title: "UTF-8 Support on Windows"
author: "Tomas Kalibera"
date: 2020-05-02
categories: ["User-visible Behavior", "Windows"]
tags: ["UTF-8", "UCRT", "encodings"]


```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE)

R internally allows strings to be represented in the current native
encoding, in UTF-8 and in Latin 1.  When interacting with the operating
system or external libraries, all these representations have to be converted
to native encoding.  On Linux and macOS today this is not a problem, because
the native encoding is UTF-8, so all Unicode characters are supported.  On
Windows, the native encoding cannot be UTF-8 nor any other that could
represent all Unicode characters.

Windows sometimes replaces characters by similarly looking representable
ones ("best-fit"), which often works well but sometimes has surprising
results, e.g.  alpha character becomes letter a.  In other cases, Windows
may substitute non-representable characters by question marks or other and R
may substitute by `\uxxx`, `\UXXXXXXXX` or other escapes.  A number of
functions accessing the OS consequently have complicated semantics and
implementation on Windows.  For example, `normalizePath` for a valid path
tries to return also a valid path, which is a path to the same file.  In a
naive implementation, the normalized path could be non-existent or point to
a different file due to best-fit, even when the original path is perfectly
representable and valid.

This limitation of R on Windows is a source of pain for users who need to
work with characters not representable in their native encoding.  R provides
"shortcuts" that sometimes bypass the conversion, e.g.  when reading UTF-8
text files via `readLines`, but these work only for selected cases, when
external software is not involved and their use is difficult.

Finally, the latest Windows 10 allows to set UTF-8 as the native encoding.  R
has been modified to allow this setting, which wasn't hard as this has been
supported on Unix/macOS for years.  

The bad news is that the UTF-8 support on Windows requires Universal C
Runtime (UCRT), a new C runtime.  We need a new compiler toolchain and have
to rebuild all external libraries for R and packages: no object files built
using the older toolchains (Rtools 4 and older) can be re-used.

UCRT can be installed on older versions of Windows, but UTF-8 support will
only work on Windows 10 (November 2019 update) and newer.

The rest of this text explains in more detail what native UTF-8 support
would bring to Windows users of R.  This text is simplifying out a number of
details in order to be accessible to R users who are not package developers. 
An additional text for package developers and maintainers of infrastructures
to build R on Windows is provided
with details on how to build R using different infrastructures and how to
build R with UCRT.

A demo binary installer for R and recommended packages is available (a link
appears later in this text) as well as a demo toolchain, which has a number
of libraries and headers for many but not all CRAN/BIOC packages.

## Implications for RGui

RGui (RStudio is similar as it uses the same interface to R) is a
Windows-only application implemented using Windows API and UTF-16LE.  In R
4.0 and earlier, RGui can already work with all Unicode characters.

RGui can print UTF-8 R strings.  When running with RGui, R escapes UTF-8
strings and embeds them into strings otherwise in native encoding on output. 
RGui understands this proprietary encoding and converts to UTF-16LE before
printing.  This is intended to be used in all outputs R produces for RGui,
but the approach has its limits: it becomes complicated when formatting the
output and R does not know yet where it will be printed.  Many corner cases
have been fixed, some recently, but likely some are remaining.

RGui can already pass Unicode strings to R.  This is implemented by another
semi-proprietary embedding, RGui converts UTF-16LE strings to the native
encoding, but replaces the non-representable characters by `\u` and `\U`
escapes that are understood by the parser.  The parser will then turn these
into R UTF-8 strings.  This means that non-representable characters can be
used only where `\u` and `\U` escapes are allowed by R, which includes R
string literals where it is most important, but such characters cannot be
even in comments.

As a side note here, I believe that to keep international collaboration on
software development, all code should be in ASCII, definitely all symbols,
and I would say even in English, including comments.  But still, R is used
also interactively and this is a technical limitation, not an intentionally
enforced requirement.

For example, one can paste these Czech characters into Rgui: `ěščřžýáíé`. 
On Windows running in a English locale:

> x <- "ěščřžýáíé"
> Encoding(x)
[1] "UTF-8"
> x
[1] "ěščřžýáíé"

This works fine.  But, a comment is already a problem:

> f <- function() {
+ x # ěščřžýáíé
+ }
> f
function() {
x # \u11bš\u10d\u159žýáíé
Some characters are fine, some are not.

In the experimental build of R, UTF-8 is the native encoding, so RGui will
not use any `\u`, `\U` escapes when sending text to R and R will not embed
any UTF-8 strings, because the native encoding is already UTF-8.  The
example above then works fine:

> f <- function() {
+ x # ěščřžýáíé
+ }
> f
function() {
x # ěščřžýáíé

UTF-8 is selected automatically as the encoding for the current locale in
the experimental build:

> Sys.getlocale()
[1] "LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.utf8;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.utf8;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8"

Note that RGui still needs to use fonts that can correctly represent the
characters.  Similarly, not all fonts are expected to correctly display
examples in this text.

## Implications for RTerm

RTerm is a Windows application not using Unicode, like most of R it is
implemented using the standard C library assuming that the encoding-specific
operations will work according to the C locale.  In R 4.0 and earlier, RTerm
cannot handle non-representable characters.

We cannot even paste non-representable characters to R.  They will be
converted automatically to the native encoding.  Pasting "ěščřžýáíé" results

> escrzyáíé

For the Czech text on Windows running in English locale, this is not so bad
(only some diacritics marks are removed), but still not the exact
representation.  For Asian languages on Windows running in English locale,
the result is unusable.

In principle, we can use the `\u` and `\U` sequences manually to input
strings, but they still cannot be printed correctly:

> x <- "\u11b\u161\u10d\u159\u17e\u0fd\u0e1\u0ed\u0e9"
> Encoding(x)
[1] "UTF-8"
> x
[1] "escrzyáíé"
> as.hexmode(utf8ToInt(x))
[1] "11b" "161" "10d" "159" "17e" "0fd" "0e1" "0ed" "0e9"

The output shows that the string is correct inside R, it just cannot be printed
on RTerm.

In the experimental build of R, if we run cmd.exe and then change the code
page to UTF-8 via "chcp 65001" before running RTerm, this works as it should

> x <- "ěščřžýáíé"
> x
[1] "ěščřžýáíé"
> x <- "ěščřžýáíé"
> Encoding(x)
[1] "UTF-8"
> x
[1] "ěščřžýáíé"

This text is not going into details about where the characters exactly get
converted/best-fitted, but the key thing is that with the UTF-8 build and
when running cmd.exe in the UTF-8 code page (65001), without any
modification of RTerm code, RTerm works with Unicode characters.

As with RGui, the terminal also needs apropriate fonts..  The same example
with a Japanese text: `こんにちは, 今日は`

> x <- "こんにちは, 今日は"
> Encoding(x)
[1] "UTF-8"
> x
[1] "こんにちは, 今日は"

This example works fine with the experimental build on my system, but with
the default font (Consolas), the characters are replaced by a question mark
in a square.  Still, just switching to another font, e.g.  FangSong, in the
cmd.exe menu, the characters appear correct in already printed text.  The
characters will also be correct when one pastes them to an application that
uses the right font.

## Implications for interaction with the OS

R on Windows already uses the Windows API in many cases instead of the
standard C library to avoid the conversion or to get access to
Windows-specific functionality.  More specifically, R tries to always do it
when passing strings to the OS, e.g.  creating a file with a
non-representable name already works.  R converts UTF-8 strings to UTF16-LE,
which Windows understands.  However, R packages or external libraries often
would not have such Windows specific code and would not be able to do that. 
With the experimental build, these problems disappear because the standard C
functions, which in turn usually call the non-unicode Windows API, will use

A different situation is when getting strings from the operating system, for
example listing files in a directory.  R on Windows in such cases uses the
C, non-unicode API or converts to the native encoding, unless this is a
direct transformation of inputs that are already UTF-8.  Please see R
documentation for details; this text provides a simplification of the
technical details.

In principle, R could also have used Windows-specific UTF-16LE calls and
convert the strings to UTF-8, which R can represent.  It would not be that
much more work given how much effort has been spent on the functions passing
strings to Windows.

However, R has been careful not to introduce UTF-8 strings for things the
user has not already intentionally made UTF-8, because of problems that this
would cause for packages not handling encodings correctly.  Such packages
will mysteriously start failing when incorrectly using strings in UTF-8 but
thinking they were in native encoding.  Such problems will not be found by
automated testing, because tests don't use such unusual inputs and are often
run in English or similar locales.

This precaution came at a price of increased complexity.  For example, the
`normalizePath` implementation could be half the code size or less if we
allowed introducing UTF-8 strings.  R instead normalizes "less", e.g.  does
not follow a symlink if it helps, but produces a representable path name for
one that is in native encoding.

With UTF-8 as the native encoding, these considerations are no longer
needed.  Listing files in a directory when not-representable is no longer an
issue (when valid Unicode) and it works in the experimental build without
any code change.

Another issue is with external libraries that already started solving this
problem their way, long before Windows 10.  Some libraries bypass any
external code and the C library for strings and perform string operations in
UTF-8 or UTF-16LE, sometimes with the help of external libraries, typically

When R interacts with such libraries, it needs to know which encoding those
libraries expect, and that sometimes changes from native encoding to UTF-8
as the libraries evolve.  For example, Cairo switched to UTF-8, so R had to
notice, and had to convert strings for newer Cairo versions to UTF-8 but for
older versions to native encoding.

Such change is sometimes hard to notice, because the type remains the same,
`char *`.  Also handling these situations increases code complexity.  One
has to read carefully the change logs for external libraries, otherwise
running into bugs that are hard to debug and almost impossible to detect by
tests, as they don't use unusual characters.  Such transitions of external
libraries will no longer be an issue with UTF-8 being the native encoding.

## Implications for internal functionality

R allows multiple encoding of strings in R character objects, with a flag
whether it is UTF-8, Latin 1 or native.  But, eventually strings have to be
converted to `char *` when interacting with the C library, the operating
system and other external libraries, or with external code incorporated into

Historically, the assumption was that once typed `char *`, the strings are
always in one encoding, and then it needs to be the native encoding.  This
makes a lot of sense as otherwise maintaining the code becomes difficult,
but R made a number of exceptions e.g.  for the shortcut in `readLines`, and
sometimes it helps to keep strings longer as R character objects.  Still,
sometimes the conversion to native encoding is done just to have a `char *`
representation of the string, even though not yet interacting with
C/external code.  All these conversions disappear when UTF-8 becomes the
native encoding.

One related example is R symbols.  They need to have a unique representation
defined by a pointer stored in the R symbol table.  For any effective
implementation, they need to be in the same encoding, which now is the
native encoding.  A logical improvement would be converting to UTF-8,
instead, but that would have potentially non-trivial performance overhead. 
These concerns are no longer necessary when UTF-8 becomes the native

In R 4.0, this limitation has as undesirable impact on hash maps:

e <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
assign("a", "letter a", envir=e)
assign("\u3b1", "letter alpha", envir=e)

On Windows, this produces a hash map with just a single element named "a",
because `\u3b1` (`α`) gets best-fitted by Windows to letter "a".  With the
experimental build, this works fine as it does on Unix/macOS, adding two
elements to the hash map.  Even though using non-ASCII variable names is
probably not the right thing to do, a hash map really should be able to
support arbitrary Unicode keys.

## Demo

The experimental build of R can be downloaded from
[here](https://www.r-project.org/nosvn/winutf8/R-devel-win.exe).  It has
base and recommended packages, but will not work with other packages that
use native code.  The experimental toolchain allows to test more packages
(but not all CRAN/BIOC), more information is available
and may be updated without notice (there is always SVN history of it).  Not
for production use.