Dear Emacs, make this -*-Text-*- mode! This file contains some of my plans for enhancements to R. Kurt Hornik <> * Improve classical tests. ** Correct 2-sided p-values for discrete tests such as binom.test. ** More exact p-values, in particular for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. ** More goodness-of-fit tests (chisq.gof?, Anderson-Darling, ...). ** Add inference for proportions based on hypergeometric sampling. * Implement use() as a standard evaluation replacement for loading packages via library() and/or require(). * Enhance tools for computing on repositories (of source or binary packages). * Maybe write a unified front-end to R package management, code-named rpm(), modelled e.g. after Debian's aptitude or synaptic (command line versions). * Maybe write an Rd parser (and converter?) in R.