title: "Managing Search Path Conflicts"
author: Luke Tierney
date: 2019-03-19
categories: ["User-visible Behavior"]
tags: ["search path conflicts"]

```{r global_options, include=FALSE}

Starting with R 3.6.0 the `library()` and `require()` functions allow
more control over handling search path conflicts when packages are
attached. The policy is controlled by the new `conflicts.policy`
option. This post provides some background and details on this new

## Background

When loading a package and attaching it to the search path, conflicts
can occur between objects defined in the new package and ones already
provided by other packages on the search path. Sometimes these
conflicts are intentional on the part of a package author; for
example, `dplyr` provides its own versions of several functions from
`base` and `stats`:


In other cases the conflict is not intended and can cause problems.
Students in my classes often load the `MASS` package after `dplyr`
and then get


If `select` is used at this point, the one from `MASS` will be used;
if the intent was to use the one from `dplyr`, then this results in
error messages that are difficult to understand.

By default, `library()` and `require()` do show messages about the
conflicts, but they are easy to miss. And they will not be visible at
all in an `Rmarkdown` document if the calls appear in code chunks that
do not show their results at all or use the `message = FALSE` chunk

The new mechanism is intended to provide more control over how
conflicts are handled, in particular allowing for stricter checks if
desired. Different levels of strictness may be appropriate in
different contexts. Some contexts, ordered by the level of strictness
that might make sense:

0. Interactive work in the console.
1. Interactive work in a notebook.
2. Code in an `Rmarkdown` or `Sweave` document.
3. Scripts.
4. Packages.

Conflicts in packages are already handled by the `NAMESPACE`
mechanism. The others could use some help. Scripts in particular might
benefit from being able to specify exactly which objects should be
made available from the packages used, much like specifying explicit
imports in a package `NAMESPACE` file.

Another useful distinction is between _anticipated_ and
_unanticipated_ conflicts:

- _Anticipated_ conflicts occur when a single package is attached that
  in turn might cause other packages to be attached. The package
  author will see the messages, and should address any ones that are
  not as intended. These conflicts should usually not require user

- _Unanticipated_ conflicts arise when a user requests that two
  packages be attached that may not have been designed to be used
  together. Conflicts in these cases will typically require the user
  to make an appropriate choice.

In the initial examples, the conflicts caused by loading `dplyr` would
be anticipated conflicts, but the one caused by then loading `MASS`
would be an unanticipated conflict.  For interactive work, as well as
code in `Rmarkdown` documents, it would be useful to be able to use a
setting that allows anticipated conflicts, but signals an error for
unanticipated conflicts that are not explicitly resolved.

## Specifying a Policy

A number of aspects of the conflict handling process can be customized
via the `conflicts.policy` option. The value of this option can be a
string naming a standard policy, or a list with named elements
specifying policy details. Supported named policies are `"strict"` and
`"depends.ok"`. Policy elements that are supported:

- `error`: If `TRUE`, then conflicts produce errors.
- `generics.ok`: If set, this determines whether masking a function
   with an S4 generic version is considered a conflict. The default is
  `FALSE` for strict checking and `TRUE` otherwise.
- `can.mask`: A character vector of names of packages that are
  allowed to be masked without producing an error. Specifying the
  base packages can reduce the number of explicit masking
  approvals needed.
- `depends.ok`: If `TRUE`, then allow all conflicts produced within
  a single package load.
- `warn`: Sets the default for the `warn.conflicts` argument to
  `library` and `require`.

A specification that may work for most users who want protection
against unanticipated conflicts:

options(conflicts.policy =
            list(error = TRUE,
                 generics.ok = TRUE,
                 can.mask = c("base", "methods", "utils",
                              "grDevices", "graphics",
                 depends.ok = TRUE))

This specification assumes that package authors know what they are
doing, and all conflicts from loading a package by itself are
intentional and OK.  With this specification all `CRAN` and `BIOC`
packages should individually load without error. A shortcut provided
for specifying this policy is the name `"depends.ok"`:

options(conflicts.policy = "depends.ok")

A strict policy specification would be

options(conflicts.policy = list(error = TRUE, warn = FALSE))

This can also be specified as the named policy `"strict"`:

options(conflicts.policy = "strict")

## Resolving Conflicts

With a `"strict"` policy, attempting to load a conflicting package
produces an error:
options(conflicts.policy = "strict")
## Error: Conflicts attaching package ‘dplyr’:
## The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

The error signaled with strict checking is of class
`packageConflictsError` with fields `package` and `conflicts`.

Explicitly specifying names that are allowed to mask variables already
on the search path avoids the error:

        mask.ok = c("filter", "lag",
                    "intersect", "setdiff", "setequal",

With the `"depends.ok"` policy, calling `library(dplyr)` will succeed and
produce the usual message about conflicts.

With both `"strict"` and `"depends.ok"` policies, loading `MASS` after
`dplyr` will produce an error:

## Error: Conflicts attaching package ‘MASS’:
## The following object is masked from ‘package:dplyr’:
##     select

One way to eliminate this error is to exclude `select` when attaching
the `MASS` exports:

library(MASS, exclude = "select")

The `select` function from `MASS` can still be used as `MASS::select`.

To make it easier to use a strict policy for commonly used packages,
and for implicitly attached packages, `conflictRules` provides a way
to specify default `mask.ok` and `exclude` values for packages,
e.g. with

              mask.ok = c("filter", "lag",
                          "intersect", "setdiff",
                          "setequal", "union"))
conflictRules("MASS", exclude = "select")

To allow masking only variables in specific packages:

library(dplyr, mask.ok = list(stats = c("filter", "lag"),
                              base = c("intersect", "setdiff",
                                       "setequal", "union")))

To allow masking all variables in specific packages:

library(dplyr, mask.ok = list(base = TRUE, stats = TRUE))

`library()` has some heuristics to avoid warning about S4 overrides.
These heuristics mask the overrides in `Matrix`, but not those in
`BiocGenerics`.  These heuristics are disabled by default when strict
conflict checking is in force, so they have to be handled explicitly
in some way.

This specification would allow `Matrix` to be loaded with strict

              mask.ok = list(stats = TRUE,
                             graphics = "image",
                             utils = c("head", "tail"),
                             base = TRUE))

Similarly, this will work for `BiocGenerics`:

              mask.ok = list(base = TRUE,
                             stats = TRUE,
                             parallel = TRUE,
                             graphics = c("image", "boxplot"),
                             utils = "relist"))

In the future it might be worth considering whether this information
could be encoded in a package's `DESCRIPTION` file.

## Additional Strictness

The arguments `include.only` and `attach.required` have been added to
`library()` and `require()` to provide additional control in a script
using a `"strict"` policy:

- If `include.only` is supplied as a character vector, then only
  variables named there are included in the attached frame.
- Packages specified in the `Depends` field of the `DESCRIPTION` file
  are only attached when `attach.required` is `TRUE`. The default
  value of `attach.required` is `TRUE` if `include.only` is missing,
  and `FALSE` if `include.only` is supplied.

## Other Approaches

Other approaches to handling conflicts are provided by packages
[`conflicted`](https://cran.r-project.org/package=conflicted) and
[`import`](https://cran.r-project.org/package=import); there are also
several packages by the name `modules`.

The `conflicted` package arranges to signal an error when evaluating a
global variable that is defined by multiple packages on the search
path, unless an explicit resolution of the conflict has been

Being able to ask for stricter handling of conflicts is definitely a
good idea, but it seems it would more naturally belong in base R than
in a package. There are several downsides to the package approach, at
least as currently implemented in `conflicted`, including being fairly
heavy-weight, confusing `find`, and not handling packages that have
functions that do things like

foo <- function(x) { require(bar); ... }

Not that this is a good idea, but it is out there.

The approach taken in `conflicted` of signaling an error only when a
symbol is used might be described as a dynamic approach. This dynamic
approach could be implemented more efficiently in base R by adjusting
the global cache mechanism. The mechanism introduced in R 3.6.0 in
contrast insists that conflicts be resolved at the point where the
`library()` or `require()` call occurs. This might be called a static
or declarative approach.

To think about these options it is useful to go back to the range of
activities that might need increasing levels of strictness in conflict
handling listed at the beginning of this post.  For `Rmarkdown`
documents and scripts the static approach seems clearly better, as
long as a good set of tools is available to express conflict
resolution concisely. For notebooks I think the static approach is
probably better as well. For interactive use it may be a matter of
personal preference. Once I have decided I want help with conflicts,
my preference would be to be forced to resolve them on package load
rather than to have my work flow interrupted at random points to go
and sort things out.

Local Variables:
mode: poly-markdown+R
mode: flyspell