--- title: "Problems with iconv on macOS" author: "Tomas Kalibera" date: 2024-12-11 categories: ["Internals", "macOS", "User-visible Behavior"] tags: ["encodings", "iconv"] --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE) ``` For conversion of strings from a given character encoding to another, R uses `iconv`, a function defined by POSIX. It is available on Linux and macOS with the operating system and for Windows, R ships with a slightly customized version of `win_iconv`, which implements the same functionality on top of Windows API. The differences between iconv implementations, partially allowed by a rather permissive definition of the interface in POSIX, pose a challenge for maintaining R and cause differences between platforms observed by users. A recent significant challenge has been new iconv implementation that came with macOS 14.0. It not only changed the behavior with characters not representable in the target encoding, but also caused crashes and incorrect conversions. This post focuses on work-arounds in R, some of which were already in R 4.4, but have been extended and improved in R-devel, the development version of R to become R 4.5.0. The work-arounds were part of a bigger effort dealing with libiconv changes on macOS, otherwise mostly by Brian Ripley. This text includes technical details. The higher-level message to users and package authors is that converting characters to an encoding where they are not representable is platform-dependent and the outcomes can change over time; while R documents what it does with such characters, it won't happen when the system silently transliterates the characters without telling R. It is best to avoid such conversions, so e.g. to only use characters in plot labels that are representable in the given encoding (more in `?pdf`). It is good to use UTF-8 whenever possible. A message specific to R package authors and developers on macOS: when R is built from source, by default the system libiconv will be used, which may behave strangely and change its behavior on any system update. This is currently not the case with R CRAN builds. # Non-representable characters What should ideally happen when converting a string where some characters cannot be represented in the target encoding? It probably depends on what we need the string for. If it is say a file name of a file to be saved, we would probably want to throw an error. But, already in the error message for such an error, we would want to see exactly what was the non-representable character (e.g. Unicode `U+0161` or bytes `<C5><A1>` for Unicode Small Letter S with Caron). If it is a file name of a file to be selected say from a user dialog, some might prefer to see a replacement character (e.g. a question mark, possibly in a diamond). If it is a plot label, we might prefer, for some characters, to get a similarly looking replacement character (e.g. `s` so simply drop the caron). In other words, the application, in this case R on an R package, should have full control. Unfortunately, this cannot be efficiently implemented using iconv, relying only on the POSIX specification. According to POSIX, non-representable characters are subject to implementation-defined conversion, so the implementation is free to say replace all such characters by `*` (or any other character, and the behavior may depend on the encoding), but POSIX doesn't specify a way how non-representable characters could be reported to the user. While it probably could be claimed as a violation of POSIX, some implementations report valid but non-representable characters the same way as invalid characters (bytes). The conversion stops at the first byte of the non-representable character and `EILSEQ` is returned. R handles this behavior and implements its own handling of non-representable characters. On Linux with glibc, this allows R to have full control, because glibc's iconv implementation reports _all_ non-representable characters this way. It also used to be the case on macOS (before 14.0), where the system iconv was GNU libiconv. On Windows, transliteration (called "best fit") historically has been used and is the default behavior in non-standard Windows API for character conversion. Some non-representable characters are replaced by similarly looking ones, while other are reported as error. This is what Windows users are used to and expect, but it means that R doesn't know about transliterated characters in the output and handles them as if they were unique representations. In plots transliteration may be fine and expected, in handling of file names highly undesirable. R's customized version of win_iconv has been set to report non-representable characters only when converting to ASCII (so disabled transliteration) as a compromise between what is common in Windows and R's ability to customize the outcome based on what the string is needed for. Windows API, however, allows to disable transliteration completely. Before R 4.2, the problem with transliteration on Windows has been bigger than in later R versions, because the native encoding wasn't a Unicode one (it is UTF-8 from R 4.2 on recent Windows systems). Before R 4.2, one could run into transliteration e.g. when working with R symbols (names), where say the letter alpha would silently become letter a. The bugs in R (or non-bugs, but behavior that surprised users) due to non-representable characters on Windows really almost disappeared with R 4.2. On Unix, UTF-8 has been normally the native encoding much earlier, so one would have thought that we won't run again into many problems with non-representable characters, or even other problems in character conversion. This turned out not completely true. There is musl, a C library implementation used by some less common Linux distributions, which comes with an iconv implementation which replaces non-representable characters all by an asterisk (so no transliteration, no reporting of non-representable characters). This doesn't affect typical platforms used these days. But then, there was macOS 14.0. # Iconv on macOS The source code for the system libiconv on macOS can be found [here](https://opensource.apple.com/releases/). In macOS before 14.0, it used to be GNU libiconv. In macOS 13.5, it was still version 1.11 of GNU libiconv (named libiconv-64 on the website above). It was a rather old version, but still provided almost the same behavior in R as the implementation of iconv in glibc on Linux and worked fine. GNU libiconv 1.12 has been released in 2007, 16 years before macOS 13.5, and has changed the license for the tool from GPL version 2 to version 3, yet the library itself remained at LGPL. Instead of updating its GNU libiconv, macOS 14.0 came with iconv based on an implementation from Citrus/FreeBSD (named libiconv-80.1.1 on the website above), which has been modified to identify itself as GNU libiconv 1.11. All the versions in macOS up to 15.0 (latest I've checked) report libiconv version this way. See how the author of GNU libiconv [described](https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnulib/2024-02/msg00123.html) this decision. The source code of libiconv provided with macOS claims compatibility with GNU libiconv 1.11, but as it turned out, there were changes in the handling of non-representable characters as well as newly introduced bugs. Note that when R is built from source on macOS, by default it dynamically links to the system libiconv, which can be changed by any OS update. So, existing R installations broke by a system update bringing the new libiconv, while `extSoftVersion()` would still report the same iconv (`"GNU libiconv 1.11"` or `"Apple or GNU libiconv 1.11"`, depending on the version of R, not the library). The version reporting has been extended in R-devel to show also the name of the shared library, e.g. `"Apple or GNU libiconv 1.11 /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib"`. CRAN builds of R provided by Simon Urbanek currently use a static build of libiconv-64, so the last version of iconv on macOS which matched GNU libiconv 1.11. Hence, the CRAN builds of R aren't affected by the problems of the new libiconv. In the current R-devel CRAN build, `extSoftVersion()` would report iconv to be `"Apple or GNU libiconv 1.11 /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.5-arm64/Resources/lib/libR.dylib"`. With `extSoftVersion()` one can hence see whether a system libiconv is in use, and then one can check the version of macOS e.g. via `sessionInfo()`, and then consult the [Apple website](https://opensource.apple.com/releases/) whether it already has source code for the corresponding libiconv. # Non-representable characters on macOS In the new libiconv on macOS, many characters are transliterated or replaced. This is something that the POSIX specification allows, but it changes the previous behavior on the system and hence also in R, and R package tests depending on the previous outcome would show differences. Even though R on macOS (as well as on other current systems) uses UTF-8 as the native encoding, conversion to 8-bit encodings is done when plotting (see `?pdf` for more). Normally, the 8-bit encoding is Latin-1. R detects and reports when a character cannot be represented, but, it cannot do that when it doesn't know - e.g. when iconv silently transliterates or replaces some of the characters. To reduce the platform differences and alert users to the problem, thanks to Brian Ripley R now transliterates some of the characters commonly used in plots, with a warning, and the warnings and replacement of non-transliteraded characters have also been improved. One can then see when testing e.g. on Linux or CRAN macOS builds that the transliteration would happen or that a character is not representable, and ideally avoid using that character to avoid platform differences and possible future problems. Also, if one keeps the non-representable characters, the outputs will still have fewer differences between platforms thanks to the transliteration done in R. See the [NEWS file](https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/NEWS.html) for more details. I've written a simple [program](https://github.com/kalibera/iconvtest) to detect what iconv does with non-representable characters during conversion, whether they are replaced, reported via `EILSEQ`, or discarded. The program also allows to experiment with non-standard features of iconv documented on macOS that should allow to disable transliteration or/and enable reporting of non-representable characters via `EILSEQ`. When converting to ASCII, the differences between libiconv-64 and libiconv-86 (macOS 14.1) are small and probably wouldn't cause much trouble. The normally used characters are not transliterated, but are still reported via `EILSEQ`. It is possible to enable transliteration (or disable `EILSEQ`) - we don't want to change the defaults, but changing it works. But, when converting to say CP1252, libiconv-86 introduces a lot of transliteration/replacing of non-representable characters. It is not possible to disable the transliteration nor to enable `EILSEQ`. Actually, transliteration appears disabled already, but is still happening. A cursory look at the source suggests that there are different places where transliteration can be triggered, but some may be harder to handle than other. The observed behavior seems contradicts the documentation on macOS, which states that transliteration is always enabled and cannot be turned off, that doing so would fail with an error. If the behavior is ever changed to allow disabling transliteration, R could do that to regain control over the non-representable characters, to make sure that e.g. in plots they are reported to users. In principle, there is always a rather inefficient way to detect transliteration/replacement of characters via double conversion (convert back and compare), and there is some experimental code in R that allows that, but it may be easier to detect these problems with Linux or current CRAN builds of R, and avoid using non-representable characters. That approach would also avoid problems say with musl. # Bugs on macOS The following describes other problems found in the new libiconv on macOS, which now have work-arounds in R-devel, so should be invisible to users (and packages). ## Crash after invalid byte At the time of macOS 14.1 (so libiconv-86), before the release of R 4.4.0, I've been debugging sudden crashes of R on macOS narrowed down by Brian Ripley to be due to libiconv. I found that libiconv, and hence R, crashes some time after encountering an invalid byte on input. Invalid input is sometimes provided intentionally in tests, sometimes by accident, but certainly shouldn't crash R. I found that after correctly reporting the byte as invalid, iconv will then erroneously report the following bytes as invalid as well, and eventually crash in subsequent calls. I found that when we re-set the iconv conversion state after the first invalid byte is encountered, the problem disappears. It sounded as a good thing to do, anyway. R isn't tested with stateful encodings, but in principle, one should not unnecessarily assume a stateless encoding, so one should re-set before emitting escapes for invalid bytes (e.g. `<FC>`). I've thus modified R code itself to do that, and also I've extended `Riconv()` to do that automatically on macOS for stateless encodings, so that even packages are covered. The idea was that for a stateless encoding, the state re-set should have no impact (in a correct implementation), so it is safe to do and will cause no harm even once this is fixed in libiconv. Unfortunately, this caused a regression in the CRAN builds of R 4.4.0 which still used libiconv-64. That version of libiconv has another bug (described next), which interfered with this work-around. ## BOM forgotten after reset To correctly decode UTF-16 or UTF-32 input, the decoder needs to know the byte-order (little or big endian). One can specify the byte order as part of the encoding name to iconv, e.g. "UTF-16LE", or one can specify the encoding without it ("UTF-16") and then include a byte-order mark at the beginning of input. The byte-order mark (BOM) is Unicode character U+FEFF (zero-width no-break space), and from how its bytes are laid out the decoder infers the byte-order. If the BOM is not present, the decoder uses the default order. My reading of the POSIX standard is that the byte-order learned from BOM is _not_ part of the encoding state, because UTF-16 and UTF-32 are stateless encodings. Instead, the byte-order learned from BOM should be immutable and stay that way until the conversion stream is closed. This is also explicitly stated by Ulrich Drepper in a response to a [bug report](https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=165368). Unfortunately, some iconv implementations forget the byte-order learned from BOM on reset, as if it was part of the shift/conversion state, as if UTF-16/-32 were a stateful encoding. This problem is not present in iconv in Linux/glibc, but it is present both in GNU libiconv 1.11 as well as in later versions of libiconv on macOS. Also, it doesn't help that the default byte-order with libiconv on macOS is big-endian (while UTF-16 is mostly used on Windows where it is encoded as little-endian). Conversion state reset is a relatively rare operation, after all it should ever only be needed with stateful encodings; but, not so rare with the work-around for the crash after an invalid byte. This problem of the work-around was found after R 4.4.0 has been out and when the present libiconv on macOS already has been fixed (libiconv-92 no longer had that problem). So, as a minimal hot-fix, R 4.4.2 comes without the work-around for the crash after an invalid byte, and this is intended to remain the behavior with R 4.4.x. In R-devel, there is now a work-around also for the case that iconv forgets the byte-order after reset. `Riconv` would listen to the input and after seeing the BOM, it would continue decoding with byte-order specified to iconv via the encoding name, e.g. "UTF-16LE". In addition to that, all work-arounds for iconv in R-devel are now conditional on runtime tests. So, specifically with a system libiconv no longer getting confused after an invalid byte, R would not be issuing state resets anymore. The problem of forgetting BOM after reset is still present at least in libiconv-107 (macOS 15.0). ## BOM forgotten on incomplete character The new libiconv on macOS (from libiconv-86 to libiconv-107 at least) also has forgets the byte-order learned from BOM when it is given an incomplete character to decode. This is a quite serious bug, because an incomplete character on input is a common situation during iterative conversion, when one reads in some part of input, gives it to iconv to convert, then reads some more, etc. This specific pattern is heavily used in R and other applications, and there is probably no other way using iconv. It is also on of the examples in [Glibc documentation](https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/iconv-Examples.html). R-devel checks at runtime whether this problem is present, and if it is the case, it uses the same work-around as for BOM forgotten after re-set, by falling back to conversion using the byte-order specified in the encoding name.