Orphaning ---------- We do nowadays create a new version. In theory the following should work (and sometimes does). - Unpack the tarball, bump the version in DESCRIPTION, run R CMD build --no-build-vignettes. - Ship the new tarball to CRAN (unless the previous step was done there). - Edit PACKAGES.in to add Package: package-name Maintainer: ORPHANED X-CRAN-Comment: Orphaned on xxxx-yy-zz and perhaps a reason. The first line of the comment goes into the tarball at the next step, so keep it short, - CRAN-pack the new tarball. - Check that the published tarball does indeed have its maintainer changed. I have seen instances in which the HTML summary page did but the tarball did not. One could re-try with CRAN-pack -u, and if that fails, go back and change the Maintainer in the tarball and CRAN-pack -u. One gotcha is that there are very few packages (data.table has been one) which hardcode the version somewhere else, so I usually R CMD check the new tarball. - For packages strongly depending (directly or indirectly) on this one, R CMD check --as-cran will start warning that they depend on an orphaned package, as will the some of the checks (e.g. fedora-clang) once they are re-run. At that point we inform the strong revdeps, as our policy disallows strong dependence on an orphaned package. (Could of course be done earlier but I find a warning on the check results page concentrates people's minds.) A typical message is <quote> Subject: CRAN packages depending on package X Packages A B C D require package X directly or indirectly and it has now been orphaned. The CRAN policy "Orphaned CRAN packages should not be strict requirements (in the ‘Depends’, ‘Imports’ or ‘LinkingTo’ fields, including indirectly). They are allowed in ‘Suggests’ if used conditionally, although this is discouraged." now applies. Please adjust your packages to comply by xxxx-yy-zz. </quote> One could also inform the reverse Suggests, especially if they do not use 'X' conditionally. - We expect to archive an orphaned package once nothing depends on it, and in any case within 6 months.