## KH's personal ~/.R/Rprofile. ## Last updated on 2022-10-17. local({ repos <- c(CRAN = "file:///data/Repositories/CRAN") ## Try to infer the "right" BioC repository. ## Alternatively, we could hard-wire the BioC versions here. BioC_names <- c("BioCsoft", "BioCann", "BioCexp") BioC_paths <- c("bioc", "data/annotation", "data/experiment") BioC_mirror <- "http://bioconductor.statistik.tu-dortmund.de" BioC_version <- if(exists(".BioC_version_associated_with_R_version", asNamespace("utils"))) utils:::.BioC_version_associated_with_R_version() else tools:::.BioC_version_associated_with_R_version() dirs <- file.path(sprintf("/data/Repositories/Bioconductor/%s", BioC_version), BioC_paths) repos <- c(repos, structure(ifelse(file.exists(file.path(dirs, "src", "contrib", "PACKAGES")), sprintf("file://%s", dirs), sprintf("%s/packages/%s/%s", BioC_mirror, BioC_version, BioC_paths)), names = BioC_names)) ## <NOTE> ## Argh. Using these keeps causing trouble for the CRAN incoming ## checking (most notably for Matrix and lme4). Hence, for now let ## us not use the R-Forge repository ... ## repos <- if(file.exists("/data/Repositories/R-Forge")) ## c(repos, "R-Forge" = "file:///data/Repositories/R-Forge") ## else ## c(repos, "R-Forge" = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org/") ## </NOTE> options(repos = repos) }) options(prompt = "R> ", editor = "emacsclient", browser = "firefox", pdfviewer = "evince", printcmd = "a2ps -2 -q", dvipscmd = "a2ps -2 -q", menu.graphics = FALSE, save.defaults = list(ascii = FALSE, compress = TRUE)) setHook(packageEvent("grDevices", "onLoad"), function(...) { grDevices::ps.options(horizontal = FALSE, pointsize = 14, height = 6, width = 7) grDevices::X11.options(type = "cairo") }) setHook(packageEvent("rJava", "onLoad"), function(...) { ## StanfordCoreNLPjars needs -Xmx3g, but should provide this ## via its own .onLoad() (assuming that it is the one to ## start the JVM, of course). ## <FIXME> ## Adding "-Xss8m" suggested by Tomas Kalibera to overcome ## stack protection problems on Linux. Remove eventually? options(java.parameters = c(getOption("java.parameters"), c("-Xrs", "-Xss8m"), ## Also avoid MTJ warning madness: "-Dcom.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS=com.github.fommil.netlib.F2jBLAS", "-Dcom.github.fommil.netlib.LAPACK=com.github.fommil.netlib.F2jLAPACK", "-Dcom.github.fommil.netlib.ARPACK=com.github.fommil.netlib.F2jARPACK" )) ## </FIXME> }) options(showErrorCalls = TRUE, showWarnCalls = TRUE, warn = 1) ## When moving towards avoiding partial matching && friends: options(warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE, warnPartialMatchAttr = TRUE, warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE) ## Ensure CRAN versions where available. options(available_packages_filters = c("R_version", "OS_type", "subarch", "CRAN", "duplicates")) ### Local Variables: *** ### mode: R *** ### End: ***