZ, but need to figure out the top-level source dir for the ## unpackaged version somehow (of course, we could also read this from ## the archive). ## (cd src; rsync -rC -t --delete rsync.r-project.org::${R_flavor} .) ## <NOTE> ## Maybe we should use svn checkout for r-devel? ## </NOTE> mv src src.save (mkdir tmp && cd tmp && touch stamp && (if test "${R_flavor}" = "local"; then tar zxmf "${R_source_path}" elif test "${R_source_url##*.}" = "xz"; then wget -O - --retr-symlinks ${R_source_url} | tar Jxmf - else wget -O - --retr-symlinks ${R_source_url} | tar zxmf - fi) && entry=`find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -newer stamp -type d` && mv ${entry} ../src && cd .. && rm -rf src.save tmp) || (rm -rf tmp; mv src.save src) ## Link recommended packages. (cd src; \ CRAN_RSYNC="${CRAN_rsync}" ./tools/rsync-recommended) ## Rebuild R. rm -rf build mkdir build (cd build && eval ../src/configure ${configure_args} ${compilers}) || \ do_cleanup_and_exit 1 ## Try to avoid hard-wiring top-level CRAN master URLs in HTML hrefs ## from the Texinfo manuals. if test -f "/usr/share/texinfo/htmlxref.cnf"; then (echo "R = ."; cat "/usr/share/texinfo/htmlxref.cnf" | grep '^ R-') > \ build/doc/manual/htmlxref.cnf fi (cd build && make -j `echo "${n_jobs}" | cut -f1 -d/` && make check && make pdf) || \ do_cleanup_and_exit 1 (cd build/doc/manual && make fullrefman.pdf) || \ do_cleanup_and_exit 1 (cd build/doc && make docs2) || \ do_cleanup_and_exit 1 (cd build/doc/manual && make epub) fi mkdir -p build/Packages if test -f ./build/bin/R; then R_HOME=`./build/bin/R RHOME` else R_HOME=`R RHOME` fi R_exe="${R_HOME}/bin/R" ## Packages. rm -rf PKGS # In case there are some leftovers ... mkdir PKGS cd PKGS ## Check profile and environ settings. export R_PROFILE_USER="${HOME}/.R/check_CRAN_regular.Rprofile" ## export R_CHECK_ENVIRON="${HOME}/.R/check_CRAN_regular.Renviron" export R_MAKEVARS_USER="${HOME}/.R/Makevars-${suffix}" ## Pass over to R for installation and checking and summaries ... ${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript ${R_scripts_dir}/check_CRAN_regular.R \ -j ${n_jobs} -m ${check_packages_via_parallel_make} ## Wrap up. cd ${check_dir}/${check_flavor} ## Rotate old check results files. for f in ${check_results_files} details.rds ; do test -f "${f}.prev" && rm -f "${f}.prev" test -f "${f}" && mv "${f}" "${f}.prev" done ## Rotate old check results. ## <FIXME> ## Remove the chmod -R eventually ... test -d PKGS.prev && chmod -R u+w PKGS.prev && rm -rf PKGS.prev test -d PKGS && chmod -R u+w PKGS && mv PKGS PKGS.prev ## </FIXME> ## Move new check results up from Work. mv Work/PKGS PKGS chmod -R u+w PKGS ## Move new check results files up from PKGS. for f in ${check_results_files} details.rds ; do mv PKGS/"${f}" . done ## Save new check results files. for d in Results Results/${check_date}; do test -d ${d} || mkdir ${d} || do_cleanup_and_exit 1 done for f in ${check_results_files}; do cp "${f}" "Results/${check_date}" done ## And notify of differences ... if test -f "summary.csv.prev"; then diff "summary.csv.prev" "summary.csv" > "summary.csv.diff" test -s "summary.csv.diff" || rm -f "summary.csv.diff" fi if test -f "summary.csv.diff"; then echo "source(\"${R_scripts_dir}/check.R\"); \ write_check_summary_diffs_to_con(\".\", \"summary.csv.diff\")" | \ ${R_exe} --vanilla --slave env from=Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at replyto=Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org \ REPLYTO=Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org \ mail -s "[CRAN-check-ng] ${check_flavor}/`hostname` summary.csv changes on `date '+%FT%T%z'`" \ -r Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at \ ${check_results_mail_recipients} < "summary.csv.diff" rm -f "summary.csv.diff" fi if test -f "details.csv.prev"; then diff "details.csv.prev" "details.csv" > "details.csv.diff" test -s "details.csv.diff" || rm -f "details.csv.diff" fi if test -f "details.csv.diff"; then echo "source(\"${R_scripts_dir}/check.R\"); \ flavor <- check_flavors_map[\"${check_flavor}\"]; \ write_check_details_diffs_to_con(\".\", \"details.csv.diff\", flavor)" | \ ${R_exe} --vanilla --slave env from=Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at replyto=Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org \ REPLYTO=Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org \ mail -s "[CRAN-check-ng] ${check_flavor}/`hostname` details.csv changes on `date '+%FT%T%z'`" \ -r Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at \ ${check_results_mail_recipients} < "details.csv.diff" rm -f "details.csv.diff" echo "source(\"${R_scripts_dir}/check.R\"); \ write_check_details_for_new_problems_to_con(\".\", \"details.txt\")" | \ ${R_exe} --vanilla --slave test -s "details.txt" && \ env from=Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at replyto=Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org \ REPLYTO=Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org \ mail -s "[CRAN-check-ng] ${check_flavor}/`hostname` new problems on `date '+%FT%T%z'`" \ -r Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at \ ${check_results_mail_recipients} < "details.txt" rm -f "details.txt" fi ## Manuals if test -n "${build_R}"; then test -d Manuals.prev && rm -rf Manuals.prev test -d Manuals && mv Manuals Manuals.prev mkdir Manuals ## <FIXME 3.4.0> ## Change back to copying when 3.2.0 is out. ## cp Work/build/doc/manual/*.html Manuals for f in Work/build/doc/manual/*.html; do grep -v '="dir.html#Top"' ${f} > Manuals/`basename ${f}` done ## </FIXME> cp Work/build/doc/manual/*.pdf Manuals ## It would be better to have a single R.css and logo.jpg/Rlogo.svg, and ## fix NEWS.html accordingly. cat Work/build/doc/html/NEWS.html | \ sed 's/img src="[^"]*logo.jpg"/img src="logo.jpg"/' | \ sed 's/img src="[^"]*Rlogo.svg"/img src="Rlogo.svg"/' \ > Manuals/NEWS.html cp Work/build/doc/html/R.css Manuals cp Work/build/doc/html/logo.jpg Manuals cp Work/build/doc/html/Rlogo.svg Manuals cp Work/build/doc/NEWS*.pdf Manuals cat Work/build/doc/html/NEWS.2.html | \ sed 's/img src="[^"]*Rlogo.svg"/img src="Rlogo.svg"/' \ > Manuals/NEWS.2.html cat Work/build/doc/html/NEWS.3.html | \ sed 's/img src="[^"]*Rlogo.svg"/img src="Rlogo.svg"/' \ > Manuals/NEWS.3.html cp Work/build/doc/manual/*.epub Manuals mkdir Manuals/images cp Work/build/doc/manual/images/*.png Manuals/images fi ## Refmans in HTML (if available) if test -f Work/build/library/base/html/mean.html; then test -d Refmans.prev && rm -rf Refmans.prev test -d Refmans && mv Refmans Refmans.prev mkdir -p Refmans/base for f in Work/build/library/*/DESCRIPTION; do grep -q "^Priority: base" ${f} || continue d=`dirname ${f}` p=`basename ${d}` mkdir -p Refmans/base/${p} cp ${d}/DESCRIPTION Refmans/base/${p} cp -r ${d}/help Refmans/base/${p} cp -r ${d}/html Refmans/base/${p} done mkdir -p Refmans/CRAN for f in Work/build/Packages/*/DESCRIPTION; do grep -q "^Repository: CRAN" ${f} || continue d=`dirname ${f}` p=`basename ${d}` mkdir -p Refmans/CRAN/${p} mv ${d}/help Refmans/CRAN/${p} mv ${d}/html Refmans/CRAN/${p} done fi do_cleanup_and_exit ### Local Variables: *** ### mode: sh *** ### sh-basic-offset: 2 *** ### End: ***