#! /usr/local/bin/Rscript mailx <- function(subject = "", address, body = character(), cc, bcc, from, replyto, verbose = FALSE) { #if(missing(address)) stop("must specify 'address'") if(missing(address) || is.na(address)) stop("must specify 'address'") if(!nzchar(subject)) stop("'subject' is missing") args <- c("-s", shQuote(subject)) env <- character() ## For cc and bcc, use command line options -c and -b: ## -c address ## Send carbon copies to list of users. ## -b address ## Send blind carbon copies to list. List should be a ## comma-separated list of names. if(!missing(cc)) args <- c(args, "-c", shQuote(paste(cc, collapse = ","))) if(!missing(bcc)) args <- c(args, "-b", shQuote(paste(bcc, collapse = ","))) ## Argh. ## We really want to be able to specify the 'From' and 'Reply-to' ## fields in the messages. ## POSIX mailx ## <http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/mailx.html> ## has nothing for those. ## BSD mailx ## <http://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.bin/mail/> ## has command line option '-r' for the former, and env var REPLYTO ## for the latter. ## S-nail <https://www.sdaoden.eu/code.html> has command line option ## for the former, and env var replyto (as well as additional ## command line mechanisms) for the latter. ## Hence, for now use '-r' for 'From', and both env vars for ## 'Reply-To'. if(!missing(from)) args <- c(args, "-r", shQuote(from)) ## env <- c(env, sprintf("from=%s", shQuote(from))) if(!missing(replyto)) { env <- c(env, sprintf("replyto=%s", shQuote(replyto))) env <- c(env, sprintf("REPLYTO=%s", shQuote(replyto))) } address <- paste(shQuote(address), collapse = " ") filename <- sprintf("R_post_%s", format(Sys.time(), "%FT%T")) cat(body, file = filename, sep = "\n") ## <NOTE> ## To avoid reading the user's configuration files for general ## purpose use, the man page suggests using ## MAILRC=/dev/null mailx -n ## and create a configuration file for the script. ## </NOTE> if(verbose) message(sprintf("Sending email to %s", address)) ## <FIXME> ## This hard-wires mailx: we may prefer to use s-nail if available, ## or to allow to specify to command line MUA. ## </FIXME> status <- system2("mailx", c(args, address), env = env, stdin = filename, stdout = "", stderr = "") if(status == 0L) unlink(filename) else { message(sprintf("Sending email failed!\nThe unsent msg can be found in file %s.", sQuote(filename))) } invisible() } if(FALSE) { mailx("test1", "ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk", c("This is a test. Bye!"), cc = "Brian.Ripley@R-project.org", from = "Brian.Ripley@R-project.org", replyto = "CRAN@R-project.org") } CRAN_package_maintainers_addresses <- function(packages, db = NULL) { if(is.null(db)) db <- tools:::CRAN_package_maintainers_db() ind <- match(packages, db[, "Package"]) addresses <- db[ind, "Address"] names(addresses) <- packages addresses } mailx_CRAN_package_problems <- function(packages, cran = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, before = NULL, details = character(), final = FALSE) { addresses <- CRAN_package_maintainers_addresses(packages) ind <- is.na(addresses) | (addresses == "orphaned") if(any(ind)) message(c("Found no maintainer addresses for packages:", strwrap(paste(packages[ind], collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L))) addresses <- addresses[!ind] packages <- names(addresses) before <- if(is.null(before)) Sys.Date() + 14 else as.Date(before) ## for shutdowns before <- max(Sys.Date() + 14, as.Date("2023-08-09")) fmt <- c("Dear maintainer,", "", "Please see the problems shown on", "<https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_%s.html>.", "", if(length(details)) c(details, ""), paste("Please correct before", format(before), "to safely retain your package on CRAN."), "", "The error is only seen on macOS 14, which has a different implementation", "of iconv (not mentioned in its release notes).", "", if(final) c("Note that this will be the *final* reminder.", ""), "The CRAN Team" ) cc <- if(cran) "CRAN@R-project.org" else "Brian.Ripley@R-project.org" Map(function(a, p) { mailx(paste("CRAN package", p), a, ## "Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at", body = sprintf(fmt, p), cc = cc, replyto = cc, verbose = verbose) }, addresses, packages) message(c("Sent messages to maintainer of packages:\n", strwrap(paste(packages, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L))) ## Ideally, this would also create log comments in CRAN.csv, ## defaulting to ## [QUERIED:Sys.Date():KH] ## but perhaps settable. invisible() } snapshot <- function(pkg) { h <- "~/R/packages" setwd(h) d <- file.path(h, "snapshots", paste(pkg, Sys.Date(), sep = "_")) dir.create(d, showWarnings = FALSE) dd <- dir(".", patt="^tests") dd <- grep("-keep", dd, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) f <- character() for(x in dd) { f <- c(f, dir(x, full.names = TRUE, patt = paste0("^", pkg, "[.]log$"))) f <- c(f, dir(x, full.names = TRUE, patt = paste0("^", pkg, "[.]out$"))) } for (g in f) dir.create(file.path(d, dirname(g)), showWarnings = FALSE) file.copy(f, file.path(d, f), copy.date = TRUE) setwd("/data/ftp/pub/bdr") dd <- c("donttest", "M1mac") f <- character() for(x in dd) { f <- c(f, dir(x, full.names = TRUE, patt = paste0("^", pkg, "[.]log$"))) f <- c(f, dir(x, full.names = TRUE, patt = paste0("^", pkg, "[.]out$"))) } for (g in f) dir.create(file.path(d, dirname(g)), showWarnings = FALSE) file.copy(f, file.path(d, f), copy.date = TRUE) } wrapper <- function() { args <- commandArgs(TRUE) if (!length(args)) stop("no arguments") mailx_CRAN_package_problems(args) for(p in args) snapshot(p) } wrapper()