#!/bin/bash -x # This script creates the final official release # The script must be called with a single argument, containing the # dot-separated major.minor.pl version string, e.g. "R-build-dist 2.10.0" # Be very careful in making changes to it, as incorrect # actions may be difficult to revert # These two lines require local customization LOCALDIR=$HOME RELDIR=$HOME/R-release/ CRANDIR=cran.r-project.org:/srv/ftp/pub/R/src/base #--- no changes should be necessary below this line REL=$* IFS=. read major minor pl << EOF $* EOF TAG=R-$major-$minor-$pl BASEDIR=$LOCALDIR/r-release-branch SRCDIR=$BASEDIR/R BUILDDIR=$BASEDIR/BUILD-dist REPOS=https://svn.r-project.org/R umask 022 # # There is a remote risk that someone updated configure in SVN in a # way that can cause a conflict # cd $SRCDIR svn up --accept theirs-full || exit 1 echo $REL > VERSION tools/rsync-recommended || exit 1 svn commit -m "Prepare for release $REL" svn up cd .. rm -rf $BUILDDIR mkdir $BUILDDIR cd $BUILDDIR # Local config. Required on OSX Snow Leopard (deleted for Monterey) # cp ../config.site . ../R/configure --enable-maintainer-mode || exit 1 make -j4 || exit 1 make dist || exit 1 # cd $SRCDIR svn cp -m "Tag version $REL" . $REPOS/tags/$TAG # cd $BUILDDIR RNOW=`echo R*.tar.gz` cp $RNOW $RELDIR/R-$major ## (This will break whe we get to NEWS.10, but...) cp doc/{FAQ,RESOURCES,COPYING*,AUTHORS,THANKS,NEWS{,.[0-9]}} $RELDIR # cp doc/html/{NEWS.html,R.css} $RELDIR # cd $SRCDIR cp README INSTALL $RELDIR # cd $RELDIR ln -sf R-$major/$RNOW R-latest.tar.gz # # Update VERSION-INFO.dcf # VERSIONINFO=$RELDIR/VERSION-INFO.dcf Rscript - << EOF x <- read.dcf("$VERSIONINFO") thisx <- c("Release","Nickname","Date") oldx <- c("Old-release", "Old-nick", "Old-date") nextx <- c("Next-release", "Next-nick", "Next-date") pl <- $pl if (pl == 0) x[, oldx] <- x[, thisx] x[, thisx] <- x[, nextx] x[, nextx] <- "" write.dcf(x, file="$VERSIONINFO") EOF # # Rsync step: Don't delete anything at destination # rsync -aOvuz --no-p $RELDIR/ $CRANDIR # # Update version info in r-release-branch: # cd $SRCDIR echo $REL "Patched" > VERSION svn commit -m "setup for patched version" svn up # cat <