The current version of the packaged installer for the tools is at This area only contains unbundled components and additional pre-compiled software.

This page only covers R 2.12.0 to 2.14.1: see this page for R-patched (2.14.2-to-be) and R-devel (2.15.0-to-be).
64-bit builds of R 2.11.x were done with a different toolchain and are no longer supported.

The 32-bit toolchain for is [Updated 2010-09-29]

A toolchain for 64-bit builds which is based on gcc 4.5.2 and does not use leading underscores is available as This is the recommended 64-bit toolchain for R 2.12.0 to 2.14.x. [Updated 2010-09-29]

The Rtools.exe installer contains The procedures and scripts used to compile the Tcl directory and in particular to produce the help file are at The sources used were tcl8.5.8-src.tar.gz, tk8.5.8-src.tar.gz, BWidget-1.8.0.tar.bz2 and Tktable2.9.tar.gz.
64-bit build of Tcl/Tk:

Directory goodies contains various libraries compiled up with MinGW, and their sources. In particular (32-bit) and (64-bit) are zipfiles of a /usr/local as used for CRAN builds: they currently contains headers and static libraries for fftw3 (3.2.2), gmp (4.3.2), gsl (1.15), jpeg (8c), mpfr (3.0.0), mpc (0.9), sprng (2.0b), and tiff (3.9.1 or 3.9.4). File src/gnuwin32/MkRules.dist has a macro LOCAL_SOFT that can be pointed at the location where this was unpacked. and support packages RNetCDF and ncdf.

For x64 R >= 2.12.0, use the software in goodies/Win64No_.
File contains software needed for use with packages proj4, rgdal and rgeos.

Software for 32-bit R 2.12.0 to 2.14.1

Grouping together links from above:

The recommended toolchain is
The build of Tcl/Tk needed to build R in
The additional software for making CRAN packages is under goodies/Win32

Software for 64-bit R 2.12.0 to 2.14.1

Grouping together links from above:

The recommended toolchain is
The build of Tcl/Tk needed to build R in
The additional software for making CRAN packages is under goodies/Win64No_