NB: These instructions are not well tested. Use them with care!
This info is for reference to the core developers. Use of anonymous Subversion for outsiders is not explicitly covered here, but for now and as long as the load on the server remains manageable, will be identical, with the exception that only core developers can commit changes.
We assume that Subversion is installed and basic Subversion techniques are understood; for background information, Version Control with Subversion provides an excellent reference. One of its authors has also put together The Top Ten Subversion Tips for CVS Users which is very helpful.
There are two main development branches for R. For reference, we call them r-devel, and r-patched.
After the release of R-x.y.z the two versions work towards
Version Name Branch ----------------------------------------- R-x.(y+1).0 r-devel [none] R-x.y.(z+1) r-patched R-x-y-patchesThe "Branch" column refers to the Subversion branch name. The logic is that patch releases (R-x.y.z, z!=0) are made from the branch named "R-x-y-patches", whereas normal releases (R-x.y.0) are made from the "trunk".
NB: In contrast to what we did under CVS, under Subversion we will do the following:
In what follows, I use the reference names also as directory names. All developers are encouraged to use the same names, to provide us with a common reference.
(By a development branch, I mean either the trunk or patch branch.)
I shall assume the bash shell in the following, for simplicity, and create the three development directories under $RTOP.
export REPOS=https://svn.r-project.org/R export RTOP=~/R-devel #adjust as necessary
cd $RTOP svn co $REPOS/trunk r-devel/R
The checked out directory will be called "$RTOP/r-devel/R". Change the "r-devel/R" argument to call it something else.
cd $RTOP svn co $REPOS/branches/R-2-0-patches r-patched/R
svn co $REPOS/R/tags/R-1-2-3 R
Notice that release versions are under the tags directory, not the branches directory. You should not change a released version and commit the changes back, but unlike CVS, Subversion will not prevent you from doing this. If you do it accidentally, please undo your change immediately.
svn up
If you have uncommitted changes that conflict with other updates, you will need to fix the conflicts and call svn resolved to tell Subversion that they are fixed before you'll be able to commit that file.
If you want to make completely sure that the files come from a given branch, use svn switch https://svn.r-project.org/R/branches/somebranch.
If you are on a slow connection, you can also use the switch command instead of doing a new checkout, e.g.
svn switch $REPOS/R/branches/R-2-0-patches
To switch to the trunk revision from a branch revision, use
svn switch $REPOS/R/trunk
I do not know if Subversion is capable of getting things wrong, e.g. if interrupted in the middle of an update.
or just
svn commit
in which case all changes in the current working directory will be committed, and you'll be asked for a change comment.
Notice that commits work on the trunk, branch and tag revisions, but they should never be made on the tags. Tags represent the status of the files at a given time in the past and should not be changed.
Almost all changes should be made on the r-devel trunk first. After testing and committing them there, bug fixes and some other minor changes should be ported to the r-patched branch. Make note of the revision number of your commit to the trunk. For example,
$ commit -m'Sample commit' Adding tests\added.file Sending tests\minitab.R Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 140.was revision 140. The changeset you want is -r 139:140, i.e. the changes between r139 and r140.
Change to the r-patched directory, merge your changes, check and fix any conflicts, and commit.
export REPOS=https://svn.r-project.org/R export RTOP=~/R-devel #adjust as necessary cd $RTOP/r-patched/R svn merge -r 139:140 $REPOS/trunk svn status # Look for C, indicating a conflict # fix conflicts... (remember to use svn resolved for each) svn commit -m 'ported r140 (sample changes to tests) from trunk'
export REPOS=https://svn.r-project.org/R export RTOP=~/R-devel #adjust as necessary export TAG=R-2-0-patches cd $RTOP/r-devel/R svn merge -r 139:140 $REPOS/branches/$TAG svn status # Look for C, indicating a conflict # fix conflicts... (remember to use svn resolved for each) svn commit -m 'merged r-patched changes r139:140 into the trunk'
REPOS=https://svn.r-project.org/R MAJOR=2 MINOR=1 PL=0 NEWMAJOR=2 NEWMINOR=2 TAG=R-$MAJOR-$MINOR-$PL BRANCHTAG=R-$MAJOR-$MINOR-patches REL=R-$MAJOR.$MINOR.0 OREL=R-2.0.1 echo -e "TAG=$TAG\nREL=$REL\nOREL=$OREL" ## FIXME: use RTOP=...; BASEDIR=$RTOP/r-devel and get rid of "BASEDIR/.." BASEDIR=/usr/local/src/pd/r-devel SRCDIR=$BASEDIR/R BUILDDIR=$BASEDIR/BUILD-dist DISTDIR=$HOME/public_html/R-release umask 0022 cd $BASEDIR rm -rf $SRCDIR $BUILDDIR svn checkout $REPOS/trunk $SRCDIR #-- set/check version number and release status: cd $SRCDIR tools/rsync-recommended echo $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PL > VERSION # FIXME aclocal/autoconf *still* do not work with SuSE #aclocal #autoconf # FIXME There's no suitable javac on SuSE touch doc/html/search/*.class mkdir $BUILDDIR cd $BUILDDIR $SRCDIR/configure --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix $BASEDIR/$REL make && make check-all && make install cd $SRCDIR svn update # watch out for merges! svn commit -m 'preparing for release' svn cp -m'Creating build tag' $REPOS/trunk $REPOS/tags/$TAG svn cp -m'Creating patch branch' $REPOS/tags/$TAG $REPOS/branches/$BRANCHTAG cd $BASEDIR/.. rm -rf r-patched mkdir r-patched cd r-patched svn checkout $REPOS/branches/$BRANCHTAG R cd $BUILDDIR make dist cp $REL.tar.gz $DISTDIR cd $SRCDIR cp README INSTALL NEWS ONEWS OONEWS COPYING COPYING.LIB $DISTDIR cd $DISTDIR rm *split* # Don't keep these around forever... split -b 1400k $REL.tar.gz $REL.tar.gz-split. ln -f $REL.tar.gz R-latest.tar.gz # webserver needs hard link # -- set release numbers on release and devel. versions cd $SRCDIR echo $NEWMAJOR.$NEWMINOR.0 "Under development (unstable)" > VERSION svn commit -m 'prepare for next version' VERSION cd $BASEDIR/../r-patched/R echo $MAJOR.$MINOR.0 "Patched" > VERSION svn commit -m 'prepare for next version' VERSION # Finally, update the developer homepage with new version info # Make announcement on R-announce # ------------ All done --------------
# Exec the following and check carefully: REPOS=https://svn.r-project.org/R MAJOR=2 MINOR=0 PL=1 # This works for PD on "turmalin" DISTDIR=~/public_html/R-release RPATCHED=/usr/local/src/pd/r-patched SRCDIR=$RPATCHED/R BUILDDIR=$RPATCHED/BUILD-dist OPL=$[PL-1] VERSION=$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PL OVERSION=$MAJOR.$MINOR.$OPL TAG=R-$MAJOR-$MINOR-$PL REL=R-$VERSION OREL=R-$OVERSION DIFF=R-$OVERSION-$VERSION.diff echo -e "TAG=$TAG\nREL=$REL\nDIFF=$DIFF" # go to the patched directory and clean up cd $RPATCHED rm -rf $SRCDIR $BUILDDIR svn checkout $REPOS/branches/R-$MAJOR-$MINOR-patches R cd $SRCDIR tools/rsync-recommended #-- set/check version number and release status echo $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PL > VERSION autoconf mkdir $BUILDDIR cd $BUILDDIR ($SRCDIR/configure --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix $RPATCHED/$REL ;\ make && make check-all && make install) | tee make.log cd $SRCDIR svn update # Hopefully, no changes at this point... svn commit -m "prepare for release $REL" #---- at specified time: svn update # watch out for last minute merges - make check if necessary! cd $SRCDIR svn cp -m "Tag version $REL" $REPOS/tags/$TAG cd $BUILDDIR make dist cp $REL.tar.gz $DISTDIR cd $SRCDIR cp README INSTALL RESOURCES NEWS ONEWS $DISTDIR cd $DISTDIR split -b 1400k $REL.tar.gz $REL.tar.gz-split. ln -sf $REL.tar.gz R-latest.tgz #---- Setup for patch tree cd $SRCDIR echo $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PL Patched > VERSION svn commit -m "setup for patched versions" # Finally, # Update the developer homepage with new version info # Make announcement on R-announce # ------------ All done --------------
(A) Creating the branch =================== export REPOS=https://svn.r-project.org/R mkdir r-experimental cd r-experimental svn cp -m'Create R-tk' $REPOS/trunk $REPOS/branches/R-Tk >R-Tk-updates cat R-Tk-updates # Keeps a record of revision numbers when your branch was last in sync with the trunk svn checkout $REPOS/branches/R-Tk/R R (B) Hacking on the branch ===================== Just like on the release branch: svn update #..hack, hack, hack.... svn commit -m'hacked blah' (C) Updating from r-devel (aka "main trunk") ======================================== tail -1 R-Tk-updates # Find when we did our last merge, e.g. r141 svn log -r HEAD $REPOS # Find the HEAD revision, e.g. r143 svn merge -r 141:143 $REPOS/trunk # resolve conflicts if any svn commit -m 'ported r141:143 from main' echo merged to r143 >>R-Tk-updates # Save the revision number, for the next merge (D) Merging the hack back into r-devel ================================== head R-Tk-updates # look up the revision number when we created the branch, e.g. r141 cd ~/r-devel/R svn info # find the current revision number of the repository, e.g. r143 svn merge -r 141:143 $REPOS/branches/R-Tk # resolve conflicts if any svn commit -m'merged Tk branch r141:143 into trunk' (E) All done, so clean up ================================== svn delete -m'Deleting R-Tk' $REPOS/branches/R-Tk (F) Oops, more work to do on R-Tk: resurrect it ================================== svn log -v $REPOS/branches | grep -B 2 R-Tk # look up when it was deleted (in r144) svn copy -m'Resurrecting R-Tk branch' -r 143 $REPOS/branches/R-Tk $REPOS/branches/R-Tk