#! /usr/local/bin/Rscript mailx <- function(subject = "", address, body = character(), cc, bcc, from, replyto, verbose = FALSE) { #if(missing(address)) stop("must specify 'address'") if(missing(address) || is.na(address)) stop("must specify 'address'") if(!nzchar(subject)) stop("'subject' is missing") args <- c("-s", shQuote(subject)) env <- character() ## For cc and bcc, use command line options -c and -b: ## -c address ## Send carbon copies to list of users. ## -b address ## Send blind carbon copies to list. List should be a ## comma-separated list of names. if(!missing(cc)) args <- c(args, "-c", shQuote(paste(cc, collapse = ","))) if(!missing(bcc)) args <- c(args, "-b", shQuote(paste(bcc, collapse = ","))) ## Argh. ## We really want to be able to specify the 'From' and 'Reply-to' ## fields in the messages. ## POSIX mailx ## <http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/mailx.html> ## has nothing for those. ## BSD mailx ## <http://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.bin/mail/> ## has command line option '-r' for the former, and env var REPLYTO ## for the latter. ## S-nail <https://www.sdaoden.eu/code.html> has command line option ## for the former, and env var replyto (as well as additional ## command line mechanisms) for the latter. ## Hence, for now use '-r' for 'From', and both env vars for ## 'Reply-To'. if(!missing(from)) args <- c(args, "-r", shQuote(from)) ## env <- c(env, sprintf("from=%s", shQuote(from))) if(!missing(replyto)) { env <- c(env, sprintf("replyto=%s", shQuote(replyto))) env <- c(env, sprintf("REPLYTO=%s", shQuote(replyto))) } address <- paste(shQuote(address), collapse = " ") filename <- sprintf("R_post_%s", format(Sys.time(), "%FT%T")) cat(body, file = filename, sep = "\n") ## <NOTE> ## To avoid reading the user's configuration files for general ## purpose use, the man page suggests using ## MAILRC=/dev/null mailx -n ## and create a configuration file for the script. ## </NOTE> if(verbose) message(sprintf("Sending email to %s", address)) ## <FIXME> ## This hard-wires mailx: we may prefer to use s-nail if available, ## or to allow to specify to command line MUA. ## </FIXME> status <- system2("mailx", c(args, address), env = env, stdin = filename, stdout = "", stderr = "") if(status == 0L) unlink(filename) else { message(sprintf("Sending email failed!\nThe unsent msg can be found in file %s.", sQuote(filename))) } invisible() } if(FALSE) { mailx("test1", "ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk", c("This is a test. Bye!"), cc = "Brian.Ripley@R-project.org", from = "Brian.Ripley@R-project.org", replyto = "CRAN@R-project.org") } CRAN_package_maintainers_addresses <- function(packages, db = NULL) { if(is.null(db)) db <- tools:::CRAN_package_maintainers_db() ind <- match(packages, db[, "Package"]) addresses <- db[ind, "Address"] names(addresses) <- packages addresses } mailx_CRAN_package_problems <- function(packages, cran = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, before = NULL, details = character(), final = FALSE) { addresses <- CRAN_package_maintainers_addresses(packages) ind <- is.na(addresses) | (addresses == "orphaned") if(any(ind)) message(c("Found no maintainer addresses for packages:", strwrap(paste(packages[ind], collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L))) addresses <- addresses[!ind] packages <- names(addresses) before <-as.Date("2024-09-23") fmt <- c("Dear maintainer,", "", "Please see the problems shown on", "<https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_%s.html>.", "", c("Do remember to look at the 'Additional issues'.", ""), if(length(details)) c(details, ""), paste("Please correct before", format(before), "to safely retain your package on CRAN."), "", "As part of an effort to remove namespace pollution,", "the definition of PI in R C/C++ headers", "will be removed prior to R 4.5.0.", "Please change to using the POSIX-standard M_PI.", "The definition is already hidden when checking", "with --as-cran in recent R-devel as shown in the", "'Strict' additional issue.", "", "The CRAN Team" ) cc <- if(cran) "CRAN@R-project.org" else "Brian.Ripley@R-project.org" Map(function(a, p) { mailx(paste("CRAN package", p), a, ## "Kurt.Hornik@wu.ac.at", body = sprintf(fmt, p), cc = cc, replyto = cc, verbose = verbose) }, addresses, packages) message(c("Sent messages to maintainer of packages:\n", strwrap(paste(packages, collapse = " "), indent = 2L, exdent = 2L))) ## Ideally, this would also create log comments in CRAN.csv, ## defaulting to ## [QUERIED:Sys.Date():KH] ## but perhaps settable. invisible() } snapshot <- function(pkg) { h <- "~/R/packages" setwd(h) d <- file.path(h, "snapshots", paste(pkg, Sys.Date(), sep = "_")) dir.create(d, showWarnings = FALSE) dd <- dir(".", patt="^tests") dd <- grep("-keep", dd, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE) f <- character() for(x in dd) { f <- c(f, dir(x, full.names = TRUE, patt = paste0("^", pkg, "[.]log$"))) f <- c(f, dir(x, full.names = TRUE, patt = paste0("^", pkg, "[.]out$"))) } for (g in f) dir.create(file.path(d, dirname(g)), showWarnings = FALSE) file.copy(f, file.path(d, f), copy.date = TRUE) setwd("/data/ftp/pub/bdr") dd <- c("donttest", "M1mac") f <- character() for(x in dd) { f <- c(f, dir(x, full.names = TRUE, patt = paste0("^", pkg, "[.]log$"))) f <- c(f, dir(x, full.names = TRUE, patt = paste0("^", pkg, "[.]out$"))) } for (g in f) dir.create(file.path(d, dirname(g)), showWarnings = FALSE) file.copy(f, file.path(d, f), copy.date = TRUE) } wrapper <- function() { args <- commandArgs(TRUE) if (!length(args)) stop("no arguments") mailx_CRAN_package_problems(args) for(p in args) snapshot(p) } wrapper()