If you use R you may have wondered if there are ways you can contribute to making R better. This is another post on how you might help (Reviewing Bug Reports was the first).
This post is about helping with testing of pre-release versions of R.
Maintaining and improving R unavoidably comes with introducing regressions, that is breaking things which worked before. This also happens when external software changes its behavior (OS, compilers, libraries). Regressions that cause the R test suite to fail are found and fixed quickly. Regressions that cause CRAN packages to fail are typically found soon as well when those packages passed their tests before the regression was introduced, yet there is some risk of overlooking these problems as there are always some failing packages (about 50 packages out of over 17,000 currently result in ERROR or WARNING on Linux, more on other platforms, as shown here).
The biggest risk of overlooking regressions is in things that are not covered by automated tests. To allow us to improve quality of released R versions, we could use your help with testing R.
Planned R releases are announced via R-announce mailing list and detailed schedules are at on the R developer website. Now is a good time as R 4.1 is to be released soon: feature freeze happens May 4, code freeze May 11, the release is scheduled for May 18. In order to allow fixing the discovered issues, they would have to be reported as early as possible.
If you would like to help, here are some things you can test. If you find any regressions, please report them (see Reporting Bugs via R bug tracker or R-devel mailing list). If you find bugs that are not regressions (bugs in new features or bugs that existed in earlier releases), please still report them.
Please be careful not to damage your existing R installation. Only use a fresh package library for the tests. When possible, it may be a good idea to use virtual machines for the testing.
Test things that are interactive (installation, front-ends, interactive R packages, manual installation). Test things that interact with external libraries.
If you use R and have your own programs and data, your own workflows, your special ways of installing or setting up R, please test that. Unusual settings are most likely to trigger regressions, and this way you may most directly benefit from getting things fixed. If you are maintaining an R package and have tests that are not run automatically, hence also during CRAN checks, please run them now.
You can use a virtual machine, such as virtualbox, for the testing (there are some free VMs for time-limited testing). Using a virtual machine avoids the problem of damaging an existing R installation and allows to test installation from scratch, including dependent software.
Pre-release versions of R can be installed from here. Some areas where issues are most likely/have been seen in the past:
Test the Windows installer. Try also with different non-default options. There have been some improvements in the installer in 4.1, so potentially also regressions.
Test interactive R packages, particularly those using some graphical interface or external software, including Tcl/Tk, Java, etc.
Test with non-ASCII/non-European characters. This is especially useful if you normally work with data with such characters. Please only look for regressions: there are a number of known limitations of the encoding support on Windows, which should be overcome once there is a stable release with UTF-8 support as native encoding. Still, all characters supported by the native encoding should work, even when it is an encoding for a non-European language.
Test with unusual characters in file names (spaces, etc). Please only look for regressions as such characters are discouraged, so ideally if you are using such names with R already, test on the same data.
Test RTerm, the command-line front-end for R. There has been a significant change of the implementation of line editing for 4.1 fixing issues with non-European characters. Potential regressions could also impact use with ASCII and European characters, even though less likely.
Test RGui, the graphical front-end for R.
Please see R for macOS Developers for binaries for the alpha version of 4.1 and more information. Particularly interesting would be tests on Big Sur, which comes with stricter security checks by default, and on M1, both Intel builds running with emulation and the native 64-bit ARM builds.
Test installation and the macOS GUI frontend. Ideally test with non-default settings. Test the documentation in R Installation and Administration, check whether it is sufficiently up-to-date and matches experience on your system.
Test with non-European/non-ASCII characters. On macOS, R uses UTF-8 as the native encoding by default, so all characters should work. There have been some improvements in 4.1 to Unicode support, so possibly there may be regressions visible on macOS as well.
Test building R from source, following the instructions in R Installation and Administration. This is especially useful on clean/new systems when one has to deal with OS settings and installing dependent software.
Test building R from source on your favourite distribution. Particularly
useful may be checks on less common distributions and with non-default
Test interactive R packages, ideally with your own data, especially useful are checks that involve external software.
If you use forking support in parallel package (mclapply
, etc) and have
your own applications/data/clusters built on that API, test it with the
new version.
If you use R on Solaris, please test anything similar to the above. This may be the least tested R platform at this point. Solaris may be prone to encoding issues in R when working with supplementary Unicode characters (a bit like Windows, but on Solaris one might test different code paths).
If you are interested in helping R this way repeatedly, it may be useful to create a check-list, possibly also with some code and data, so that you can easily repeat the tests before the next R release. This type of help would be useful also for minor R releases.