Updating packages for 1.6.0

Package maintainers should be aware of the following changes scheduled
to appear in 1.6.0.

There is a function vcov() in base (formerly in MASS).  Please provide
methods for it (and use it to replace any similar function in your

Header Rversion.h is no longer included by R.h.  All the packages we
are aware of using it are conditionalizing pre-1.2.0 code, which
should now be removed and replaced by the line

Depends: R (>= 1.2.0)

in the DESCRIPTION file (or incorporated into existing dependencies).

duplicated() and unique() now have methods for matrices and arrays.
A few packages (e.g. PHYLOGR) called them on 1 x n matrices, and will
get a different result.  Usually the matrix was a mistake, but
as.vector() might be needed.

machine(), Machine() and Platform() are all deprecated.  Use
.Platform$OS.type to determine the platform type.

R CMD check now runs the examples in the Rd files with 'T' and 'F' set
to 'NULL':  package code should use 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' for the logicals
to safeguard against possible redefinitions of 'T' and 'F' by users.

restart() has been deprecated in preparation for a proper exception
handling mechanism.  Use try() instead of directly using restart().