IMPORTANT: Please do not add any new posts to this old location.  The blog
has been moved to and is served from "Blog2".  Please add
new posts there.  This old content is kept to be available as the blog posts
have been linked from external websites.


To add a blog post and rebuild the site (all content is static):

1.  checkout svn from

    (it helps to do this in a clean installation that does not have any more
     packages than needed for the blogs to build, because some blogs include
     R code which may be affected by extra packages, such as new conflicts
     between names exported from different packages)

2.  the blog is under "Blog"

3.  get a recent version of R-devel to build the blog (some posts
    demonstrate new R-devel features, so one needs an R version with the
    features to build the .Rmd files)

4.  install blogdown package

    install.packages("blogdown") # or from github, see below

    blogdown uses "hugo" and provides functionality to install hugo (gives
    some R command to run the installation), but one can also install hugo
    manually on the local machine - on Ubuntu or Debian, it is "apt-get
    install hugo".

    hugo must not be too old (Ubuntu 18.04 has hugo 0.40 and it works fine,
    hugo 0.16 from Ubuntu 16.04 fails with "Error: unknown flag: --themesDir"

    On Ubuntu 20.04 (November 2, 2020, hugo version 0.68.3), the CRAN
    version of blogdown (0.21) does not currently recognize running hugo
    server, so it kills it in serve_site().  A fixed version 0.21.33 can be
    found at

5.  install these packages (needed to build existing blog posts):
        dplyr, MASS, colorspace, tidyr, bench, ggplot2, tidyr, ggbeeswarm

      [ please update this list for any new dependencies ]

6.  run svn update

    it may help to delete unneeded local files, so that you only have what
    is in the svn and in the current version (because many new files will
    then be generated and one needs to add them, without accidentally adding
    files not intended for commit)

7.  go to directory Blog, run "blogdown::build_site()" and check whether it
    finished without errors, rebuilding all blog posts; if not, go back to
    previous steps and try to fix the problem; note that from some recent
    version, blogdown stopped automatically rebuilding posts from Rmd files
    it has built already - use "blogdown::build_site(build_rmd=TRUE)" then
    to force the rebuilding

8.  when build_site() is happy, run "blogdown::serve_site()", this will open
    a web browser and display the current version of the blog from the SVN
    working copy, so even local uncommitted changes; this local used to get
    automatically updated when you edit your blog post (Rmd file), but it
    seems that is no longer happening by default; in previous versions, the
    Rmd files were rebuilt to be shown (hard-coded URLs), currently that is
    no longer happening

9.  in another terminal window, go to "content/post" (to create a new post)

    start from copy of an existing post, e.g.  a copy of something like
    2018-03-23-dll-limit.Rmd, edit the meta data at the top of the Rmd file
    and edit the content; when one saves the file, hugo automatically
    rebuilds the blog _locally_ and the changes become visible in the local
    web browser (nothing is committed automatically)

10. when happy with the changes/new post, quit the R session running
    "serve_site()", re-start R, run "blogdown::build_site()"; that will take
    several seconds and rebuild all the blog posts (remember the need for
    option build_rmd=TRUE mentioned above); the blog posts should hence be
    written to be robust against rebuilding at a later time (do not include
    computations based on current time, on unfixed version of a package,

11.  "svn add" newly created files and directories for the blog (in addition
    to the Rmd files, these will include a html version, rendered images,
    meta-data for categories and tags, etc)

12. svn commit

    an updated version of the blog will appear eventually (when the website
    gets auto-updated) at

General advice / experience:

- the generated output unfortunately depends a bit on the version of hugo
  and blogdown; sometimes the difference is unimportant, but it is still a
  bit of pain checking the diffs

- the committed version is usually generated with the latest Ubuntu LTS,
  hugo installed from Ubuntu and blogdown from CRAN (now blogdown 0.21.33
  from RStudio github on Ubuntu 20.04), and using recent R-devel

- the posts should contain only a small amount of code generation (not run
  benchmarks, not run tests, only use R for convenient rendering), so that
  the result is more portable and easier to maintain

- the posts should not depend on the current time of generation, because
  they are re-generated often

- the posts should not depend on features/properties of R that are likely to
  change soon (e.g.  to demonstrate that something didn't work in an old
  version of R - such things have to be copied, not executed, because the
  blogs will eventually be re-generated with newer versions of R)