-*- mode: indented-text;-*- This file, ideas.txt, is to be maintained as plain ASCII, for expedience. It contains brief sketches of items that might be considered for inclusion in R, and provides a spot for adding comments and elaborating on earlier ideas. THE R IDEAS LIST Dream, dream, dream ... - The Everly Brothers *********** 3D GRAPHICS *********** It would be nice to have something more sophisticated than "persp" for plotting surfaces. It would be nice to have contour labels and labels on persp plots, first! **************** DYNAMIC GRAPHICS **************** Statistics for the video game generation ... We need to move to an event-based model for this. ********** GAM MODELS ********** The basic code is at STATLIB. However, this is unreliable code (also under S), and we might want to start from scratch. (Gu's gss looks like a good alternative) ******* MAPPING ******* We have the Becker/Wilks sources for constructing map data bases. All we really need is the drawing code. ********** DATA ENTRY ********** Current version is quite primitive. Need at least better factor entry mechanism and the ability to delete rows and columns. In the Tcl/Tk world it looks very tempting to try a reimplementation using the table widget *********** MENU SYSTEM *********** Some way of adding user-definable menus. GraphApp, Gnome, and Tcl/Tk all point in that general direction. The Tcl/Tk stubs are in place, but we need an overall plan. Would it suffice to have a free-floating toolbar mechanism, or do we want to reinvent the console and have an integrated window-top toolbar? ********** DATA FILES ********** File reading: We might want a mechanism for reading "ragged" files i.e. with varying number of fields per line (Excel exports those...) read.table(...,fill.na=T) ? Some advanced method for generating data frames from input files. One idea is to elaborate on the fact that when data() loads a .R file, it changes to the data directory, and quite flexible input specs can be obtained by having the R file contain xxx<-transform(read.table("something.txt", ...), ...). Extending that idea, one could have the convention that a <file>.Rsp file is a specification for <file>.txt. With a little bit of thought, one might avoid the ugliness of the transform and read.table calls. Foreign database formats (www.wotsit.org) Should .RData be renamed to something user-visible? XML ************************ FORMULA BASED INTERFACES ************************ The interfaces to various standard tests are inconsistent, e.g. wilcox.test takes two vectors, but kruskal.test a vector and a grouping factor. We probably want to keep this for compatibility with S-PLUS, but we'd like to have a consistent interface using model formulas too. This also includes looking at plot.formula which has trouble with pch=vector, and making sure that there's also points.formula, etc. (Kurt + Peter plan to work on this) **** MISC **** (some very petite stuff can go in here) bug.report dumps user into vi, which he might not know... Better summaries of multi-df effects (extend summary.lm) Successive diffs contrast (MASS has contr.sdif) Choleski with pivoting Change defaults for X11? (pointsize and the scaling for multiframe layouts) Add BuildInfo tags to package descriptions.