Updating packages for 1.8.0 =========================== Package maintainers should be aware of the following changes scheduled to appear in 1.8.0. 1) print.coefmat (which was not a print method) has been deprecated and replaced by printCoefmat. By default NAs are not suppressed: should this be desired call printCoefmat(..., na.print=""). 2) codes() and codes<-() have been deprecated. They did not use the internal codes of an unordered factor, and in almost all cases unclass/as.vector/as.integer was intended. There is no replacment for codes<-(), but it appears to be unused on CRAN. 3) Multi-argument returns are deprecated. Use a named list, e.g. replace return(pred, se) by return(list(pred=pred, se=se)) . 4) Calling UseMethod with more than two arguments gives a warning, as R-lang has long said it did. Normally one argument suffices, and UseMethod("foo", x, ...) is incorrect usage: replace it by UseMethod("foo") unless you do not want to dispatch on the first argument of the enclosing function. 5) The distinction between as.character(NA) and "NA" introduced in 1.5.0 is now observed by sub, gsub, grep, regexpr, chartr, tolower, toupper, substr, substring, abbreviate and strsplit, but not by nchar. NA behaves as `unknown': any comparison with NA is has NA results. 6) The S3 methods format.dist() and plot.hclust() are removed from the mva namespace. 7) The QC facilities in package tools have substantially been enhanced, and hence might report problems not found previously. Analyzing \usage sections no longer misses replacement functions or S3 replacement methods, and no longer ignores variables and data sets. Code for computation on S3 methods now knows about internal S3 generics and S3 group generics. S4 classes and methods are tested where appropriate. There is some support for namespace renaming. Function checkDocFiles() (renamed from checkDocArgs()) now also determines 'over-documented' arguments which are given in the \arguments section but not in \usage. There is some code/documentation consistency checking for data sets and S4 classes. 8) Additional Rd markup is now available, including \concept for concept index entries to be used by help.search(), \preformatted, as well as commands for emphasizing and quoting text, for indicating the usage of an S4 method, and for indicating specific kinds of text. 9) .Random.seed is only looked for in the workspace, so R code in packages should use constructs like exists(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE) seed.save <- get(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE) assign(".Random.seed", seed.save, envir=.GlobalEnv) 10) The header file <R_ext/Mathlib.h> has been removed: it was replaced by <Rmath.h> in R 1.2.0.