title: "Upcoming Changes in R 4.2.1 on Windows"
author: "Tomas Kalibera"
date: 2022-06-16
categories: ["User-visible Behavior", "Windows"]
tags: ["Rgui", "UTF-8", "UCRT", "encodings"]

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE)

R 4.2.1 is [scheduled](https://developer.r-project.org/) to be released next
week with a number of Windows-specific fixes.  All Windows R users currently
using R 4.2.0 should upgrade to R 4.2.1.  This text has more details on some
of the fixes.

R 4.2.0 on Windows came with a significant improvement.  It uses UTF-8 as
the native encoding and for that it switched to the Universal C Runtime
(UCRT).  This in turn required creating a new R toolchain for Windows and
re-building R, R packages and all (statically linked) dependencies with it
[more details](https://blog.r-project.org/2021/12/07/upcoming-changes-in-r-4.2-on-windows) on the transition).

Using UTF-8 as the native encoding significantly reduces the number of
encoding conversion issues when working with characters not representable in
the encoding used normally by Windows, so e.g.  problems with Asian
characters on systems running in Europe, Americas or anywhere else where
latin scripts are used.

R 4.2.0 has been regularly tested with CRAN and Bioconductor packages before
the release, but several issues not covered by automated R/package testing
and missed by the limited manual testing have been found by users after the
release.  Thanks to users who
[reported](https://www.r-project.org/bugs.html) issues via R bugzilla,
R-devel mailing list, R-help mailing list as well as private messages, soon
after the R 4.2.0 release, these issues were fixed for R 4.2.1.  Moreover,
the good news is that no major issues with the rather significant transition
to UTF-8/UCRT have been found to this date.

It would be nice to get more help from the R community volunteers with testing R
before releases, as detailed in a blog post from [April
As far I can tell from when we are receiving bug reports, this is still not
happening much. Such testing doesn't have to be only "manual", a lot of
interactive testing in principle can be automated as well, but in either
case that requires effort and time that would have to be contributed.

# Clipboard

Clipboard connection support in R on Windows (see `?connection` and search
for "clipboard") was rewritten in R 4.2.0 to use Unicode (UTF16-LE) Windows
API interface to fix encoding issues
Unfortunately, there was an error in computing offsets in the connection stream
which resulted in an bug observed during consecutive writes
([PR#18332](https://bugs.r-project.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18332)), fixed in
R 4.2.1. This only impacted programmatic access to the clipboard via the R
connections API.

It was a rather embarrassing omission of a pair of parentheses and apparently
I was only testing the original bug fix using a single write operation, not
multiple.  While fixing the bug with consecutive writes, I also found and
fixed a spurious warning about an ignored encoding argument, which is a
by-product of internal conversions to/from UTF16-LE inside the connections

Clipboard connection testing is for good reasons not allowed in automated
CRAN package checks (as clipboard is a user/system-wide device, regarded the same
as user's home files pace, 
see [CRAN Repository Policy](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/policies.html)),
so the issue hence could not have been found that way.

# Invalid parameters passed to C runtime

Another issue found after the release was with the R `Sys.getlocale`
function attempting to query an unsupported locale category on Windows.  The
function is documented to accept also `LC_MESSAGES`, `LC_PAPER` and
`LC_MEASUREMENT` categories on Windows, even though they are not supported
there; `Sys.getlocale` returns an empty string.

The implementation used to call the C runtime function `setlocale` to obtain
the locale information even for `LC_MESSAGES`, and that worked in the past. 
But, it does no longer with UCRT when invalid parameter handlers are enabled
(see [Parameter
in MSDN).

By default, MinGW-W64 and hence applications built using Rtools42 disable
the invalid parameter handlers, so we have never ran into that during
automated CRAN and Bioconductor package checking, nor during manual testing
using the "normal" builds.  But, if R is embedded in an application built
using Microsoft compilers, the invalid parameter handlers may be enabled by
default and may terminate/crash R.

This has only been found after R 4.2.0 release inside RStudio which had the
handlers enabled. It was reported that `rJava` crashed during
initialization, because it was using `Sys.getlocale` to query the
`LC_MESSAGES` locale category.

The `getlocale` implementation has been fixed in R 4.2.1 not to query the
unsupported locale categories.  In addition, R-devel has been extended to
optionally enable these handlers for checking (via
`_R_WIN_CHECK_INVALID_PARAMETERS_`), and CRAN package checks were ran using
this setting.  Luckily, only few packages have been affected.  One package
trigered invalid parameter handler by accidentally closing a handle twice,
so attempting to close an invalid handle.

As usual, checking all CRAN packages is not only a service to the package
maintainers, but also serves as a check for R itself.

# Rgui

Perhaps surprisingly, a number of users have found issues in Rgui after the
R 4.2.0 release.  This shows that Rgui is still actively used, and not only
directly, but also as an interactive R console window connected to and
controlled by other applications ([Dasher](https://dasher.acecentre.net/),

Problems with transition to UTF-8 were somewhat surprising to me as Rgui has
been designed as a Unicode application and, using the GraphApp library,
written to support Unicode characters not representable in the native/ANSI
Windows encoding.  Rgui has limitations in supporting non-BMP characters,
but that was not the issue here.  GraphApp, at least the version included
and customized in the R distribution, has two very distinct modes of
operation: "Unicode" and "non-Unicode" windows.  Both modes support working
with characters not representable in the native/ANSI Windows encoding.

However, by default, "non-Unicode" windows are used in a single-byte locale
(the native/ANSI) and in some contexts are also used by accident even on
multi-byte locale (due to initialization/bootstrapping issues).  Hence,
Windows systems of R users of languages using single-byte encoding have
always been using "non-Unicode" GraphApp windows, and it wasn't
discovered/reported that the "Unicode" windows lacked some features and had
some bugs. As R 4.2.0 switched to UTF-8, a multi-byte locale, Rgui
started using "Unicode" GraphApp windows and these issues popped up. The
reports were from users from Europe and South America.

One of the consequences was that the accent keys (dead keys) almost didn't
work.  Some were not supported at all and some couldn't be typed without
combining them with the next character.  The reported cases (and a number of
additional I found while debugging) have been fixed.  However, handling of
these characters, at least in the form done in GraphApp "Unicode" windows,
is very language-specific and depends on keyboard layouts.  It is hence
definitely not impossible that some accents via dead keys still will not
work: in that case, the best course of action is to use copy-paste (or some
other input method common for the specific language) as a work around, and
report a bug. As a last resort, non-ASCII characters in string literals can
be represented using `\u` and `\U` escapes.

GraphApp "Unicode" windows are internally designed differently and respond
to different Windows API messages.  Hence, injection of text via
`SendInput`, as used in Dasher, didn't work.  Luckily this has still been
fixable and is fixed in R 4.2.1.  Tinn-R used `WM_CHAR` messages, instead,
and they stopped working as well.  This seems unfixable without bigger
changes to GraphApp, because the "Unicode" windows are simply designed to
handle related messages differently, but Tinn-R luckily can switch to
`SendInput`, which is also a better way to do text injection, despite it has
also limitations (more details
[here](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20050530-11/?p=35513)). If
there are other similar applications that used `WM_CHAR` or
`WM_KEYDOWN`/`WM_KEYUP` messages, the best/simplest course of action is to
switch to `SendInput`. Switching to embedding may be more flexible and
reliable in the long-term, but require a much higher investment.

Rgui has a "Script Editor", which is implemented using a RichEdit control
(part of Windows).  GraphApp has been using the ANSI (`*A`) interface to the
control, so one would expect that it should work with UTF-8 as it worked
before with whatever was the ANSI encoding (even double-byte).  However, it
turned out that the `RichEdit20A` version of the control does not, it was
not possible to copy and execute a line of R code which contained non-ASCII
characters (characters were received in the ANSI encoding, not respecting
that Rgui opted for UTF-8 in its manifest).  However, the `RichEdit20W`
version of the control accepts UTF-8 properly, even using the ANSI (`*A`). 
If any expert on these things is reading these lines, I would be happy for a
review of the current code or for an explanation, as this doesn't seem to be

Rgui has also experienced a significant performance regression of
`txtProgressBar`.  The progress bar is based on carriage return characters
and repeated rewriting of the previous state.  Rgui has a not very efficient
way of implementing these: it remembers the full history of the line,
interpreting the carriage returns only on redraws.  While redrawing a line,
Rgui computes width of each character.  So, every update of the progress bar
adds to the work to be done on the next redraw, and even previous lines
shown in the window have to be redrawn, so, if one runs the progress bar
several times, the performance overheads are increasing.

This has only been detected in R 4.2.0 running in UTF-8, because UTF-8 is a
multi-byte locale and a different code path to compute the character widths
has been used.  It turns out that this code contributed long time ago to R
had a bug in caching a locale identifier, so it was re-computed on every
character, plus an optimization for ASCII characters (relevant for the
progress bar) accidentally only took place after the broken caching.  Fixing
this old performance bug in R fixed this performance regression in Rgui and
potentially will improve performance also on other systems where R is built
to use the internal width calculation.

# Other

Rtools42 have been updated and the official build of R 4.2.1 (at the time of
this writing [R-4.2.1 release
candidate](https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/rpatched.html)) will
be built using version 5253.

Compared to version 5168 used to build R 4.2.0, there is now also the `tidy`
tool for checking HTML in packages and a number of libraries have been
updated, from which R itself and then all CRAN packages using those would
benefit: 15 out of those are used by R and recommended packages, see a
[complete list](https://developer.r-project.org/WindowsBuilds/Rtools42/news.html) for
details. All CRAN packages have been tested (and where needed updated) for the
new versions. Note that CRAN packages are required to use libraries from
Rtools when those are available [CRAN Repository Policy](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/policies.html)
has more details).

For a summary of additional updates in R 4.2.1, see the [NEWS file of the
branch](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-patched/doc/html/NEWS.html) and look
for "Changes in R 4.2.0 patched" (when still before the release) or to
"Changes in R 4.2.1" (when after the release).