#! /usr/local/bin/Rscript check_results_diff_db <- function(base) { ## Assume that we know that both check.csv.prev and check.csv exist ## in dir. x <- read.csv(paste(base, '.prev', sep=''), colClasses = "character") x <- x[names(x) != "Maintainer"] y <- read.csv(base, colClasses = "character") y <- y[names(y) != "Maintainer"] z <- merge(x, y, by = 1, all = TRUE) row.names(z) <- z$Package z } check_results_diffs <- function(base) { db <- check_results_diff_db(base) db <- db[, c("Version.x", "Status.x", "Version.y", "Status.y")] ## Show packages with one status missing (removed or added) as ## status change only. is_na_x <- is.na(db$Status.x) is_na_y <- is.na(db$Status.y) isc <- (is_na_x | is_na_y | (db$Status.x != db$Status.y)) # Status change. ivc <- (!is_na_x & !is_na_y & (db$Version.x != db$Version.y)) # Version change. names(db) <- c("V_Old", "S_Old", "V_New", "S_New") db <- cbind("S" = ifelse(isc, "*", ""), "V" = ifelse(ivc, "*", ""), db) db[c(which(isc & !ivc), which(isc & ivc), which(!isc & ivc)), c("S", "V", "S_Old", "S_New", "V_Old", "V_New")] } do_one <- function(base = "check.csv") { db <- check_results_diffs(base) if(nrow(db)) print(db) else writeLines(' no change') } writeLines(c("", "Changes in check status (S) and/or version (V) for R-devel gcc-Fedora")) do_one('/data/gannet/Rlogs/gcc-check.csv') writeLines(c("", "Changes in check status (S) and/or version (V) for R-devel clang-Fedora")) do_one('/data/gannet/Rlogs/clang-check.csv') for (d in c("tests-devel", "tests-clang")) { p <- file.path("/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/keep", d, Sys.Date()) dir.create(p) setwd(file.path("/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages", d)) ff <- system("grep -E 'Status.*(ERROR|WARN)' *.out", intern = TRUE) ff <- sub(":.*$", "", ff) fi <- file.mtime(ff) ff <- ff[as.Date(fi) > Sys.Date() - 2] if(length(ff)) { file.copy(ff, p, copy.date = TRUE) ff <- sub("out$", "log", ff) ff <- ff[file.exists(ff)] file.copy(ff, p, copy.date = TRUE) } NULL } for (d in c("LTO", "ATLAS", "MKL", "OpenBLAS", "donttest", "clang17", "gcc13", "noLD", "noOMP", "noSuggests", "Intel", "M1mac")) { p <- file.path("/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/keep", d, Sys.Date()) f <- dir(file.path("/data/ftp/pub/bdr", d), full.names = TRUE) fi <- file.mtime(f) f <- f[as.Date(fi) > Sys.Date() - 2] if(length(f)) { dir.create(p) file.copy(f, p, recursive = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE) } NULL } p <- file.path("/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/keep/memtests", Sys.Date()) dir.create(p) for (d in c("clang-ASAN", "clang-UBSAN", "gcc-ASAN", "gcc-UBSAN", "valgrind")) { q <- file.path(p, d) f <- dir(file.path("/data/ftp/pub/bdr/memtests", d), full.names = TRUE) fi <- file.mtime(f) f <- f[as.Date(fi) > Sys.Date() - 2] if(length(f)) { dir.create(q) file.copy(f, q, recursive = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE) } NULL }