title: "Conditions of Length Greater Than One"
author: "Tomas Kalibera"
date: 2018-10-12
categories: ["Internals", "User-visible Behavior"]
tags: ["package checking", "bugs in user code"]

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE)

Historically R language allows conditions in `if` and `while` statements to
be vectors (of length greater than one).  The first element is used but the
remaining elements are ignored, since November 2002 also with a warning
(added by Brian Ripley).  Following an intuition that such situations would
typically arise from a programming error, an option has been added in March
2017 to optionally allow signalling a runtime error, instead (the patch was
by Martin Maechler, pinged by a suggestion of Henrik Bengtsson on the
R-devel mailing list).  While technically this seems a trivial change, the
purpose of this blog is to communicate that changing such a warning to an
error unconditionally requires a non-trivial effort given how much existing
code is around (and the change has not been yet made, but we may be close).

The first step was to see how many packages from CRAN and Bioconductor would
start failing as a result of such change.  This itself required some
non-trivial infrastructure due to the number of packages, but we have that
already for regular and irregular testing of our changes to R.  In March
2017, there were 154 packages failing on CRAN and 36 on BIOC.  Debugging
some of the failures did not create any doubts for the intuition that such
conditions were really usually programming errors (even though there is e.g. 
a vignette that intentionally demonstrates the behavior with conditions of
length greater than one).  Still, making so many packages to fail was out of
question (and, if so many packages were to be removed/archived, the impact
would have been much bigger due to their dependencies).  Also, in principle,
there could be correct code legitimately relying on this behavior, and we
would just break that code.  Moreover, even when these were programming
errors, not always they would be critical enough to remove the package (e.g. 
I have seen cases that would only affect tests, only would really matter
with unusual settings, etc).  So while it took several days to run all these
experiments, to look at some of the results, and to implement the runtime
checks with some necessary diagnostics (at this point just in my
experimental branch, R-devel only had the optional runtime error), this was
just the very beginning.  The real work to do was left to the maintainers
for CRAN and BIOC repositories to reach to package maintainers of the
packages identified, and in turn for package maintainers to fix their code.

For this, my experimental diagnostics already included some check to see
from which package was the if/while statement with the bad condition,
because it does not always have to be the package that is being checked. 
This required polluting the code a little bit (passing over arguments on the
fast path that are however only needed for the diagnostics on the slow
path), and a bit of scripting to process the results for the repository
maintainers, but in total not so much work compared to what remained for the
repository maintainers.

Running the same check 8 months later, we had 179 of failing CRAN packages
and 40 BIOC, so more than before despite of repository maintainers
communication with package authors after the one-off check.  Apparently we
were not getting any closer to being able to make the change.  The next step
was to turn the error on in CRAN incoming checks to at least prevent the
problem for becoming yet bigger.  Such a move already required the more
sophisticated diagnostic code to be integrated into R-devel, so that a
package would fail its tests only when the incorrect condition was in the
code of the package (not of some other dependency, yet triggered by the
tests).  This would miss some errors, but it would be unreasonable to ask
package maintainers to do the work of persuading maintainers of their
dependent packages to apply fixes.

Another 3 months later (April 2018), I checked again and the total number of
failing packages went slightly down, from 219 to 142, so it seemed that the
hard work of the CRAN team (and in turn probably the package maintainers,
but I do not have data for how many packages were fixed and how many
archived) started paying off. 

Finally, another 6 months later (October 2018), we have 34 failing CRAN
packages and 32 failing BIOC 3.7 packages.  The results from this round of
tests are at https://github.com/kalibera/rifcond.  Almost all of the
failures for CRAN and several for BIOC are already for the packages that
happen to run a dependency during their tests with the if/while statement
using the bad condition, so the next logical step is also to act on these
errors.  Hence, the diagnostic code in R-devel has been further extended to
optionally print (very) detailed diagnostic information in case of the
error.  It has also been extended to abort R unconditionally (we have seen
several cases when the normal R error detecting the bad condition has been
caught by the R code).