Some S4 issues ============== Some notes from trying to understand the internals of S4 dispatch, especially of primitives. 1) Setting methods on a group generic only sets methods for existing generics, and only primitives are ab initio generic. ?setGeneric and ?Arith differ as to how other members should be converted into generics (one arg or two), and the example (setGeneric("+")) seems pointless as that is already generic. Whereas all of Ops (and its subgroups) and Complex are ab initio generic, none of Summary is and log, log10, gamma, lgamma, round, signif and trunc are not. The discrepancies between the S3 and S4 group generics are hard to explain: sign, digamma, trigamma and gammaCody are S3 group generic but not S4 group generic (and sign is S4 generic). log10 is S4 group generic but log2 is not. This is probably all history, but not at all obvious to end users. [Update 2007-07-24: the groups have been harmonized and all of Math is now primitive. The help pages have been corrected.] 2) Members of the Summary group have documented (and S3) arglist (..., na.rm = FALSE) and S4 arglist (x, ..., na.rm = FALSE). c() has S4 arglist (x, ...., recursive=FALSE) which differs from the documentation. Is this necessary? [This is being addressed via implicit generics.] 3) trunc() is documented as a member of the S4 Math group (which has only one argument), but has been implemented with an implicit generic > getGeneric("trunc") standardGeneric for "trunc" defined from package "base" belonging to group(s): Math2 function (x, digits = 0) standardGeneric("trunc", .Primitive("trunc")) Methods may be defined for arguments: x, digits Note that although this says it is a member of group 'Math2', getGroupMembers("Math2") says otherwise. In R-devel the current definition is trunc(x, ...) and S3 dispatch is on the first argument. [Now trunc() is a member of the S4 Math group and S4 methods can be set on trunc(x, ...). The S4 Math group cannot dispatch methods for the extra arguments of log() and trunc().] 4) S3 method dispatch on primitives tries hard to emulate a call to a closure, by setting up promises for the unevaluated and evaluated arguments (so e.g. substitute works in S3 methods.) DispatchGroup has the comment /* the arguments have been evaluated; since we are passing them */ /* out to a closure we need to wrap them in promises so that */ /* they get duplicated and things like missing/substitute work. */ Why is this thought not to be needed for S4 dispatch? [It was necessary: I found an example in the wild where duplication did not happen, and have added code to do this.] 5) Does an S4 object have a class and is the object bit set? isS4() just tests the S4 bit. It is currently only used in cbind, rbind and str. The latter appears to assume that slotNames() works on all S4 objects. Auto-printing and print.default(useS4=TRUE) test the S4 bit and if on send to show(). show()'s default method send objects without a class and those whose class definition it cannot find to print(). In 2.5.x method dispatch on a primitive tests the OBJECT bit on whatever arguments S3 dispatch would (on the first argument except the Ops group where it tests either of them). Related: are objects of type S4SXP always S4 objects? What does an S4SXP without the S4 bit and/or without a class indicate? 6) Just what is intended for S4 dispatch on replacement functions? If > getGeneric("length<-") standardGeneric for "length<-" defined from package "base" function (x, value) standardGeneric("length<-", .Primitive("length<-")) Methods may be defined for arguments: x, value is intended it is not what has been implemented, nor does the (barely undocumented) function setReplaceMethod() allow you to do so. 7) Currently the class and slots of S4 objects are stored as attributes. - Is it intended that S4 objects can have other attributes? As I understand this was disallowed in S. - It is possible to change those attributes in ways that are not necessarily appropriate to S4 objects. - class(x) <- NULL does not unset the S4 bit. - unclass(x) passes the S4 bit through unchanged. - attr<- allow you to change the value of, or even remove, any of the slots or the class. - attributes(x) <- NULL in 2.5.0 (but not later) removes the class and slots but not the S4 bit, This is not necessarily easy to change, as the 'methods' package code itself does some of these things, including in coercion code it dumps into packages. 8) ?isS4 (written by JMC) says In the future, S4 methods may be restricted to S4 objects for primitive functions; then 'asS4' would allow method dispatch of S4 methods for S3 classes. For all other purposes, an object will satisfy 'isS4(x)' if and only if it should. This was implemented in R-devel, but Martin claimed that was contrary to John's intentions. 9) Primitives (with a couple of exceptions, and seq) use positional matching. The implicit S4 generics for primitive are closures and so do not. Further, setMethod() insists that the arguments of a method match by name those of the (implicit) generic. This means that I can use > Re(Z=) until someone sets an S4 method on Re, when it may fail even though I don't have an S4 object, and quite possibly I know nothing about S4 classes. (Setting the method is most likely to happen by loading a package, possibly indirectly.) x <- structure(pi, class="foobar") setClass("foo", "numeric") Re(Z=x) setMethod("Re", "foo", function(z) NA) Re(Z=x) This is avoided for non-S4 objects in R-devel by confining S4 dispatch on primitives to S4 objects. However, it seems positional matching would be more consistent semantics, and I've tried to do that for the Ops group in R-devel. 10) Some timings x <- pi Log <- function(x) UseMethod("Log") Log.default <- function(x) .Internal(log(x)) system.time(for(i in 1:1e6) log(x)) # 2.17 system.time(for(i in 1:1e6) Log(x)) # 11.64 Log <- function(x) .Internal(log(x)) system.time(for(i in 1:1e6) Log(x)) # 1.64 setClass("foo", "numeric") setMethod("Log", "foo", function(x) Log(x@.Data)) system.time(for(i in 1:1e6) Log(x)) # 42.6 so the price of making a function S4 generic is quite high, 4x that of making it S3 generic. (And this is a favourable case, with only one argument and one method.) One reason is that loadMethod is itself generic, so that we seem to be paying for two S4 dispatches just to get to the default method. [BTW, C-level profiling the UseMethod example shows that almost all the extra time is going on finding functions, presumably the method.] 11) The scoping is different for S4 generics derived from base depending on whether they started with a primitive or not. Primitives are implicitly S4 generic, or cannot be made generic. All other base functions can (I think) be made generic, but by dint of adding a generic of the same name elsewhere in the environment tree and so which may or may not precede the base namespace in the search. I think it is hard for a user to find out (and if he finds out, even harder to understand) that exp() and log() behave differently. And people do want to subvert the standard semantics, as shown by Matrix's gymnastics with as.matrix and as.array in the base namespace. I think if we do want to allow some further base functions to be made S4 generic (and since as.matrix is S3 generic, we probably do), we need a mechanism to make them S4 generic in the base namespace. [exp and log are now both primitive and so do now behave the same.] BDR 2007-04-30